Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
BS - direct intervention by Obama telling you how to vote was never going to go down well. If Trump had come here and told everyone to Leave - you would have been jumping up and down like a loon looking for a march to join.

Directed advertising, social media advertising, newspaper articles, FULL page newspaper adverts, opinions by 'experts' talkshows, TV debates , radio phone ins etc are all part of the discussion (for both sides) - and there was lots and lots and lots of that - with a record turn out. There were always going to be people who would leave and always those that would remain. Everyone else made an informed decision - as best they could - or didnt vote.
Its not bullshit at all. Its hypocritical of Brexiteers to moan about Obama when at the same time another American was interfering by pumping in loads of money to influence/manipulate the public.