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Thread: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

  1. #1

    May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    May selling arms to help kill Yemeni citizens, whilst Fox proudly talks of "shared values" with a president who talks of killing criminals and awards a corrupt Police force to kill "drug" pushers. Often the corpses have drugs and guns planted on them, and the murders go without investigation, and the vigilantes get rewarded.

    The UK must be very desperate to fill the holes left by leaving the EU. The UK trade to the Philippines, for example, is barely $1bn!! But, Fox is grovelling to the president of a country whose currency is performing even worse than the GBP.

    Meanwhile, May talks of aid that is sent to help Yemeni people who have been blown to bits by weapons made in the UK. That's alright then Theresa.

    Let's not forget about the arms deal with Turkey. The Tory Government seems very willing to jump into bed with anyone that may offer some more cash.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines , spring is in the air

  3. #3

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Lads, lads, copy what the great majority do; watch more telly and stare at the smartphone for longer periods. You'll soon realise that selling arms to those who fund ISIS (according to Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden) will become far less important.

  4. #4

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    I condemn any Government that puts money before lives.

    The UK is starting to hang out with (and grovel to) some of this era's most sinister of leaders. All for minimal trade deals.

  5. #5

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    1. What would you do ?

    2. Have not previous Govts (Lab and Con) helped develop the exporting of defence etc ?

    I agree with your sentiment - making it a political argument is disingenuous though, as all political sides have done it I believe.

    It's not just us though :- France has a pretty similar record
    24 Rafale jets sold to UAE worth $7 billion on top of their previous order for 70.
    India bought 36 of the same worth 9 billion , Egypt just spent over 5 billion of jets and boats from France.

    Interesting to know if you would condemn Hollande as you have this Tory Govt
    Hollande isn't our Prime Minsiter though so it's not our business.

  6. #6

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    According to PM May, we need to sell them the weopons, so that we can be in a position to tell them off for killing innocent people. It's all about communication see, without those arms sales, we wouldn't be able to tell them that it's not cool to use advanced weoponary against civilians.
    Last edited by Wales-Bales; 05-04-17 at 15:52.

  7. #7

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    May selling arms to help kill Yemeni citizens, whilst Fox proudly talks of "shared values" with a president who talks of killing criminals and awards a corrupt Police force to kill "drug" pushers. Often the corpses have drugs and guns planted on them, and the murders go without investigation, and the vigilantes get rewarded.

    The UK must be very desperate to fill the holes left by leaving the EU. The UK trade to the Philippines, for example, is barely $1bn!! But, Fox is grovelling to the president of a country whose currency is performing even worse than the GBP.

    Meanwhile, May talks of aid that is sent to help Yemeni people who have been blown to bits by weapons made in the UK. That's alright then Theresa.

    Let's not forget about the arms deal with Turkey. The Tory Government seems very willing to jump into bed with anyone that may offer some more cash.
    I think its called desperation. Its slowly dawning on the right wing idiots in the Tory party
    that the EU are in complete control of our Brexit negotiations. We will leave the EU with no access to the single market and try and cosy up to whatever regime we can for trade. This is what is called taking back control.

  8. #8

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Aye lad well observed - and just in case you didnt know - Trump isnt our President either - but that hasn't stopped anyone from protesting about him.

    My question still stands - would you condemn very Socialist Mr Hollande for French arms sales ?
    It has actually stopped the vast majority of people from protesting about him (how big were the marches here in the UK?). They don't really care what he does because he isn't running the country we live in.

  9. #9

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    I think its called desperation. Its slowly dawning on the right wing idiots in the Tory party
    that the EU are in complete control of our Brexit negotiations. We will leave the EU with no access to the single market and try and cosy up to whatever regime we can for trade. This is what is called taking back control.
    Yeah but as long as free movement of people is ended they will be happy, oh...

  10. #10
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    Mar 2016

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    £3bn of British-made weaponry is licensed for export which equals wealth and jobs,if we take a moral stand ,others will fill the void ,it also enables us to influence those we sell it ,I think were the second biggest seller of arms the world had have been trading arms for decades,morally its wrong ,reality is difficult to comprehend I guess.

  11. #11

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    Yeah but as long as free movement of people is ended they will be happy, oh...
    The free movement of people hasn't ended, it's just going to be controlled, as it is in every other country outside of the EU. If letting in every Tom, Dick or Harry was so great, everybody would be doing it! But they aren't!!!

