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Thread: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

  1. #26
    Blue in the Face

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Totally regret my post above. What the hell do I know? Makes me realise my own ignorance that I would write or say such a thing in an emotional frenzy with that much certainty. We have one surface layer of news and journalism for public consumption. Then there the endless levels of events going behind the scenes that us civilians will never know about. Perhaps it's absurd to come to conclusions about anything until way after the fact with multitudes of books written.

    TOBW's is bang on in that he's well measured in his post. Maybe Corbyn is righteous in his restraint after all but I have no idea what information he's privy to. Maybe he's weak as ninianclark says. I RE-read the Guardian article and still don't really understand the possit as to why Assad would take this strategy. But then one or the primary tactics of Sun Tzu is to confuse your enemy.

    There are multiple ideas we can take on the Trump administration strategy. The idea that dominates with me is that he weakened his negotiation position with his olive branching and now needed to demonstrate his leverage. Like a hybrid of The Art of the Deal and The Art of War. Though I'm basing this on no knowledge of anything. Whatsoever.

    The other element to all this is the psychological warfare and all this playing out on a global, public stage. We now have for the first time espionage for public consumption. It's almost become a form of toxic entertainment. And it's eating away at trust in all governments.

    But then maybe that miss-trust is well placed as all I can see are bad guys on all sides of this war.
    Last edited by Blue in the Face; 09-04-17 at 15:00.

  2. #27

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Organ - who is the'they' that created ISIS ? .

    As for Corbyn - He is now de facto appeasing the chemical bombing of children in my book - shame on him.

    He is ok for chemical weapons to be used without any response !!!!

    Even the Lib Dem pip squeak leader said what Trump had done was correct.....

    Corbyn is just perpetual protest looking for a march
    So bombing is always the answer isn't it. After all it worked so well in Iraq and Libya. The same mistakes are being made over and over again. Good for Corbyn not being weak.

  3. #28

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue in the Face View Post
    Totally regret my post above. What the hell do I know? Makes me realise my own ignorance that I would write or say such a thing in an emotional frenzy with that much certainty. We have one surface layer of news and journalism for public consumption. Then there the endless levels of events going behind the scenes that us civilians will never know about. Perhaps it's absurd to come to conclusions about anything until way after the fact with multitudes of books written.

    TOBW's is bang on in that he's well measured in his post. Maybe Corbyn is righteous in his restraint after all but I have no idea what information he's privy to. Maybe he's weak as ninianclark says. I RE-read the Guardian article and still don't really understand the possit as to why Assad would take this strategy. But then one or the primary tactics of Sun Tzu is to confuse your enemy.

    There are multiple ideas we can take on the Trump administration strategy. The idea that dominates with me is that he weakened his negotiation position with his olive branching and now needed to demonstrate his leverage. Like a hybrid of The Art of the Deal and The Art of War. Though I'm basing this on no knowledge of anything. Whatsoever.

    The other element to all this is the psychological warfare and all this playing out on a global, public stage. We now have for the first time espionage for public consumption. It's almost become a form of toxic entertainment. And it's eating away at trust in all governments.

    But then maybe that miss-trust is well placed as all I can see are bad guys on all sides of this war.
    Thats a more measured post. Weak politicians trying to bomb Syria so that they can be seen as strong. What I would like to know is what we are trying to achieve in all of this. Is it just defeating Isis or are we now looking at forcing regime change too?I certainly hope it is not the latter. Forcing regime change only results in factions emerging and the country disintegrating. Contrary to what has been said Corbyn is being strong taking a stand against the poltical flow. He was right to do so over Iraq. He will be proven right in respect to Syria.

  4. #29
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    Thats a more measured post. Weak politicians trying to bomb Syria so that they can be seen as strong. What I would like to know is what we are trying to achieve in all of this. Is it just defeating Isis or are we now looking at forcing regime change too?I certainly hope it is not the latter. Forcing regime change only results in factions emerging and the country disintegrating. Contrary to what has been said Corbyn is being strong taking a stand against the poltical flow. He was right to do so over Iraq. He will be proven right in respect to Syria.
    Am I missing something here, no bombings or intervention was decided upon by the last commons vote , Obama and congress ,the result being many atrocities have occured since those decesions . Mr Assad has not really succumbed to the non intervention option and appears to be a nasty piece of work , getting arrogant by the day backed by his Russian paymasters .

