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Thread: Thought provoking article.

  1. #1

    Thought provoking article.

    "For those who still see the rainbow arcing over the town while everyone else is buried in their phones, life in the real world can feel lonely."


  2. #2
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Thought provoking article.

    I think he is right that a retreat into a virtual reality world has only just begun. The pace of change though is alarming.

    What often surprises me is that so many hikikomori  are not teenage nerds but older adults who got most of their life experiences before the internet age gave them an alternative world to inhabit and share.

  3. #3
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Troubling article - particularly as there is no indication that things will ever veer from the path already taken.

    I'm, going to say it - I genuinely worry about 'the future'.
    Maybe for a number of reasons - but -

    While it is, and ever was, always the case that we must hand over the reins to the following generations - these times are their times now - it seems ever more certain, simply, and evidently based on what is already happening, that there will be way less real-world humanity and far less compassion between humans.
    Heaven help the 'bothersome' and 'needy' elderly who might take up time, effort and money in 20 - 30 years time.

    I'm sure every generation has muttered it before, or similar, when they get to 'middle age' but has there ever been the degree of fundamental change that there has over the last 20 years?
    Society has surely not been so clearly uninterested in the concept of being humane, so nakedly uncaring and often outright unpleasant for quite some time in our social history. But this is already now accepted as absolutely normal by so many.
    Bravo Brave New World.
    So I guess it is my time to mutter it, but I genuinely believe that society really is f***ed this time, probably beyond salvation.

    For all it's otherwise positive aspects, Social Media has evidently become the most gruesome jack-in-the-box.
    I also suspect that situations are being orchestrated - but that is another discussion altogether.

    Apols, I externalised a bit there! I am genuinely, and increasingly bothered/worried by 'it all'.
    Last edited by Vimana.; 01-03-17 at 09:07.

  4. #4

    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. View Post
    Troubling article - particularly as there is no indication that things will ever veer from the path already taken.

    I'm, going to say it - I genuinely worry about 'the future'.
    Maybe for a number of reasons - but -

    While it is, and ever was, always the case that we must hand over the reins to the following generations - these times are their times now - it seems ever more certain, simply, and evidently based on what is already happening, that there will be way less real-world humanity and far less compassion between humans.
    Heaven help the 'bothersome' and 'needy' elderly who might take up time, effort and money in 20 - 30 years time.

    I'm sure every generation has muttered it before, or similar, when they get to 'middle age' but has there ever been the degree of fundamental change that there has over the last 20 years?
    Society has surely not been so clearly uninterested in the concept of being humane, so nakedly uncaring and often outright unpleasant for quite some time in our social history. But this is already now accepted as absolutely normal by so many.
    Bravo Brave New World.
    So I guess it is my time to mutter it, but I genuinely believe that society really is f***ed this time, probably beyond salvation.

    For all it's otherwise positive aspects, Social Media has evidently become the most gruesome jack-in-the-box.
    I also suspect that situations are being orchestrated - but that is another discussion altogether.

    Apols, I externalised a bit there! I am genuinely, and increasingly bothered/worried by 'it all'.
    I would say we are definitely closer to dystopia than we are to utopia.

  5. #5

    Re: Thought provoking article.

    People say kids have it better now but I don't think it is true.

    Give me the simpler times of the social Colosseum we see today. Being spoon fed brain dead television from birth, they'll have the attention span of a gold fish by 15.

  6. #6

    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    People say kids have it better now but I don't think it is true.

    Give me the simpler times of the social Colosseum we see today. Being spoon fed brain dead television from birth, they'll have the attention span of a gold fish by 15.

  7. #7

    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    People say kids have it better now but I don't think it is true.

    Give me the simpler times of the social Colosseum we see today. Being spoon fed brain dead television from birth, they'll have the attention span of a gold fish by 15.
    I haven't watched TV for ages. The internet may be the next thing that needs ditching

  8. #8
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    This is something your grand dad said to his wife, and something your Dad said to your mum and now you are repeating it.

    Do you find your self saying to your kids that the music they listen to isnt 'real music' - I do.

    People get influenced by multiple sources, the music hall, the pub, gossiping on the high street, reading the papers, listening to their parents, watching TV and now social media.

    You can find fault and issues with every story - as stories as rarely pure 100% fact - they are other peoples interpreatations of a story. I have mates on facebook - who openly believe what they have just seen on a facebook 'Like' is true - then someone points out it is in fact a twisted tale to suit someone else agenda.

    No different to the Daily Sport finding Hitler on the moon - most people grow up to form their own opinions. based on common sense and their own logic.

    Sometimes at night the darkness and silence weighs on me
    Peace frightens me. Perhaps I fear it most of all
    I feel it's only a facade, hiding the face of hell
    I think of what's in store for my children tomorrow;
    "The world will be wonderful," they say;
    But from whose viewpoint?
    We need to live in a state of suspended animation
    Like a work of art; in a state of enchantment
    Detached, detached

    Could have been said yesterday - in fact it was said a long long time ago
    I genuinely appreciate that and totally agree.

    But my concerned feeling is that over the last generation or so, there has a been a truly monumental shift in the way we relate to each other. Like no other in modern times. And that is why it may well be different this time.

    On many immediate levels the technological and communication capabilities we now have are clearly amazing.
    But - as the article in Bob's post seeks to illustrate - more and more people are exponentially becoming less caring and less human also.

    You suggest that we may evolve from that, as has occurred before. We cannot be sure.
    There will be other generations close behind all of us. What will their social grounding be?
    Last edited by Vimana.; 01-03-17 at 12:38.