  12. #12

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    £3bn of British-made weaponry is licensed for export which equals wealth and jobs,if we take a moral stand ,others will fill the void ,it also enables us to influence those we sell it ,I think were the second biggest seller of arms the world had have been trading arms for decades,morally its wrong ,reality is difficult to comprehend I guess.
    Are you saying the Britain, US and France have independent strategies about who they sell their advanced weoponary to?

  13. #13

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    I went in search of videos featuring justice Saudi style. This is the first one I found: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x21...abia_lifestyle

    A male has his right hand chopped and sliced off. A strong stomach is required to watch it. May says a we need a good relationship with them for our security and prosperity (BAE's shareholders, more like). By her presence there she endorses their savagery.

  14. #14

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The free movement of people hasn't ended, it's just going to be controlled, as it is in every other country outside of the EU. If letting in every Tom, Dick or Harry was so great, everybody would be doing it! But they aren't!!!
    free - 'able to act or be done as one wishes; not under the control of another.'

    Besides I was referring to May's slight climb down over free movement. It is the number one reason for people voting Brexit and I don't think a 'compromise' will be welcomed by the 52ers

  15. #15

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    "We will leave the EU with no access to the single market "

    Are you sure about that one ?

    We will be out of the single market - you could have said that and been correct
    We will have WTO rules access to the single market - you could have also said that as well and been correct.

    The drop in sterling compensates for WTO cost of access - according to James Dyson anyway - I havent checked the figures.

    You also need to remember there is a trade deficit between the EU and the UK, we will apply WTO rules to EU goods - just as we likely do to other nations around the world.

    The Uk is the second largest NET contributor to the EU behind Germany.

    I agree with your sentiment - it would be a lot easier if we all signed up to free movement of goods in the single market area, and were allowed to restrict access of people based on job requirements of the country - a bit like it was pre Maastright treaty I believe.
    OK but we won't have tariff free sccess to the single market. Once you take our rebate into account I believe we are the fourth largest net contributor to the EU behind Germany,France and I think Italy

  16. #16

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    OK but we won't have tariff free sccess to the single market. Once you take our rebate into account I believe we are the fourth largest net contributor to the EU behind Germany,France and I think Italy
    You should know by now that the brexit brigade don't like the inconvenience of the truth when it comes to the rebate. '....350 million....' plastered all over the bus gives that away.

  17. #17
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    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Are you saying the Britain, US and France have independent strategies about who they sell their advanced weoponary to?
    I reckon we have a cunning plan , the world is all about control and influence , and we are the past masters of this skill , we are a high end arms supplier , our overseas aid is huge , we have just announced the biggest expansion of the world service since 1940 to 11 new countries , nod, nod, wink, wink . We're watching you .

  18. #18
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    You should know by now that the brexit brigade don't like the inconvenience of the truth when it comes to the rebate. '....350 million....' plastered all over the bus gives that away.
    Whilst we are talking about porkies, still waiting for the apocalypse

  19. #19

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    I reckon we have a cunning plan , the world is all about control and influence , and we are the past masters of this skill , we are a high end arms supplier , our overseas aid is huge , we have just announced the biggest expansion of the world service since 1940 to 11 new countries , nod, nod, wink, wink . We're watching you .
    Ok, now I know what you are onto But the rhetoric we are currently hearing is just window dressing

  20. #20

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
    free - 'able to act or be done as one wishes; not under the control of another.'
    No human is free to act or be done as one wishes and not under the control of another. You are enslaved at birth and it's actually your parents who sign you over

  21. #21

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    Whilst we are talking about porkies, still waiting for the apocalypse
    Mine is a quote, yours is made up.

  22. #22
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    No human is free to act or be done as one wishes and not under the control of another. You are enslaved at birth and it's actually your parents who sign you over
    They are just registered keepers.

  23. #23

    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Overseas aid figures were out today - over 13 billion now - that seems a lot lotta money
    It all depends what overseas aid money is used for

  24. #24
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    Re: May in Saudi, Fox in the Philippines

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    It all depends what overseas aid money is used for
    nudge nudge wink wink say no more ,they are listening.

    The big plus were safe ,thanks to big brother looking out for us ,I know which side I want to be on,how many embassies we got

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