    Where was the criticisms and judgment surrounding the actions of Assad / Russia , or is it easy to have a go at Trump and those who have backed this intervention .

    I would hope that whatever happens in Syria and beyond comment and ctitism should be proportional not selective .

    Does the left , level criticism at Russia, or is it an anti USA thing along ..??

  5. #30

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    On Radio 4 or 5 earlier today they had on a Russian (maybe ex) ambassador and they were talking about this very issue - why would Assad. The Russian's opinion was that it was the rebels who did it to their own, in the hope that the West would blame Assad and retaliate - which is exactly what happened - and exactly what the 'rebels' wanted - an attack on Assad and his capability.

    So ok - I can understand that - and I can also understand that they are as bad as the rest of in doing horrible things to each other. If Assad was on the side of the West - then we would probably take a different view - like Russia is.

    To put it bluntly - NO ONE knows who did it. And depending on your view point - one side is right - the other wrong.

    What we do know is that someone dropped chemical mobs on children, we just dont know who.

    Trump would be better off building a wall around Syria and then Iraq - and they can keep on killing each other until there are none left.
    We don't know anything of the sort. Here's a series of photos that corporate media try to fool us with. https://twitter.com/HosamDakhakhni/s...01559716909056

  6. #31

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Hmm. USA entered WW I on April 6, 1917. http://www.americaslibrary.gov/jb/ja...azz_wwi_1.html

    Exactly 100 years later to the day, they attack Syria.

    Isaiah 17 Biblical prophecy: 'See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins.'

  7. #32

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    BBC dropped a bollock interviewing an ex UK ambassador to Syria. He seems quite angry and worried about all the fakery is leading to.

  8. #33

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    This story published at 5pm today. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/wo...-a7675031.html

    Russia and Iran warn US they will 'respond with force' if red lines crossed in Syria again
    Threat comes after UK Defence Secretary demands Vladimir Putin rein in President Bashar al-Assad...

  9. #34
    Blue in the Face

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    To put it bluntly - NO ONE knows who did it. And depending on your view point - one side is right - the other wrong.
    Right. The other factors rarely considered or even understood are the many covert ops, black ops and counter intelligence happenings going on underneath the subterfuge. Who knows who did what? Which state/collective? Or even private bodies?

    There are also a ton of arguments out there about covert ops in the region that goes back to the end of the Ottoman Empire. There quite a few historians who make the case that the Soviets were drawn into the Afghanistan quagmire in the late 70s by covert CIA black ops. Partly with the intention of weakening the Soviet military, which it did. Rivaling European/U.S militaries have tactically drawn each other into quagmires in the region and in so doing helped form the hornets nest.

    The reason I've taken up a anti-globalist stance is I see globalism equals war. The question I'm asking myself now is? Has the industrial complex now won? Forcing the US military into decisive surge-esque operations? With the aim of breaking up Syria into micro-(puppet) states down the line.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    Thats a more measured post. Weak politicians trying to bomb Syria so that they can be seen as strong. What I would like to know is what we are trying to achieve in all of this. Is it just defeating Isis or are we now looking at forcing regime change too?I certainly hope it is not the latter. Forcing regime change only results in factions emerging and the country disintegrating. Contrary to what has been said Corbyn is being strong taking a stand against the poltical flow. He was right to do so over Iraq. He will be proven right in respect to Syria.
    As much as we want to end intervention there, you can't help feeling like we've just past a tipping point now.

    I'm all for voices of peace, but there needs to be bolder, more revelatory voices out there that seek to excavate "truth". Too many of the peace crying politicians come across as rabbits in the headlights. Or simply shills. But then maybe Jack Nicholson was right in that movie when he said "you can't handle the truth!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    This story published at 5pm today. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/wo...-a7675031.html

    Russia and Iran warn US they will 'respond with force' if red lines crossed in Syria again
    Threat comes after UK Defence Secretary demands Vladimir Putin rein in President Bashar al-Assad...
    Here's the most bat-shit crazy aliens controlling our minds from the moon level of conspiracy theory I've got based on no evidence or any reading (other than Orwell) - Is the US - Russia dialectic fake?

