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Thread: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

  1. #1

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    What happened during the “gas” attack was absolutely appalling. If there is a place of hellfire, then whoever did this wicked act will surely have booked their place there. However, as cruel and uncaring as Assad obviously is, I can’t help feeling that he had nothing to gain by doing this and this may simply be a ruse by these insane jihadists to provoke an attack. But how will it ever be proved? Even if evidence is forthcoming each side will say the other side has faked it.

    Of course, humanly, we all want some sort of instant retribution for what took place especially as innocent children and babies bore the brunt of it. Trump wants to be seen as “action man” and this event has played into his hands. Who knows where this will all end now?

  2. #2

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Any reasoned analysis indicates we are now at war with Russia Syria and possibly Iran.
    I say we because Britain is verbally supporting the USA.

    This is a mistake by the USA and I don't think it was Trumps call either. He will have been told by the Military we are going to do this.

  3. #3

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
    The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not!
    12:02 AM - 31 Aug 2013

  4. #4

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysAway2 View Post
    Any reasoned analysis indicates we are now at war with Russia Syria and possibly Iran.
    I say we because Britain is verbally supporting the USA.

    This is a mistake by the USA and I don't think it was Trumps call either. He will have been told by the Military we are going to do this.
    I'm not so sure about that. He did say yesterday that the chemical attack had altered his thinking but again I suppose you could say that he was merely waiting for some excuse to attack Assad. What's been done though is quite contrary to what he was saying previously, which was basically he didn't want to get involved in Syria as regime change could lead to a worsening situation e.g. Iraq.

    Whatever, at least some of Assad's military planes have been destroyed, and the runways damaged, so reducing his capacity to bomb (with conventional weapons even) his own people. Looking at the pictures though, considering over 50 cruise missiles were used, the damage looks quite light? Maybe propaganda for Assad by filming only lightly damaged parts of the airfield?

  5. #5

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    I'm not so sure about that. He did say yesterday that the chemical attack had altered his thinking but again I suppose you could say that he was merely waiting for some excuse to attack Assad. What's been done though is quite contrary to what he was saying previously, which was basically he didn't want to get involved in Syria as regime change could lead to a worsening situation e.g. Iraq.

    Whatever, at least some of Assad's military planes have been destroyed, and the runways damaged, so reducing his capacity to bomb (with conventional weapons even) his own people. Looking at the pictures though, considering over 50 cruise missiles were used, the damage looks quite light? Maybe propaganda for Assad by filming only lightly damaged parts of the airfield?
    What the heck bugs me is that ASSAD is fighting a 6 year civil war in his country.
    As Russia says it is a soveriegn State. Why the hell are we bombing them.
    The chemical attack might just might be rebel propaganda.
    Assad had nothing to gain by a chemical attack. Clearly the rebels have gained already.
    A hundred years ago hundreds of thousands of people were regularly killed in that region and no one batted an eyelid as long as the Suez canal was kept open.

  6. #6

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysAway2 View Post
    What the heck bugs me is that ASSAD is fighting a 6 year civil war in his country.
    As Russia says it is a soveriegn State. Why the hell are we bombing them.
    The chemical attack might just might be rebel propaganda.
    Assad had nothing to gain by a chemical attack. Clearly the rebels have gained already.
    A hundred years ago hundreds of thousands of people were regularly killed in that region and no one batted an eyelid as long as the Suez canal was kept open.
    When you say propaganda, you mean fake?

  7. #7

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysAway2 View Post
    What the heck bugs me is that ASSAD is fighting a 6 year civil war in his country.
    As Russia says it is a soveriegn State. Why the hell are we bombing them.
    The chemical attack might just might be rebel propaganda.
    Assad had nothing to gain by a chemical attack. Clearly the rebels have gained already.
    A hundred years ago hundreds of thousands of people were regularly killed in that region and no one batted an eyelid as long as the Suez canal was kept open.
    The US has had troops inside Syria for some time which is not disputed by anyone. They are uninvited, or 'invaders' as Assad described them. Of course, being there is against international law, but the corporate media and allies of the US government pretend not to notice their criminal actions. Syria is a postage stamp on any atlas with few resources worth stealing or controlling, and yet it could be the catalyst for another World War.

