Who to believe?
And there are those who are saying that Sarin wasn't really used.
I honestly don't know the real story behind the bombing and America's response to it, but would say that two things occur to me - first, an unexpected admiration for Jeremy Corbyn for not towing what appears to be a very powerful party line (I mean from all UK major parties and other international Governments) and that, while it's possible that history may turn out to say that Trump did the right thing, his unpredictability leaves me feeling very uneasy. As I heard someone say yesterday, this President who was elected on an anti globalism, isolationist ticket has carried out a military action that was more globalist in nature than anything seen by his country in maybe a decade - whether you believe his line about "those beautiful babies" or not, it all smacks to me of someone who acts on a whim too much, such unpredictability can be seen as a positive in some circumstances and jobs, but in the job Trump is doing now, it's got to be seen as very dangerous.