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Thread: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

  1. #76

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. View Post
    If Team Trump had a pop at North Korea, , do you think NK would expend its energy/arsenal attacking SK?
    Would Team Trump would approach NK via SK and/or undertake actions that put the South in the line of retaliation fire.
    That would be a c*ntish thing to do eh?
    Yes, I agree. From what I've read they have at least 10,000 missiles trained on Seoul (population 10 million). They also have plenty pointing towards Japan.

  2. #77
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Might it be too simplistic to imagine that zapping the feck out of a Syrian Air Base and then dropping the 'mother of all (conventional) bombs' on Afghanistan was really a finger wagging in Kim Jong-un 's direction?

  3. #78

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    It likely was a warning. NK has conducted several tests prior without blood-curdling US threats and one of their carrier's steaming to the region. If they were to attack NK then surely we'd know in advance from an evacuation of Seoul. It would be too risky to bet NK wouldn't respond.

  4. #79

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. View Post
    Might it be too simplistic to imagine that zapping the feck out of a Syrian Air Base and then dropping the 'mother of all (conventional) bombs' on Afghanistan was really a finger wagging in Kim Jong-un 's direction?
    Isn't it somehow typically American that the killing device they dropped on Afghanistan is known as "the mother of all bombs"?

    Speaking as someone in the I don't know everything camp, this looks to me like a President who's got tired of the "boring" domestic stuff, which is turning out to be harder than he thought it would be, and is now turning to "easier" stuff which will get him plenty of positive coverage - in the short term at least.

  5. #80

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    I certainly agree with your final sentence Feedback.

  6. #81

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    You must have been watching the press review on sky last night then - as they said the same thing.
    Trump said in his campaign he would massively increase spending on the military (he'll claim this as delivering I guess....)

    At the moment he as parked his aircraft carrier and countless other ships in the sea between North Korea and Japan - any missile going in their direction will be taken out I think.

    Then we have NATO (now not obsolete) - when those 58 or so cruise missiles landed in Syria - the Russians didnt detect any of them - not even a blip on the radar. The US and NATO know this - that Russia is effectively blind to tommahawks, the Russians now also realise it to. As do the Chinese and now North Korea.

    The problem is - if the US do nothing (like Obama) then the Russians, Chinese, Koreans tend to try and push their luck bit by bit, Crimea for example or the Chinese expansion in the South China sea.

    So this is definite posturing by the US - and it seems it is the only language others understand, it would be far better if we could just all get along. If we could just prove there is life on other planets - then maybe we could remove religion from politics and the world would be a safer place.
    No, I didn't see it, just strikes me as the way someone like Trump (and quite a few other politicians) would act. Like Pearcey, I agree with the last bit of your message.

  7. #82
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    It looks like North Korea might be next to taste the Trump treatment, and soon too. They have a standing army of seven million. Should they be attacked there's no guarantee they'll retaliate, but if they did South Korea's capital city is just 40 miles from their border which they could easily destroy.
    It's a very dangerous scenario, if South Korea and Japan were to be attacked very little would be left of the Korean peninsula.

  8. #83

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Having had a few posters constantly saying hillary is the warmonger etc, I think we can dispell that one. It's not one person or one party - it's America that is the warmonger.

  9. #84

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    It's reported that Sir Evelyn Rothschild called for Assad's removal at a charity event earlier in the week. That tells me he'll be gone by hook or by crook before too long.

  10. #85

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    You must have been watching the press review on sky last night then - as they said the same thing.
    Trump said in his campaign he would massively increase spending on the military (he'll claim this as delivering I guess....)

    At the moment he as parked his aircraft carrier and countless other ships in the sea between North Korea and Japan - any missile going in their direction will be taken out I think.

    Then we have NATO (now not obsolete) - when those 58 or so cruise missiles landed in Syria - the Russians didnt detect any of them - not even a blip on the radar. The US and NATO know this - that Russia is effectively blind to tommahawks, the Russians now also realise it to. As do the Chinese and now North Korea.

    The problem is - if the US do nothing (like Obama) then the Russians, Chinese, Koreans tend to try and push their luck bit by bit, Crimea for example or the Chinese expansion in the South China sea.

    So this is definite posturing by the US - and it seems it is the only language others understand, it would be far better if we could just all get along. If we could just prove there is life on other planets - then maybe we could remove religion from politics and the world would be a safer place.
    I think the attacks in Syria, whilst serving a "humanitarian" purpose, were designed to send messages to Russia and China. Trump has been viewed as being isolationist and maybe China and Russia have viewed that as a signal to start expansionist policies.

