Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
I don't think I agree with this whole idea that it is planned from Muslims. That they are trying to change the course of history of birthing more Muslims George Soros!.

Atheism and Secularism is rapidly rising the more enlightened we become.

Islam and Christianity will not exist forever. I see that as a FACT.

As they replaced the ancient religions something else will take the place of these.

More than likely a war will occur where people generally become totally sick of the Abrahamic religions and the heartache they bring.

+ We are all human beings really aren't we. No one is pedigree, we are all a mishmash of different ethnicities. I don't really care what the make up of different continents is in a thousand years time. Migration is a fact of life and the world we currently live in looks the way it does because of it. People talk as if white, civilised & Christian Europeans have lived where they have since the dawn of man
So why can't we move freely into other countries? It seems to be all one-way traffic into Europe at the moment.