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Thread: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

  1. #1

    Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    Just a place to discuss theories on what you think may happen if a major war was declared?

    My own thoughts are that Russia and America will be quite pally for the next four years, and America will sit back whilst Putin expands his empire across the Baltic states.

    This will result in Britain, Germany, France and Italy getting together to try to stem the tide.

    Russia will advance as far as Poland, and will stop, they may even attempt to get into Germany. The prospect of a nuclear war will deter them from advancing further than that though.

    In the meantime, the Americans and Chinese will clash in the South China Sea. The Russians will turn a blind eye to that, considering that they are carving up Europe in the meantime. Japan will take America's side, as will South Korea. The North will attempt to nuke Seoul, resulting in the Americans nuking Pyongyang. China will distance itself from North Korea's actions. In the meantime, China will expand into The Philippines using Manila as a base alongside it's newly made islands, in exchange for providing infrastructure and support to the Filipino Government. In the meantime, that Government will continue with its "war on drugs" that some will interpret as a war on the poor. If North Korea nukes Japan, or China, then the Americans will respond by nuking Manila to try to get a foothold in the South China Sea. Whether or not this escalates will depend on China's response. In the meantime, ISIS will form a caliphate in the Southern Philippines, something that will result in Malaysia/Singapore/Indonesia sending troops to the island of Mindanao

    The Americans and Russians will have an uneasy friendship in fighting in Syria and Iraq, ISIS may get pegged back, or may decide to form a caliphate somewhere else (see above).

    With all gloves off, India and Pakistan will go to war.

    In the meantime, all internet connections are down. The UK government will set up an "intranet" that will provide the news and views that they want us to see. However, the loss of the internet will cost the UK economy billions. Further, the loss of the internet will have a bigger effect on the UK population than the blitz.

    There will be space wars too, as each side blows up satellites, and other satellites are taken down by the debris. Communication will cease to exist as we know it.

    Sporting fixtures will be cancelled, the Royal Family will be carted off somewhere for their safety. General Elections will be suspended, and there may be a form of martial law in the UK. The US will still hold elections, and Trump's re-election will depend on his success in the war with China. If the US are struggling, Trump may not even last 4 years, and his replacement may be opposed to Russian expansionism into Europe. In which case, there will be a full scale nuclear war, and it'll be time to say goodbye and head off to a remote Scottish island for the nuclear winter.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    Or midday at Ashton Gate.

  3. #3

    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    You have an overactive imagination. If there is a World War involving Russia and America we will all be destroyed by nuclear weapons. All the other stuff in your scenario is redundant. Your war mongering talk about Putin expanding "his empire" is dangerous and foolish. He is not the Zsar. He is a democratic politician.

    They used to tell us the Russians were going to attack us with nuclear weapons because they were communists. I don't know what the reason is now. Ditto the Chinese. But now they want those same Chinese communist to build our nuclear power stations. They said we had to stop Vietnam going communist otherwise God knows what would happen. They told us that we should support Pol Pot's attempts to overturn the Vietnamese liberation of Cambodia. But now we are going to communist Vietnam for our holidays.

    All these attempts to encourage war and discord between nations are organised by crooked politicians in an attempt to line their own pockets. Look at how much Blair has made out of the Iraq war.

  4. #4

    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    You have an overactive imagination. If there is a World War involving Russia and America we will all be destroyed by nuclear weapons.
    I'm pretty certain I said something along those lines, although I think that it is equally presumptive to assume that a war involving America and Russia will just descend into a Nuclear Holocaust. The fact is, if Russia and America went to war, it would take place outside Russia and America. So it could be some other country that took the brunt of nuclear bombs, if any.

    Maybe my imagination is overactive, maybe you have misinterpreted my post as saying that WW3 will happen. It may do, it may not do, how do I know? In the same way, how do I know how it would unravel? I'm just joining the dots of various points of tension around the world, and making some hypotheses that I am not expecting to even be 1% correct.

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    All the other stuff in your scenario is redundant. Your war mongering talk about Putin expanding "his empire" is dangerous and foolish. He is not the Zsar. He is a democratic politician.
    Firstly, how can a post about potential WW3 scenarios be
    a) war-mongering
    b) dangerous?

    Do you think this post is going to ignite the blue touch paper?

    Secondly, Putin has expanded. He has expanded in the Crimea. Thirdly, Adolf Hitler was a democratically elected politician. As were Tony Blair and George W Bush. Do you think a democratically elected politician is incapable of being an expansionist?

    I don't think a lot of my scenario is redundant, because I think that the Americans will withdraw from NATO, and will focus on a conflict with China that will not descend into Nuclear War (apart from the North Korean possibility).

