Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. View Post
This thread has taken an interesting turn (well, 'interesting' for some of us maybe) ;)

I am a bit of a fan of the underdog / alternative / outsider (goes well with supporting the City) and although I had ownership dreams as a young man, I prefer something interesting or quirky over a Fender or Gibson.

Some memorable / favourite 'alternatives' over the years have been:
Maison 335 style (decent quality late 80's? MIK) that particular one just had that something. So .. I sold it (one of many 'FFS' moments)
Mid 80's Fernandes 'The Revival' Strat . Wowza. Also sold that. There is a pattern here !
But my dearest possession/memory was a 70's Ibanez 'Custom' LesPaul clone which was my everything for years, many, many moons ago.
I played/abused the **** out of it until it truly died. I still have the tuner pegs ;)
The only guitar I truly regret selling was a PRS Classic 24, that I bought from Mike at Cranes on my 30th birthday. It was beautiful to look at and played like a Rolls Royce.The sound was great but it didn't really twang/thud like a good strat or grunt/scream like a good Les. It definitely had something though!