Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
I'm afraid england and wales are not the equal partners you imagine them to be.

I think there is a good case for a second independence referendum.
On this issue we stand with England, the people have spoken in both countries and London, Belfast and Edinburgh were on the wrong side of the result.

I do agree with you RE second referendum but instead of trying to overturn Brexit (something we voted for as the UK) she needs to pick a date and have it. But she'd rather make threats, constantly bleat about the injustice of the result and make unrealistic demands of the UK government. She is trying to overturn something that the Welsh people voted for, that is not in the best interests of the people of Wales.

They said a second referendum was in order if there was a change in circumstances, I believe Brexit is a significant enough change to warrant indyref2, let's see how big Krankies bollocks are.