  8. #8

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    The US has had troops inside Syria for some time which is not disputed by anyone. They are uninvited, or 'invaders' as Assad described them. Of course, being there is against international law, but the corporate media and allies of the US government pretend not to notice their criminal actions. Syria is a postage stamp on any atlas with few resources worth stealing or controlling, and yet it could be the catalyst for another World War.
    The USA is a rogue state. Every war they start ends up as a disaster for all concerned except the money men. Syria is all about Israel. They want a big chunk of Syria for the Greater Israel project and they will stop at nothing until they get it. I had hoped that Trump might be different and that he would not be controlled by Israel but I was wrong. Trump is a chump.

  9. #9
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    So Assad it seems was responsible for the chemical bomb attack this week (Im not so sure he was based on what he had to gain from doing it - but anyway)

    Assad uses chemical weapons a few years back - O'Bama says it's a red line - but does nothing about it.

    Assad allegedly does it again Trump says it's a red line and launches 58 cruise missiles to attack syrian air fields etc

    Will be interesting to see people's opinions of Trump and OBama after this.
    He's lowered himself to Obamas level with this, poor move IMO.

  10. #10

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    The USA is a rogue state. Every war they start ends up as a disaster for all concerned except the money men. Syria is all about Israel. They want a big chunk of Syria for the Greater Israel project and they will stop at nothing until they get it. I had hoped that Trump might be different and that he would not be controlled by Israel but I was wrong. Trump is a chump.
    They operate outside the law with impunity because they believe they are the law due to having the most military hardware. It's nigh on impossible to find a pro Trump supporter at my usual internet haunts where once they were all fans of his. The corporate media are now cheering him to the rafters for now they know he's compromised himself beyond repair. The Democrats who allegedly wanted to impeach him are also applauding and foregoing the opportunity to get that impeachment with a real reason because he should have consulted Congress before an attack.

  11. #11

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    They operate outside the law with impunity because they believe they are the law due to having the most military hardware. It's nigh on impossible to find a pro Trump supporter at my usual internet haunts where once they were all fans of his. The corporate media are now cheering him to the rafters for now they know he's compromised himself beyond repair. The Democrats who allegedly wanted to impeach him are also applauding and foregoing the opportunity to get that impeachment with a real reason because he should have consulted Congress before an attack.
    It's getting serious now. This is no time to talk about your "usual internet haunts". As you well know the weirdos there are more interested in trumpeting than Trump.

    Trumpeting : "When a bald, old man perversely propositions someone younger than him, usually male, to engage in sexual musical acts."


  12. #12
    Blue in the Face

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    The chess board changed today. They've moved into an outright admission that the U.S./Atlantasists are in direct war with Syria now. Absolutely no mention of "ISIS" or whatever they've been re-branded to now on the BBC. The BBC has ramped up into full bullshit mode too.

    I can see why folks invested hope in Trump to a degree. But has there ever been a time when the puppet has been exposed so early into their cycle? At least the cognitive dissonance on folk's naive belief in his righteousness should evaporate pretty quickly now.

    If they want to "drain the swamp" in America, the people will have to do it themselves by bringing a third central party in the next election. But then, the banksters will probably seed that movement as a means to controlling it too.

    Shit times.

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Will be interesting to see people's opinions of Trump and OBama after this.
    They are both deep state puppets who have been groomed thoughout their lifetimes

    They are also massive sociopathic *****
    Last edited by Blue in the Face; 07-04-17 at 17:02.

  13. #13

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    They operate outside the law with impunity because they believe they are the law due to having the most military hardware. It's nigh on impossible to find a pro Trump supporter at my usual internet haunts where once they were all fans of his. The corporate media are now cheering him to the rafters for now they know he's compromised himself beyond repair. The Democrats who allegedly wanted to impeach him are also applauding and foregoing the opportunity to get that impeachment with a real reason because he should have consulted Congress before an attack.
    Agreed.America's foreign policy time and time again has had disastrous consequences. With the good old British Govt acting as lap-dogs.We need to see the graphic consequences of the bombing in Syria so that people in this country start getting a sharp reality check as to the destruction and pain being heaped upon Syrian people.Whats going on is disgraceful on all sides.

  14. #14

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Kudos to Jeremy Corbyn for his response today and in the past.

