Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. View Post
I haven't witnessed it first hand, yet but it is reported that Trump has been holding forth in a pre-recorded interview on his friend Fox News containing a fair few blame and insinuations - apparently unchallenged, unillustrated and possiby unfounded.

If that is the case, and other MSM's are increasingly branded 'Fake' and depicted as 'untrustworthy', where is the potential for an all-out disinformation program going to be checked? And by whom?

I understand that things were likely dangerous and wrong before, and that the existing political system and media needed a bloody nose, but not with its hands tied behind its back, while we watch, agog?
Looks like Obama foresaw what was going to happen. In his final press conference he said:

“You’re not supposed to be sycophants; you’re supposed to be skeptics. You’re supposed to ask me tough questions. You’re not supposed to be complimentary, but you’re supposed to cast a critical eye on folks who hold enormous power...

...essential to that is a free press. That is part of how this place, this country, this grand experiment in self-government has to work. It doesn’t work if we don’t have a well-informed citizenry and you are the conduit through which they receive the information about what’s taking place in the halls of power. So, America needs you, and our democracy needs you.”