Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
One of the films recommended on the Film 16 thread was Incendies. Just watched it. What a brilliant film. Superb choreography,very well acted,highly evocative,great story and a fine soundtrack. Its right up there. A top top film.
That was me mate. Think you said you bought it for your son if I remember right. Same director Denis Villeneuve as 'The Arrival' mentioned above, which I can't say I enjoyed though it was thought provoking. A few other films really great films he made which I like are French Canadian film "Maelstrom", "Enemy" and "Prisoners". Think the last one is on Netflix.

Seeing as you like Incendies, I would recommend an Iranian film called "About Elly" / "Darbareye Elly". But go in blind and don't read up on the story if you can.

Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post

Watched it before but it was on again last night. Genuinely the most horrible film I have ever seen. No happiness, at all.

Quality!.Watch it if you get a chance.
Amazing / nasty film.