Quote Originally Posted by Croesy Blue View Post
Bollocks, we aren't giving up any security.

Why the aggression? Do you often get aggressive with anyone who has a different opinion to you?

Anyone who thinks we are is just buying into the fear mongoring narrative.

You use an absolute generalisation when stating 'anyone'. You do not know what the majority think exactly or why they think that way.
In fairness, could the same be said about you that you are buying into the opposite narrative.

If there are terrorist who are going to be successful they'll have to be better prepared than using a normal ISP that can be easily traced.

Normal ISP's are the tip of the iceberg. Britain needs to protect itself from those who wish to do us harm.
There are significant numbers who are in that category, along with even greater numbers who will offer them support, security, cover, protection and safety. I want my country to do what is required to protect us from those people.
We all have opinions.

Mine is that I trust my country to protect us, more than relying on the goodwill of those who hate us and wish to do us harm.

What other opinions are there on the protection of our country?