  10. #35
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    BBC dropped a bollock interviewing an ex UK ambassador to Syria. He seems quite angry and worried about all the fakery is leading to.
    Have you seen this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue in the Face View Post
    the US - Russia dialectic fake?

  11. #36

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Trump and McMaster Ordered US Army Cyber Command to "take out VT's servers" to prevent you from reading this article...according to congressional source

    If Trump wanted to take down that website, he'd do it.
    Last edited by Kris; 09-04-17 at 21:50.

  12. #37
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    Trump and McMaster Ordered US Army Cyber Command to "take out VT's servers" to prevent you from reading this article...according to congressional source

    If Trump wanted to take down that website, he'd do it.
    Cheers Organ

  13. #38

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    The whole video was 36 seconds long. There is nothing on the video that

    a) Confirms it was in the aftermath of the chemical attack
    b) Confirms that those shown in the video were victims of the chemical attack
    c) Confirms the source of the video.

    Putting that aside

    Some doctors have, apparently, watched a video and diagnosed a child as having been overdosed with opiates?

    Based on what symptoms?

    They then claim that the adrenaline injection was clearly fake. They don't explain

    a) What makes the injection clearly fake
    b) What makes the injection "adrenaline"

    They claim that the injection of adrenaline was fake because the plunger was not pushed down. The video that I watched only showed about 2 seconds of the little boy with a syringe in his chest.

    Further, the video does not confirm that the little boy

    a) Was alive at the time of the injection
    b) Was dead as a result of the injection
    c) Was dead following the injection.

    "Behind the fake translation of the videos, the actual Arabic included stage directions for positioning the child for the video, not for medical treatment."


    There is nothing on the video that

    a) Confirms it was in the aftermath of the chemical attack
    b) Confirms that those shown in the video were victims of the chemical attack
    c) Confirms the source of the video.

    Putting that aside.


    The Wiki page has a few "issues". Namely

    The neutrality of this article is disputed. (April 2017)
    This article relies too much on references to primary sources. (April 2017)
    This article needs more medical references for verification or relies too heavily on primary sources. (April 2017)
    This article may contain improper references to self-published sources. (April 2017)
    This article needs additional citations for verification. (April 2017)

    Actually, further research suggests this video was taken last month but, it poses more questions than it answers in my opinion.

  14. #39
    Blue in the Face

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post

    Drew you into the quagmire that is the politics forum.

    Sorry about that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    Trump and McMaster Ordered US Army Cyber Command to "take out VT's servers"...

    Someone tell Trump that Vincent Tan isn't from "Cheeyyina"!


  15. #40
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    The whole video was 36 seconds long. There is nothing on the video that

    a) Confirms it was in the aftermath of the chemical attack
    b) Confirms that those shown in the video were victims of the chemical attack
    c) Confirms the source of the video.

    Putting that aside

    Some doctors have, apparently, watched a video and diagnosed a child as having been overdosed with opiates?

    Based on what symptoms?

    They then claim that the adrenaline injection was clearly fake. They don't explain

    a) What makes the injection clearly fake
    b) What makes the injection "adrenaline"

    They claim that the injection of adrenaline was fake because the plunger was not pushed down. The video that I watched only showed about 2 seconds of the little boy with a syringe in his chest.

    Further, the video does not confirm that the little boy

    a) Was alive at the time of the injection
    b) Was dead as a result of the injection
    c) Was dead following the injection.

    "Behind the fake translation of the videos, the actual Arabic included stage directions for positioning the child for the video, not for medical treatment."


    There is nothing on the video that

    a) Confirms it was in the aftermath of the chemical attack
    b) Confirms that those shown in the video were victims of the chemical attack
    c) Confirms the source of the video.

    Putting that aside.


    The Wiki page has a few "issues". Namely

    The neutrality of this article is disputed. (April 2017)
    This article relies too much on references to primary sources. (April 2017)
    This article needs more medical references for verification or relies too heavily on primary sources. (April 2017)
    This article may contain improper references to self-published sources. (April 2017)
    This article needs additional citations for verification. (April 2017)

    Actually, further research suggests this video was taken last month but, it poses more questions than it answers in my opinion.
    Thank god for that, I have been thinking about that baby all day, hence why I asked Organ if he had seen it.

