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Thread: Council Elections Do They Matter

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Council Elections Do They Matter

    I've read the following and wonder if true , it will be followed by a snap general election

    Labour faces losing as many as 125 seats in next month’s UK-wide council elections in a fresh blow to Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership

    A polling expert has predicted. Ukip is also heading for a disastrous performance on 4 May

    The biggest winners are set to be the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats, according to the analysis.

    The most dramatic electoral upheaval is tipped to take place in Scotland, where the Labour vote is expected to collapse with the Tories on course to chalk up large advances.

    Read more at: https://inews.co.uk/essentials/news/...cil-elections/

  2. #2

    Re: Council Elections Do They Matter

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    If there is going to be a GE then this is the only time it can feasibly take place. It would need I think a 2/3rd's majority in the commons.

    I wonder though if there was a GE in May whether there would be a one off anti brexit party comprising of Labour / Lib Dems plus Plaid Cymru in Wales etc with one policy - to reverse Brexit.

    The gamble being though if it backfired the libs and labour would be finished.

    Plenty of twists in this tale yet.
    48 percent of the electorate voted to remain in the EU. Of the 52% who voted to leave, many rarely vote in General Elections.

    If the Liberal Democrats could tap into the younger vote (the majority of which want to stay in the EU), then they could feasibly become the Opposition. UKIP would still split the Tory and Labour vote (mostly Labour) without winning any seats at all.

    However, I'd expect the Tories to win with a stronger majority. The SNP would lose 15 seats at least, but Labour are unlikely to make any ground at all.

  3. #3
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Council Elections Do They Matter

    I think UKIP will suffer badly now the Brexit vote is gone ,question is will those same voters sit on thier hands or vote for another party.

    I wouldn't be shocked to see a anti Brexit vote take place and the Liberals make gains on all the parties.

    If Labour do very badly , if the Scottish referendum looks unpopular , and if May thinks she has a chance of a majority win to thrust home her policies it would be tempting, however I think she would need cross party support to call it.

  4. #4
    First Team Ainsley Harriott's Avatar
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    Re: Council Elections Do They Matter

    Turn out will probably be about 25%.

    There'll be zero chance of a snap election being called, even if Labour won every seat. Council elections do not matter on the national scale. Any thoughts of a General Election are as fanciful as can possibly be.

    Councillors aren't there to put pressure on the ruling government; they're there to decide which day is 'bin day' and which Tesco Express' get planning permission.

    UKIP will go from having very few councillors to having very few councillors.

    A pointless endeavour, all in all.

  5. #5

    Re: Council Elections Do They Matter

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    To break the fixed term parliament act - any govt needs a 2/3rd majority in the house of commons.

    I can see May calling a General Election and Labour possibly voting against it - bizarrely , as they know they would lose seats.

    If there was an anti Brexit coalition of Labour and Lib Dems, then who knows what would happen (least of all me)
    The FTPA is easy to get around. You could repeal it, needing a majority of the house to agree, and then you'd only need a majority to get another election.

  6. #6
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    Re: Council Elections Do They Matter

    Quote Originally Posted by tommy31 View Post
    The FTPA is easy to get around. You could repeal it, needing a majority of the house to agree, and then you'd only need a majority to get another election.
    Either option requires a majority vote to either repeal or call it

  7. #7

    Re: Council Elections Do They Matter

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Either option requires a majority vote to either repeal or call it
    FTPA requires 2/3s

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Council Elections Do They Matter

    The Queen can dissolve the lot

  9. #9

    Re: Council Elections Do They Matter

    Last night there was a "leaders debate" featuring the leaders of the four main groups on Cardiff Council. The event was broadcast live on Facebook. If you want to watch what happened then click on the video at this link


    It is likely that the Tories under David Walker have agreed to form a coalition with Neil McEvoy's "Cardiff Plaid"; the two men are on good terms and are united in their opposition to the Local Development Plan. Early on in the debate David Walker mentions that his group are considering a coalition with Plaid or the LibDems. There is a chance that all three will be in coalition, the devil will be in the details of the actual makeup of the council next Friday morning.

    I recommend watching the debate if you plan to vote. Questions are ignored, deflected or go unanswered; unrealistic promises are thrown at the audience; one leader contradicts himself repeatedly and also seems to be willing to say anything at all to curry favour with those watching. The LibDem leader has the charisma of R2D2 and the non-verbals of Labour leader Phil Bale and McEvoy, sat next to him, make apparent the loathing they feel for each other.

  10. #10

    Re: Council Elections Do They Matter

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    cant see any video link on that page
    Sorry here's the correct link http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/lo...-four-12946565

  11. #11

    Re: Council Elections Do They Matter

    The LDP is the key issue with around £3 billion in profits to be made just by the housebuilders from constructing new homes on greenfield sites. The landowners (Earl of Plymouth in the west) will make billions in profit too. There are a lot of powerful individuals and organisations with commercial and political interests in seeing the LDP happen.

    The lack of any investment in new infrastructure (roads, rail, schools, medical facilities and shops) before the new homes are inhabited is a disgrace. Quality of life for existing Cardiffians will drop until the infrastructure is in place which, if Pontprennau is anything to go by, may never happen.

    Saying that I would never vote Tory, I think that Labour in Cardiff are corrupt, the LibDems are pro-EU; and Neil McEvoy is a proven bully and, in my opinion, a hypocrite. So I won't be voting for any of their parties despite being a paid-up member of one of them.

    A plague on all of their houses.

  12. #12

    Re: Council Elections Do They Matter

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    The LDP is the key issue with around £3 billion in profits to be made just by the housebuilders from constructing new homes on greenfield sites. The landowners (Earl of Plymouth in the west) will make billions in profit too. There are a lot of powerful individuals and organisations with commercial and political interests in seeing the LDP happen.

    The lack of any investment in new infrastructure (roads, rail, schools, medical facilities and shops) before the new homes are inhabited is a disgrace. Quality of life for existing Cardiffians will drop until the infrastructure is in place which, if Pontprennau is anything to go by, may never happen.

    Saying that I would never vote Tory, I think that Labour in Cardiff are corrupt, the LibDems are pro-EU; and Neil McEvoy is a proven bully and, in my opinion, a hypocrite. So I won't be voting for any of their parties despite being a paid-up member of one of them.

    A plague on all of their houses.
    That's exactly why I did not vote Labour (I've already voted by postal ballot). As it is, I'm going to be moving soon and have had an offer accepted for a property in RCT. However, at certain times of day at least, I can drive from Pentrebane to where I'm going to be living in less than fifteen minutes. Once the houses start going up, I'm guessing it will take double or even treble that time - the current infrastructure barely copes now.

    So far, I've been inundated with council election literature from Plaid (also had a couple of visits from them) and Labour, but nothing at all from anyone else, so that was one of my reasons for opting for Plaid.

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