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    They used to tell us the Russians were going to attack us with nuclear weapons because they were communists. I don't know what the reason is now. Ditto the Chinese. But now they want those same Chinese communist to build our nuclear power stations. They said we had to stop Vietnam going communist otherwise God knows what would happen. They told us that we should support Pol Pot's attempts to overturn the Vietnamese liberation of Cambodia. But now we are going to communist Vietnam for our holidays.
    Not sure that one exception proves any rule.


    Shows that the Russians are quite busy on building up a nuclear arsenal. It has nothing to do with them being Communist or otherwise. You could equally argue that the Americans are the aggressors as their main aim is to "protect the American way of life".

    World War 2 pulled the Americans out of a depression. It is more likely that a war will be triggered by a global financial melt-down than any of the things I've said.

  5. #5

    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    Hillary lost, WW3 has been cancelled

  6. #6

    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    I find myself agreeing with David Vincent here.

  7. #7

    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    Wales bales and splott dai actually do more than read terrible websites and piss off Bhutan causing the world to collapse.
    Last edited by Barry Dragon; 14-01-17 at 09:35.

  8. #8

    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Dragon View Post
    Wales bales and splott dai actually do more than read terrible websites and piss off Bhutan causing the world to collapse.
    I only watch CNN and I know for sure that it was the Russians what did it

  9. #9

    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    General Albert "Don't tell 'em" Pike, once wrote.

    “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”

  10. #10

    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    I have no idea, as some have said it always overblown by the media.

    Fearful little civilians.

    You can question who will be involved on both sides of a major conflict. What you cannot question is America will be involved

    The talk of Iran and nuclear weapons is beyond boring now.

    You can't blame Brits for thinking America can do what they want as they're on "our" side. But that whole special relationship is such a gimmick for the masses to fall for.

    We've been through the iraq war and people still think America are the goodies. Talking to a brick wall and some will never be changed on it.

  11. #11

    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    I have no idea, as some have said it always overblown by the media.

    Fearful little civilians.

    You can question who will be involved on both sides of a major conflict. What you cannot question is America will be involved

    The talk of Iran and nuclear weapons is beyond boring now.

    You can't blame Brits for thinking America can do what they want as they're on "our" side. But that whole special relationship is such a gimmick for the masses to fall for.

    We've been through the iraq war and people still think America are the goodies. Talking to a brick wall and some will never be changed on it.
    The UK has been manipulated by the US since the early 20th Century. I think the OP is right in that Russia and America will come to some agreement that allows America to deal with the issues in the South China Sea and Russia could reclaim "lost" territory in Europe.

  12. #12

    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    What a shyte thread.

  13. #13

    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    In this era of electronic communications which affects every aspect of modern life (banking, shopping, telephones, Internet, electricity supply, food deliveries to supermarkets, military communications etc.) there is no need for nuclear weapons. These systems will be knocked out by someone sitting in front of a computer somewhere in the world and will result in total anarchy within days. Isn't it reckoned that we (in the UK) are only 6 meals away from total social breakdown? The people who will survive will be those who live in what we would regard as primitive conditions e.g. those who live in third world countries, grow their own food, keep their own animals, don't need/rely on modern communications.

  14. #14

    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    There are a bunch of religious fanatics who think that the book of revelations says that turkey and Russia will attack Israel, and Israel will destroy them and bring about the second coming of Christ or something like that.

    I reckon the world will continue to be a tinderbox, until some nutter will attempt to start this scenario off and the whole place will kick off

  15. #15
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    In this era of electronic communications which affects every aspect of modern life (banking, shopping, telephones, Internet, electricity supply, food deliveries to supermarkets, military communications etc.) there is no need for nuclear weapons. These systems will be knocked out by someone sitting in front of a computer somewhere in the world and will result in total anarchy within days. Isn't it reckoned that we (in the UK) are only 6 meals away from total social breakdown? The people who will survive will be those who live in what we would regard as primitive conditions e.g. those who live in third world countries, grow their own food, keep their own animals, don't need/rely on modern communications.
    Griffin predicts the same sort of thing in one of his vids from 1969, it's something I think about quite a lot, especially as he's been right about many other things.

  16. #16

    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Griffin predicts the same sort of thing in one of his vids from 1969, it's something I think about quite a lot, especially as he's been right about many other things.

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    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    Quote Originally Posted by Packerman View Post
    If you wont watch it don't knock it.

  18. #18

    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    If you wont watch it don't knock it.
    1969 he's only had 47 years to be right

  19. #19
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Outbreak of WW3, what scenarios can you think of?

    Quote Originally Posted by Packerman View Post
    1969 he's only had 47 years to be right
    We did even have all this technology when he said it, think about it.

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