  16. #41

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Thank god for that, I have been thinking about that baby all day, hence why I asked Organ if he had seen it.
    So, you watched that video and formed no thoughts?

  17. #42

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Cheers Organ
    Ah, you see what you did there was post something on a public forum directed at one person, and then got upset when someone else answered.

    What you should do next time is send a private message.

    Glad I could help.

  18. #43
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    So, you watched that video and formed no thoughts?
    I didn't say that did I? I asked Organ if he had seen it without giving my thoughts for a reason, I did not want to influence his view of it before he had even read it.

    I'm not upset btw, I want this stuff examined, the more people asking questions about it the better imo, you seem pretty good at fact checking so I hope you continue with the unanswered questions you found. (post them up)

  19. #44

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    who are the good guys in this mess? Is it the rebells or Assads guys? i am confused.

  20. #45

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by kingbillyboy View Post
    who are the good guys in this mess? Is it the rebels or Assads guys? i am confused.
    Don't be confused. I'll make it easy for you. Just image Neil Lennon and the Pope broke into the trophy room at Ibrox then smashed everything up, pissed on the debris and set fire to the stadium. That's what the rebels, the Americans and their puppets (UK, EU, etc) have done to Syria. Assad is a good guy. He is a combination of Jock Wallace and Jim Baxter, except he doesn't drink.

  21. #46

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Ta for the link. I watched the vids, but frankly wish I hadn't. Shocking, though unsurprising deception. As you know, most people only view conventional corporate media so have little idea they're being played. I sometimes wish I was unaware too.

    PS: Kris has a enormous hooter.

  22. #47

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    I've posted this link before: War Is A Racket by By Major General Smedley Butler https://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.html

    It's a short book written in the 1930s by a two star American General who became ashamed of his 33-year military career. In it he describes how he was unwittingly used as the 'muscle' to overthrow elected governments for corporate profits. Aside from that, he was approached in 1933 to head up a movement that would overthrow the US government. He turned them (elite bankers) down to then blow the whistle. It became known for a brief period as the Business Plot. But for the internet, few would know of it.

  23. #48
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Well as things settle down you get the feeling this was an attack not best fitted or was it , having takeaway meal with China's leader was aptly timed with North Korea on the discussion agenda , the Trump warning about crossing red lines and not wanting to be seen as an Obama type of president , failure on the home front with internal policy moves, who not show the world I've arrived and drive the global agenda from a position of action . It's worth noting that back a few years ago Trump used twitter to advise Obama government not to act when the sarin attack took place in 2013 .

  24. #49

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    All the child victims are probably Christian or Alawis who have been killed by the terrorists. There is a good link here explaining how it was all done.


    Some of our own politicians are just as psychopathic as the terrorists and they know Assad has been framed, but the rest of our politicians have been taken in by the lies. We all know our own politicians are liars, but they are as innocent as new born babies compared to Arabs when it comes to telling the truth. I've chatted to policemen who have had dealings with Arabs and they are all agreed that the truth means nothing to them. It is an alien concept. I'm not saying Arabs are bad people – although there is no doubt that these lying doctors are very bad – but it is just a thing about their culture and we can't accept what they say without checking the facts ourselves.

  25. #50
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    All the child victims are probably Christian or Alawis who have been killed by the terrorists. There is a good link here explaining how it was all done.


    Some of our own politicians are just as psychopathic as the terrorists and they know Assad has been framed, but the rest of our politicians have been taken in by the lies. We all know our own politicians are liars, but they are as innocent as new born babies compared to Arabs when it comes to telling the truth. I've chatted to policemen who have had dealings with Arabs and they are all agreed that the truth means nothing to them. It is an alien concept. I'm not saying Arabs are bad people – although there is no doubt that these lying doctors are very bad – but it is just a thing about their culture and we can't accept what they say without checking the facts ourselves.
    Assad framed, that's a priceless thought , step back, take away the anti Trump /USA thoughts have a read on the past atrocities delivered on his own people, and there are some ordinary poor Syrians with no life or home down to "framed Assad " who would disagree with that thought ,that tell those stories all over the web, well before his Trumpness.

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