  15. #15
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Whoever or how the chemical attack was deployed was inhuman , if as Russia suggests it was a chemical store hit by rebels , why didn't the Russian authorities level criticism at Assad for deploying the attack in the first instance , if these sites existed.

    It seems very strange they reported this excuse so quickly after the attack , and was used as some poor legitimate excuse for the deaths of those poor people dying in agony .

    Guilt still sits with the Assad military machine who have support from Russia, whose agenda is just an attempt to grab a middle eastern base and country,they can control .

    Love or hate Trump, he didn't fire the first shot, which on any viewing was appalling, the USA has held back from invading Syria for many years. Seems a similar situation that applied to Saddam's early Iraq, didn't he gas and poision people ,before the foggy WMD rhetoric took over .

    Welcome to the latest proxy war.

  16. #16

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    It's interesting how 'analytical' the posts are in this thread. The general thought process seems to be why on earth would Assad do this at the time when he winning the war and gaining political consensus.

    On the flip side, on Wednesday, the BBC interviewed an American 5 star general. He was asked the same question, why would Assad be doing this now ? His reply was just a minute's rant about how evil he was and he did these things because he could. Absolutely no critique, no 'what if', nothing.

    Whilst no-one knows for sure what happened at this moment in time, it's a tad worrying when USA's top brass sound off like something from Marvel's Captain America..

  17. #17
    First Team Ainsley Harriott's Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    It's interesting how 'analytical' the posts are in this thread. The general thought process seems to be why on earth would Assad do this at the time when he winning the war and gaining political consensus.

    On the flip side, on Wednesday, the BBC interviewed an American 5 star general. He was asked the same question, why would Assad be doing this now ? His reply was just a minute's rant about how evil he was and he did these things because he could. Absolutely no critique, no 'what if', nothing.

    Whilst no-one knows for sure what happened at this moment in time, it's a tad worrying when USA's top brass sound off like something from Marvel's Captain America..
    Assad's forces, as well as the US & Russia are well on their way to defeating ISIS.

    He's significantly further away from "winning the war" against the rebel factions in Syria (in the areas targeted in the chemical attack).

    The attack was a pretty good way of demoralising the 'enemy' rebels.

  18. #18

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    The decision to launch this attack AND the authority to do so was made (RENEWED) weeks ago in Washington.
    The decision was this. IF chemical weapons are used we need Presidential authority to strike. We need that authority now.
    The President will have gambled assumed (whatever) that it would not happen AND if it did happen it was a reasonable IF ILLEGAL reaction to strike back.
    They gave the Russians 12 hours to evacuate the area.
    So it was planned and executed within 48 hours.

    I dread the repercussions of this. I'm not scared. I am however CERTAIN this is now so bloody knife edge stuff that it makes the Cuba missile crisis look NOTHING.
    Trump will get the blame now whatever!

  19. #19
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    May 2008

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    It's interesting how 'analytical' the posts are in this thread. The general thought process seems to be why on earth would Assad do this at the time when he winning the war and gaining political consensus.

    On the flip side, on Wednesday, the BBC interviewed an American 5 star general. He was asked the same question, why would Assad be doing this now ? His reply was just a minute's rant about how evil he was and he did these things because he could. Absolutely no critique, no 'what if', nothing.

    Whilst no-one knows for sure what happened at this moment in time, it's a tad worrying when USA's top brass sound off like something from Marvel's Captain America..

    Americas last 5 star General was Omar Bradley,who died in 1981.

  20. #20

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Has Assad actually got chemical weapons? I thought any chemical weapon capabaility was removed by the OPCW two or three years ago. As posters are saying why would he use chemical weapons now at a time when the war is swinging in his favour? Its incredibly murky and complex and a complete mess.
    Last edited by Pearcey3; 07-04-17 at 21:30.

  21. #21

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Who to believe?



    And there are those who are saying that Sarin wasn't really used.

