Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
UK Muslim population in 1991 was 950,000 (1.9% of the total population). Last year, exactly one generation later, the total stood at 3,115.000 (5.4% of the total population) with half of those born overseas. Should that trend continue no-one needs a PhD in maths to calculate that within the next 50-75 years Muslims would have bonked their way to becoming the majority. But what does it matter when there's Facebook profiles to update, selfies to take and celebrity deaths to mourn.
You are right, you don't need a PhD in maths to wildly extrapolate in order to scare people.

Birth rates have fallen massively in recent times in many Muslim majority countries and amongst Muslims who live in the West. The fall is seen even more dramatically amongst Muslims who live in large cities and suburban areas. Only 6 states in the USA have a lower birth rate than Istanbul.