Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
We live in a capitalist society where there are losers.

Where is this socialist utopia you talk of?. It never has existed. Only in the smurfs.

Labour did more to put people in poverty than the tories ever have done.

Economic mismanagement.

And the rise in food banks is as a result of cheap food and an increase in coverage.

And Labour leading us gloriously into 2008.
I'm afraid the facts don't support that statement. The Tories have imposed severe austerity and the poor and vulnerable have taken the brunt of it.

The worst part of it is they have only just realised that their one eyed approach to the economy hasnt been working, and they have been stifling it. All that additional misery and suffering caused for nothing other than dogma. Under the Tories the debt will reach 90% of gdp during a period of growth. I thought we were supposed to be fixing the roof while the sun shines?