    I honestly don't know the real story behind the bombing and America's response to it, but would say that two things occur to me - first, an unexpected admiration for Jeremy Corbyn for not towing what appears to be a very powerful party line (I mean from all UK major parties and other international Governments) and that, while it's possible that history may turn out to say that Trump did the right thing, his unpredictability leaves me feeling very uneasy. As I heard someone say yesterday, this President who was elected on an anti globalism, isolationist ticket has carried out a military action that was more globalist in nature than anything seen by his country in maybe a decade - whether you believe his line about "those beautiful babies" or not, it all smacks to me of someone who acts on a whim too much, such unpredictability can be seen as a positive in some circumstances and jobs, but in the job Trump is doing now, it's got to be seen as very dangerous.

  22. #22
    Blue in the Face

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Who to believe?



    And there are those who are saying that Sarin wasn't really used.

    I honestly don't know the real story behind the bombing and America's response to it, but would say that two things occur to me - first, an unexpected admiration for Jeremy Corbyn for not towing what appears to be a very powerful party line (I mean from all UK major parties and other international Governments) and that, while it's possible that history may turn out to say that Trump did the right thing, his unpredictability leaves me feeling very uneasy. As I heard someone say yesterday, this President who was elected on an anti globalism, isolationist ticket has carried out a military action that was more globalist in nature than anything seen by his country in maybe a decade - whether you believe his line about "those beautiful babies" or not, it all smacks to me of someone who acts on a whim too much, such unpredictability can be seen as a positive in some circumstances and jobs, but in the job Trump is doing now, it's got to be seen as very dangerous.
    Good on Ron Paul. Shame on the Guardian. Can't extend my admiration for Corbyn here. I had a look to see what JC said after seeing Pearcy's post. JC is playing half-hearted wimp version of flying the peace flag to keep his brand going. Anything short of crying "false flag" is at best weakness, at worse allegence with the Neo-cons/Globalist-Trotskyites.

    I finished reading "Strategic Vision" by Zbigniew Brzezinski a couple of weeks ago which as helped me understand all this and the grand global chessboard. Don't get me wrong, I loathe Brzezinski, but he and Kissinger have long been the leading think tank voices on Atlantasist globablism.

    Part of me understands the globalists. They have to put their paranoid psychos in charge of military decisions who will always cry for full spectrum dominance because they know the Ruskies, Chines, Indian, Pakistanis etc have their own psychos in charge of their military complexes.

    The least depressing version of this escalated war is that it's about putting a choke-hold on vital global trade routes and putting a choke hold on the Global central banking reach (which China has started to make moves in negating in recent months). But I just can't believe it's only about that. There are other motivations at play. None of them in the realms of what I believe to be righteous.

  23. #23

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue in the Face View Post
    Good on Ron Paul. Shame on the Guardian. Can't extend my admiration for Corbyn here. I had a look to see what JC said after seeing Pearcy's post. JC is playing half-hearted wimp version of flying the peace flag to keep his brand going. Anything short of crying "false flag" is at best weakness, at worse allegence with the Neo-cons/Globalist-Trotskyites.

    I finished reading "Strategic Vision" by Zbigniew Brzezinski a couple of weeks ago which as helped me understand all this and the grand global chessboard. Don't get me wrong, I loathe Brzezinski, but he and Kissinger have long been the leading think tank voices on Atlantasist globablism.

    Part of me understands the globalists. They have to put their paranoid psychos in charge of military decisions who will always cry for full spectrum dominance because they know the Ruskies, Chines, Indian, Pakistanis etc have their own psychos in charge of their military complexes.

    The least depressing version of this escalated war is that it's about putting a choke-hold on vital global trade routes and putting a choke hold on the Global central banking reach (which China has started to make moves in negating in recent months). But I just can't believe it's only about that. There are other motivations at play. None of them in the realms of what I believe to be righteous.
    Pipeline politics? There is a huge stash of natural gas that they need to route from Qatar to Europe via Syria.

  24. #24

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    Pipeline politics? There is a huge stash of natural gas that they need to route from Qatar to Europe via Syria.
    Yes, they want it to weaken the Russian dominance of the European market. To that end they created ISIS.

  25. #25

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Who's they? Saudi Arabia and Qatar. H. Clinton said as much in a leaked Wikileaks email (that was studiously ignored by corporate media) so did Joe Biden publicly. Video of him uttering those remarks will be easy to locate.

    This Daily Mail article from 2013 goes much farther. http://web.archive.org/web/201301292...ame-Assad.html

    What's nearly as good as the story is the readers' comments at its end. The ones found by clicking Best Rated

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