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Thread: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

  1. #1

    Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Interesting development. I wonder how this is going to play out over the next month or so as Trump takes office. Worrying times


  2. #2
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Shitpeas View Post
    Interesting development. I wonder how this is going to play out over the next month or so as Trump takes office. Worrying times

    The Clinton / Obama administration in desperate measures and determined by whatever means (war included) to stop a trump administration and the subsequent investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the internet rumors regarding the Italian Fast Food scandal.

  3. #3

    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    The Clinton / Obama administration in desperate measures and determined by whatever means (war included) to stop a trump administration and the subsequent investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the internet rumors regarding the Italian Fast Food scandal.

  4. #4
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post

    It's not Spag Bog

  5. #5

    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Shitpeas View Post
    Interesting development. I wonder how this is going to play out over the next month or so as Trump takes office. Worrying times

    £56 one-way is a bargain

  6. #6

    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    £56 one-way is a bargain
    Oh bollocks, only just realised


  7. #7
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    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Clever politics to damage the relationship furthermore, leaving the Trump in an awkward position if he is seen to reverse the decision he gets the "Putin Puppet" claim.

    Increasingly Republicans have backed this action as well.

    Looking at the picture Obama looks like he wants to headbut short arse Putin.

  8. #8
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Clever politics to damage the relationship furthermore, leaving the Trump in an awkward position if he is seen to reverse the decision he gets the "Putin Puppet" claim.

    Increasingly Republicans have backed this action as well.

    Looking at the picture Obama looks like he wants to headbut short arse Putin.
    Announced just after Putin had declared a ceasefire in Syria with the US and UN nowhere to be seen and excluded from the talks, Dangerous times ahead in the last remaining weeks of the Clinton/Obama crime administration without impunity.

  9. #9

    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Putin playing the waiting game and no tit for tat expulsions, his mate is in power soon

  10. #10

    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by Packerman View Post
    Putin playing the waiting game and no tit for tat expulsions, his mate is in power soon
    Is it his mate, or has Putin just got an extraordinary amount of shit about Trump waiting to be released if he puts a foot wrong? Seems odd that Trump criticises just about every country except the Russians, who he goes out of his way to defend.

  11. #11

    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    It's a smokescreen for Obama to pardon all his Crooked mates

  12. #12
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It's a smokescreen for Obama to pardon all his Crooked mates
    I can promise you – if it looks like the Russians did it, then I can guarantee you it was not the Russians
    John McAfee

  13. #13
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Exactly - O'Bama obviously trying to stir it up before Trump Administration takes over. And O'Bama has failed.

    1. Why not produce the evidence ? -
    2. The only hack evidence would be the IP address - and these are so easilly spoofed it would never be considered credible evidence.
    3 Geo location and as said IP address are very easilly spoofed. The same goes for planting fake evidence - even the passport of the terrorist pilot at 9/11 site is more credible than this total bollox.

    Putin has just responded by not expelling any US diplomats and instead invited them and their children to NYE celebration party.

    O'Bama couldnt have fecked it more if he wanted to. He's just still p1ssed that a hack of the democrats server proved they were campaigned against Saunders to make sure Clinton won it. The democrats got found out and are now trying to use deflection as way to move the story elsewhere.
    I think that the world is in its most dangerous state since the Cuban missile crises and its far more sinister than the hacking of the DNC. I'm no Ruskie lover , and Putin is annoying with his I have the evidence for this and that quotes, 9/11 as an inside job being one of them, however, Putin is way ahead in the leader stakes, his non response to the current POTUS is simple but so effective, can Obama handle being mugged off again by his nemesis, Democrats are suffering only, because of their own interference, I have little doubt Sanders would have walked it.

  14. #14

    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Exactly - O'Bama obviously trying to stir it up before Trump Administration takes over. And O'Bama has failed.

    1. Why not produce the evidence ? -
    2. The only hack evidence would be the IP address - and these are so easilly spoofed it would never be considered credible evidence.
    3 Geo location and as said IP address are very easilly spoofed. The same goes for planting fake evidence - even the passport of the terrorist pilot at 9/11 site is more credible than this total bollox.

    Putin has just responded by not expelling any US diplomats and instead invited them and their children to NYE celebration party.

