Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
Yep very thin skinned.

He hasn't been a politician. I don't think he has many policies really and is being fed them.

As with most politicians he is just a spokesman for the real decision makers. This is more so the case as he hasn't a clue.

He won't last long if he does actually bring in the outlandish policies the media thinks he'll introduce.

Things like the wall bordering mexico will help both the mexicans and americans. Yet it is talked about as if it is the wall in the west bank or the berlin wall. It is already fenced and walled for a large part of the border anyway.
I still can't understand why nobody is challenging him on this. Yes, large parts of the border already have a robust barrier and is patrolled by quick response US border patrols. Where there is no barrier, would be immigrants have to cross a desert and dodge people traffickers. Several hundred of them die each year.

You can see what's going to happen next. People will just get vacation visas and just not go back, no doubt handing over their life savings to traffickers who will provide fake ID's/permits