Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
The Social Justice Warriors will eventually consume themselves. Even strident dogmatists like Germaine Greer have already been ostracised by the transgender lobby. The demands of these angry protestors will become so ludicrous that the masses will turn to Islam for the old fashioned standards we had in the 1950s. Unfortunately for some our standards will end up being a bit more 7th century than 1950s. Nevertheless, for most people the stability these rules will bring will be welcomed.

Under Islam they will not have to worry about their children changing sex, marrying the family pet or whatever mad thing the Social Justice Warriors can think up. In fact, all these political extremists will be rounded up and executed just as the communists were in Iran after the revolution. Although Young Bob Wilson thinks I am a Muslim hater I would rather my descendants turn to Islam than change sex. I suppose I have just outed myself as some kind of evil monster for having such a thought but I have never met any normal person - by the way, I am not including most of the posters here in that category - who doesn't hate all this transgender nonsense. It sickens me that kids are being encouraged to change their sex by foolish parents and mad activists.

The transgender crowd mob this academic because he has refused to use invented pronouns to describe transgender students. They will get him sacked and they will ruin his life.


This is an example of Social Justice Warriors protesting at one his talks.

What a load of bollocks.