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Thread: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

  1. #1

    Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?


    This topic has been brought up a few times on here in the middle of other threads.

    Excuse or reality?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

    No they haven't like any other human, they worked hard ,saved ,enjoyed some good financial times, if you want to use the words stolen look no further to the financial world and its unregulated industry , who set up most of this mess we now see , and then disappeared from sight .

    No one is considering either the positive impact they have made to the exchequer now, and then .

    Its typical of society when things are tougher , lets look to blame someone ,not the reason , just pick out baby boomers , immigrants , its easy , etc etc

  3. #3

    Re: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

    Baby boomers have also experienced negative equity (in my case, twice), endowment policies that have turned out to be akin to pouring money down the drain (and falling short in respect of paying off a mortgage), lost their jobs in several recessions and, in the main, didn't have the opportunity to go to university. Oh, and didn't usually inherit money or property from their deceased parents. We did learn how to use past participles though.
    Last edited by Taunton Blue Genie; 12-01-17 at 21:18.

  4. #4

    Re: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Baby boomers have also experienced negative equity (in my case, twice), endowment policies that have turned out to be akin to pouring money down the drain (and falling short in respect of paying off a mortgage), lost their jobs in several recessions and, in the main, didn't have the opportunity to go to university. Oh, and didn't usually inherit money or property from their deceased parents. We did learn how to use past participles though.
    I am going to use the trusty old 'posted the thread from my phone so blame the phone and not me' excuse.

  5. #5

    Re: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

    I thought this was quite surprising -

    Prof Sir John Hills of the London School of Economics found that baby boomers were, on average, net beneficiaries of the welfare state - they will get more in benefits than they have paid in tax.

  6. #6

    Re: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

    There's no denying oldies have done very well this century thanks to property price inflation and State Pension safeguards since 2008, though have lost out to artificially low interest rates on cash savings. This young v. old thing is a blind though to deflect from where the real blame lies - the filthy, greedy bankers and their equally criminal political chums.

  7. #7

    Re: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    There's no denying oldies have done very well this century thanks to property price inflation and State Pension safeguards since 2008, though have lost out to artificially low interest rates on cash savings. This young v. old thing is a blind though to deflect from where the real blame lies - the filthy, greedy bankers and their equally criminal political chums.
    I think it is related to the lack of respect we hear so much about form the "youths" of today.

    Probably because my fathers parents were coming out of the back end of one of the wars. The wise elders always did what was correct and they knew what was the right thing to do. Caning kids for not listening to older people

    The age of social media has seen the youngsters see older people being actually exposed for their crimes, poor actions or benefits they've had from their era's.

    It has divided us further when it is all circumstance. I've been on more holidays than some older generations ever will already. And I wouldn't be able to a price on that sort of thing.
    Last edited by LordKenwyne; 13-01-17 at 09:31.

  8. #8

    Re: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    Baby boomers have also experienced negative equity (in my case, twice), endowment policies that have turned out to be akin to pouring money down the drain (and falling short in respect of paying off a mortgage), lost their jobs in several recessions and, in the main, didn't have the opportunity to go to university. Oh, and didn't usually inherit money or property from their deceased parents. We did learn how to use past participles though.
    I am apparently a millennial, though near the oldest end of the age-range its been given.

    You had the chance to get a mortgage. Consider yourself lucky. I am the only person I know that could put together enough to get a deposit to get a mortgage, everyone else i know (in the dozens) had to get help from parents. You are lucky to get the chance for negative equity, especially as I have had negative equity myself.

    You didnt get a university education, well it doesnt matter if you do or dont these days, you still end up in a shit paid job. So consider yourself lucky you are not £15-40k in debt for that privilege. More of my mates without a degree are earning more than £30k, most with a degree are in the low to mid £20k.

    You lost your job? Consider yourself lucky you could get one. For 10 years the young have struggled to find a decent job. The baby boomers are retiring later so less decent jobs going as they are staying put (I know, thats not a good thing for your generation either).

    And its the baby boomers who are getting the inheritance at the moment, not the millennials. The lucky few have had their baby boomer parents pass on a few quid for a deposit, but many dont.

    Most of that is in jest. The baby boomer generation had it tough when they were our age too (interest rates was a killer for many). The difference is then your parents were struggling too, now the baby boomers are laughing with their mortgages nearly paid off, or only £10k left to pay. They are sitting on a nice inheritance from their parents, or about to get it.

    The millennials have not had it much tougher, in some ways yes, in others not. However the baby boomers are now sitting pretty, better than any generation before them, and likely any to come. You are having it the best anyone will ever see in the world as it is.
    I think that is where this is coming from.

    But yes, many are too quick to point the finger at others, rather than doing something about it themselves.

    In my family almost all my cousins are doing better than their parents. But this is how we were brought up.
    Last edited by Barry Dragon; 13-01-17 at 10:36.

