If only Trump was focusing on jobs and trade! "America first" can sound like a great soundbite for any politician from that country, but when this President uses the term, it has all sorts of negative connotations for trading partners. other races, other religions and certain cities within that country.

It really should come as no surprise that the new leader of the USA, should make it clear America comes first - do you think the Chinese, Russians or anyone else is going to be shocked by that. What do you want him to say - let's continue to be the world's doormat, by allowing all and sundry into the country and by allowing fellow NATO members pay a disproportionately low amount for decades.

I have made my feelings about the man clear on here for months now, but looking at it from as neutral a position as I can manage, one thing Trump is not, and will never be, is some sort of great unifier or reconciler.

Bob, that is impossible for you to do. You cannot be neutral in any way about Trump as you are very, very heavily biased against him