Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
Bloody hell, has it taken this long for the penny to drop?

This is why it's always been so ridiculous to hear you talk about the Alternative News. Just as the Guardian and the Mail have very different views in mainstream, you can find Alternative News sites from across the spectrum too. People think that their view is more widespread than it really is because their social media is full of what they want to hear. What you're experiencing is no different, as you found when you went to Huffington.
No, that Huffington Post piece was pure propaganda. The comments must have been filtered for there not to have any dissenting voices. I'd link it here but I cleared months of internet history yesterday. Something else it had was incredible editor's notes at the end of the article just to hammer home how supposedly dangerous Trump was.

Here's an article they published yesterday which has the same editor's note at its end. Take a look then try and contend that it's anything other than ridiculous tosh. I've seen Huffington Post journalists interviewed on the BBC for their insights. Even TruBlue wouldn't describe this as objective. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/...b0aac624863e02