  9. #9

    Re: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

    I've been saying it for years now that, although I envy the young adults in my family their youth, I would, on balance, not want to be having my working life in front of me today - I think I had the better deal by being someone who started working in 1974. I cocked up my A levels, so had no chance of getting to University - not that I would have gone anyway. However, if I had thought differently, then I could have gone on to further education knowing that I wouldn't have to worry about the loan I had to pay off because I wanted to get the best education I could - my honeymoon with the Blair Government ended as soon as they confirmed they would be bringing in student loans and it was a big step along a path which turned me from an ardent Labour man into an occasional voter for "the People's Party".

    More and more it seems to me that I was so lucky to be born when I was, too late to experience the ravages and after effects of war and too early to be in the generations that are going to have to pay the price for people in power of my age being more intent on enjoying the good times, rather than planning ahead for what the consequences of better health care and longer life would be in terms of pensions for today's youngsters.

    That said, I don't feel to blame in any way for what the world looks like today for those who are thirty, forty and fifty years younger than me on a personal basis - they have my sympathy, but they are looking in the wrong place if they feel the "ordinary" baby boomer is responsible for the mess the world is in today.

  10. #10

    Re: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    That said, I don't feel to blame in any way for what the world looks like today for those who are thirty, forty and fifty years younger than me on a personal basis - they have my sympathy, but they are looking in the wrong place if they feel the "ordinary" baby boomer is responsible for the mess the world is in today.

    I dont think they are. They are saying that generation have lived off the back of future generations by spending taxes that wont be collected for 20 years so sit as debt. They live in their homes worth 10x the average wage. They get several holidays a year. And soon they will want us to pay for their care.

    Spent our taxes before we were born. Keeping all the money whilst we are alive. Spending all their inheritance on themselves. And expect our money to care for them in the final years of their lives. Thats stealing the family silver. Taken the previous generations money and the post generations money to live your lives.

  11. #11

    Re: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    I dont think they are. They are saying that generation have lived off the back of future generations by spending taxes that wont be collected for 20 years so sit as debt. They live in their homes worth 10x the average wage. They get several holidays a year. And soon they will want us to pay for their care.

    Spent our taxes before we were born. Keeping all the money whilst we are alive. Spending all their inheritance on themselves. And expect our money to care for them in the final years of their lives. Thats stealing the family silver. Taken the previous generations money and the post generations money to live your lives.
    wow, angry young man, going through tho whole care issue atm and don't expect anyone to pay for my partners care, whats the max, about £23000 hardly stealing **** all

  12. #12

    Re: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

    In the late seventies I 'earned' more on the German dole than I did in wages when I returned to Blighty. (As there was a deep recession on the go in the UK I took any menial job that was on offer).

  13. #13

    Re: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    I dont think they are. They are saying that generation have lived off the back of future generations by spending taxes that wont be collected for 20 years so sit as debt. They live in their homes worth 10x the average wage. They get several holidays a year. And soon they will want us to pay for their care.

    Spent our taxes before we were born. Keeping all the money whilst we are alive. Spending all their inheritance on themselves. And expect our money to care for them in the final years of their lives. Thats stealing the family silver. Taken the previous generations money and the post generations money to live your lives.
    It's also nothing like the life I live.

  14. #14

    Re: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

    Quote Originally Posted by Packerman View Post
    wow, angry young man, going through tho whole care issue atm and don't expect anyone to pay for my partners care, whats the max, about £23000 hardly stealing **** all
    Care is a weird one to criticise as it is inevitable we'll all need it.

    I have a limited knowledge of pensions but I don't understand how people can complain that old people have had it bad. As when I get old I imagine there will be no such thing as a state pension for people in the private sector.

    The pension system is by far the biggest liability to the UK's budget isn't it?.

    So we've seen decades of overbloating the system, for them to realise it is no longer feasible. So they have forced private firms to create schemes where they match their employees contribution.

    Punish the young, as per.

  15. #15

    Re: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    It's also nothing like the life I live.
    I doubt its like anyone's life. It was an observation of things I have seen people saying. Trying to explain the feeling behind the OPs article.

  16. #16

    Re: Have the baby boomers stole the family silver?

    I'd say yes there is some truth in this.

    For a long time the baby boomers were a driving force behind the nation. But now as they're ageing they are becoming a bigger and bigger drain on resources.
    Unfortunately as well for several reasons nobody paid enough tax throughout their working lives to past for this generation in retirement.
    Things like Medical costs are massively more than anyone could have predicted, so it is hardly surprising that as a nation we didn't tax enough at the time.

    The problem now is this generation are seemingly immune to picking up any of the cost of this shortfall, which is instead being wrung out of the poor and young workers.
    Even things like inheritance tax which could very usefully be taxed without really anyone feeling much pain seems to be more likely to be cut than increased

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