    O'Bama couldnt have fecked it more if he wanted to. He's just still p1ssed that a hack of the democrats server proved they were campaigned against Saunders to make sure Clinton won it. The democrats got found out and are now trying to use deflection as way to move the story elsewhere.
    Was it a hack or a leak?

  15. #15
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    What is the right way :-

    A President that wants to talk to opposite numbers / enemies
    A President that wants to not talk to them and push their boundaries a little
    Great point, but Lardy simply stated the obvious - i.e. 'Trump' appears to be happy to shake a stick at, or offend plenty of other nations, but not Russia.
    'Trump' is apparently not averse to making enemies nor being particularly tactful, other than with Russia.
    The question is why.

  16. #16
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. View Post
    Great point, but Lardy simply stated the obvious - i.e. 'Trump' appears to be happy to shake a stick at, or offend plenty of other nations, but not Russia.
    'Trump' is apparently not averse to making enemies nor being particularly tactful, other than with Russia.
    The question is why.

    Perhaps he's just copying Bush

  17. #17

    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. View Post
    Great point, but Lardy simply stated the obvious - i.e. 'Trump' appears to be happy to shake a stick at, or offend plenty of other nations, but not Russia.
    'Trump' is apparently not averse to making enemies nor being particularly tactful, other than with Russia.
    The question is why.
    I'm glad somebody grasped it.

    And he's done it again, this time saying Putin is very smart for not retaliating over the diplomat row. There was once a time when siding with America's biggest enemy (as the Republican Senate majority leader put it yesterday, "The Russians are not our friends") would be seen as unpatriotic. So why is Trump doing it?

    Could it be that the self-confessed deal maker made a huge deal with Putin? Did Putin offer to help him get an unlikely victory in return for...something?

    Also interesting to guess what Trump does when he's in charge. Does he reinstate the Russian diplomats, knowing that other Republicans back the move to expel them (in fact, they are arguing it should have been done earlier)? Or does he maintain the explusion and risk upsetting Putin?

  18. #18
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post

    Also interesting to guess what Trump does when he's in charge.
    '.. Tune in to next weeks exciting episode! .. ' as they used to say on US fictional shows .. ;)

    I think of Trump (the man) as 'Trump' (the '?') as rather unsure what he represents or who. I'm sure that has been true of most PoTUS since at least Reagan, possibly since Nixon/Watergate, maybe much longer again, but this figurehead seems very different to anything that has gone before.

  19. #19

    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    I'm no strategist, more of an observer, but doesn't it make sense for Trump to go after the Clinton's, Obama, Biden & Podesta if there is any dirt to stick on them. The benefit of this would be the shutting up of the half of the population that George Soros funding in order to agitate the other half. Of course there is the unwritten rule in politics that everybody gets a free pass no matter they do.

  20. #20
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    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. View Post
    Great point, but Lardy simply stated the obvious - i.e. 'Trump' appears to be happy to shake a stick at, or offend plenty of other nations, but not Russia.
    'Trump' is apparently not averse to making enemies nor being particularly tactful, other than with Russia.
    The question is why.
    Blair to Bush , now trump to Putin, its not a bad match , allegedly both egotistic, don't care for minorities, treat women as second class citizens,don't care for gay rights, like walls and wire fences , like weapons ,restrict movement of people,happy to jump in without hesitation,marriage in heaven ,until they fall out .

  21. #21

    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Exactly - O'Bama obviously trying to stir it up before Trump Administration takes over. And O'Bama has failed.

    1. Why not produce the evidence ? -
    2. The only hack evidence would be the IP address - and these are so easilly spoofed it would never be considered credible evidence.
    3 Geo location and as said IP address are very easilly spoofed. The same goes for planting fake evidence - even the passport of the terrorist pilot at 9/11 site is more credible than this total bollox.

    Putin has just responded by not expelling any US diplomats and instead invited them and their children to NYE celebration party.

    O'Bama couldnt have fecked it more if he wanted to. He's just still p1ssed that a hack of the democrats server proved they were campaigned against Saunders to make sure Clinton won it. The democrats got found out and are now trying to use deflection as way to move the story elsewhere.
    It's a bit naive to expect such evidence to be made public.

  22. #22

    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    It's a bit naive to expect such evidence to be made public.
    Why? They made the evidence that showed the existence of weapons of mass destruction public So now you say they are not going to back up their story about Russian hacking?

  23. #23

    Re: Russian diplomats expelled from U.S

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