Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
The best way to find out how Muslim populations grow is to look at Muslim countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh. In 1950 the population of Pakistan was 38 million compared to 50 million in the UK. In 2011 the population of Pakistan was 174 million. It has increased nearly 5 times within the lifetime of many of us on here. In 1971 the population of Bangladesh was 68 million and now it is 161 million. Muslims like lots of kids. They are not too bothered about a bit of overcrowding during their short stay on earth because they think they will be going to a place in the sky with limitless resources. Look at Egypt. The population was 19 million in 1947 and it was 84 million in 2013.

When it comes to an accurate prediction of Muslim population growth all bets are off. What we know for certain is that their populations will be growing at a much greater rate than other groups and eventually they will be in the majority. Look at this 2010 paper from the University of Leeds which attempts to predict the ethnic balance of the UK in 2050. They have stuffed every formula and population variable you can imagine into their models and yet in their UPTAP-ER model they predict that there will be just under 2.5 million people of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origin in the UK in 2050! There are almost certainly more than that here already. If these academics can get it so wrong why should we take someone like Lardarse seriously?

Interesting theory by the way. How does it explain India's population growth?