  9. #9

    Re: Thought provoking article.

    That silly artile is mainly full of false or questionable claims. This is what Monbiot seems to be claiming :

    1. Unless you have been very uncomfortable (i.e. suffered) you will not worry about climate change, wars,etc.
    2. Gamergate supporters (i.e. consumers revolting about corruption in the computer games industry) put Trump in the White House.
    3. Gamergate supporters are sexually frustrated.
    4. Gamergate supporters have never suffered. (Contradicts 3)
    5. When anything can become a joke then we become desensitised to "horror".
    6. Those who spend too much time on computers will be controlled by the "far right".

    There were no computers when I grew up and kids went out and found their own fun. That's what Monbiot is saying kids should do instead of playing on their computers. Unfortunately kids get up to mischief and I think most parents would be happier with them on their computers. Some of the kids from my time ended up getting killed in accidents and losing limbs because they were looking for a bit of fun.

  10. #10

    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I haven't watched TV for ages. The internet may be the next thing that needs ditching
    It is pathetic how many times I check my phone during the day.

    If I am not doing that I am browsing the web.

    If I am not doing that I am watching TV/Netflix

    If I am not doing that I occasionally go on the PS4.

    It really is continuous from start to finish of my day. Then if you forget to turn your stuff off standby in the night you get that buzz drilling into your head!.

  11. #11
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    It is pathetic how many times I check my phone during the day.

    If I am not doing that I am browsing the web.

    If I am not doing that I am watching TV/Netflix

    If I am not doing that I occasionally go on the PS4.

    It really is continuous from start to finish of my day. Then if you forget to turn your stuff off standby in the night you get that buzz drilling into your head!.
    Have you thought about getting a clock radio and leaving the phone downstairs?

    I don't even own a phone but after watching I, Daniel Blake last night I realized I'm going to have to get one at some stage because I wont be able to avoid it.

  12. #12

    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Have you thought about getting a clock radio and leaving the phone downstairs?

    I don't even own a phone but after watching I, Daniel Blake last night I realized I'm going to have to get one at some stage because I wont be able to avoid it.
    Mesh internet would be fine, no Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, MSM, Microsoft, etc, poking their noses into everybody's business

  13. #13
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Mesh internet would be fine, no Apple, Google, Facebook, Twitter, MSM, Microsoft, etc, poking their noses into everybody's business
    They are like a dog with a bone.

  14. #14

    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    They are like a dog with a bone.
    ARPANET was compromised ages ago, the future will be free non-commercial citizen operated opensource mesh networks.

  15. #15
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    Re: Thought provoking article.

    I'm glad I'm at the back end of my life, don't envy younger folk.

  16. #16
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Thought provoking article.

    But wait ...!


    Is there an imperceptible shift away from data / info /social bombardment? ;)

  17. #17
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    ARPANET was compromised ages ago, the future will be free non-commercial citizen operated opensource mesh networks.
    I have not got a clue what that is.

  18. #18

    Re: Thought provoking article.

    The average UK house price is now £205k, average annual wage is £26.5k, so times eight. No wonder home ownership rates are diving and rentals rocketing. Home ownership will be impossible for most youngsters. Then there's the prospect of them having to work way beyond 65 to cop a State Pension. That's if they can secure jobs with more being replaced by automation. Private nor public sector pensions won't be so generous going forward. Should Brexit, or a hard Brexit, actually happen, their ability to live and work in the EU will become limited at best.

    But their greatest threat isn't any of those or servicing their share of Britain's huge national debt. What'll enslave them will be the abolition of cash.

  19. #19
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The average UK house price is now £205k, average annual wage is £26.5k, so times eight. No wonder home ownership rates are diving and rentals rocketing. Home ownership will be impossible for most youngsters. Then there's the prospect of them having to work way beyond 65 to cop a State Pension. That's if they can secure jobs with more being replaced by automation. Private nor public sector pensions won't be so generous going forward. Should Brexit, or a hard Brexit, actually happen, their ability to live and work in the EU will become limited at best.

    But their greatest threat isn't any of those or servicing their share of Britain's huge national debt. What'll enslave them will be the abolition of cash.
    "Lenders are also installing devices that enable them to remotely disable a car’s ignition after a borrower misses a payment."

    How long before they are disabling our microchips for not doing what we are told? (When I say 'our' I don't mean me )

  20. #20

    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    "Lenders are also installing devices that enable them to remotely disable a car’s ignition after a borrower misses a payment."

    How long before they are disabling our microchips for not doing what we are told? (When I say 'our' I don't mean me )
    I heard they will soon be remotely turning off the dildos of those who don't spend enough time in the kitchen.
    Last edited by Wales-Bales; 01-03-17 at 20:33.

  21. #21
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    I heard they will soon be remotely turning off the dildos of those who don't spend enough time in the kitchen.
    I spend most of my time in the kitchen so I should be fine, my second lucky escape of the day

    (FYI vibrators have batteries, dildos don't, so I reckon that's fake news )

  22. #22

    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    I spend most of my time in the kitchen so I should be fine, my second lucky escape of the day

    (FYI vibrators have batteries, dildos don't, so I reckon that's fake news )
    You are probably right. I've never dated a girl who needed any gadgets A weeks rest, yes

  23. #23
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    You are probably right. I've never dated a girl who needed any gadgets A weeks rest, yes
    Could be 'Fake mews'

  24. #24
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Could be 'Fake mews'

  25. #25

    Re: Thought provoking article.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Could be 'Fake mews'
    Very good

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