    Following the attack on Syria, the Philippine president threatened to take his poorly equipped army and land on some of the Chinese built islands. No doubt emboldened by Trump's more global policy, he has since gone back based on a discussion with President Xi where he was reminded that, actually, the Chinese are really good friends.

    The attack on Afghanistan reminds everybody that the Americans have a huge arsenal of bombs and are capable of dropping them anywhere. I think it sent a message to Pyongyang as much as anything else because - let's face it - that is a huge bomb to drop for such a low number of IS deaths (90 at time of writing).

    Finding life on other planets will only help the religious amongst us to say that god (and I use the name with a lower case letter purposely) is the creator of all life in the universe. As a result, I think religion will become even more prominent in world politics as leaders use their own-conceived mantras to legitimise the wars that they want to start, and the killings that need to be made.

    Any war in North Korea will escalate to include the South China sea. China will start to feel exposed as North Korea (and possibly South Korea) are blown to the dark ages and they will begin militarizing their islands. They are likely to take out some of the American bases in countries like The Philippines, Malaysia and Singapore, dragging a lot of poor countries into a war. This will happen as soon as China feels threatened - but can be averted if the US can become more friendly to China. America will use Islamic extremism in Indonesia and The Philippines to expand their war on terror which, in effect, will be a war on Chinese satellite states or a proxy war with China.

    If the war escalates, then in steps Putin with his plans to expand into the Baltic nations. A fragmented Europe, and an ill-equipped Royal Air Force will be powerless to stop the expansion. And the Americans will be too busy else where.

    That's how I see the escalation of this war, and I don't really think it is an exaggeration to predict that we will see a nuclear bomb dropped somewhere. It may only be the one (my bet is America on Pyongyang if NK invades SK) but that this is even now a legitimate prediction to make shows where we are as a world at the moment.

  11. #86

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. View Post
    Based on some of the contradictory viewpoints and the more /bizarre/weird/whoaaa/ stuff you have posted over the last few months, I doubt if many others on this board share your arrogant folly that you are in any kind of position to judge others, or their views.
    Certainly not regards apparent 'gullibility'.
    I don't know what you mean by describing my posts as bizarre or weird. You are probably confusing me with another poster - perhaps yourself. Posters like Organ and Bales are just trying to hold you by the hand and lead you towards the truth. At the moment, judging by your posts, you are floundering in a sea of misinformation. I think I remember you posting that you were about 50 years old. If that is true then that is worrying. You are still young but you should be waking up to the fact that our rulers have been lying to you all your life. Nearly everything you pick up from the papers or the TV is a lie or an oversimplification. You need to start doing your own research and then you will be on our level and we can talk as equals.

  12. #87

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Trump (as yet) is no where near the same league as Clinton. And all his pre election rhetoric of wanting to do business not war seems a little mixed to say the least.

    We may well find that the punch on the nose he gave Syria and Russia and the rest of the anti US countries may well be enough for them to now take the US seriously again.

    Interesting times
    He's dropped the 'mother of all bombs' on one country and dozens of missiles at another whilst eating chocolate cake, so interesting to know what you think needs to happen for him to be in Clinton's league.

  13. #88

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Bombing the Middle East in order to send a message to Russia and China is a scary thought process.

  14. #89
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    I don't know what you mean by describing my posts as bizarre or weird. You are probably confusing me with another poster - perhaps yourself. Posters like Organ and Bales are just trying to hold you by the hand and lead you towards the truth. At the moment, judging by your posts, you are floundering in a sea of misinformation. I think I remember you posting that you were about 50 years old. If that is true then that is worrying. You are still young but you should be waking up to the fact that our rulers have been lying to you all your life. Nearly everything you pick up from the papers or the TV is a lie or an oversimplification. You need to start doing your own research and then you will be on our level and we can talk as equals.

    I've had some great info from at least one of the poster you mention.
    That doesn't mean that I slavishly subscribe to everything and anything anybody tips me off to.

    Some of the sources that you have quoted, and some of the opinions you apparently hold have led me to form a different opinion about you. ;)

  15. #90
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. View Post

    I've had some great info from at least one of the poster you mention.
    That doesn't mean that I slavishly subscribe to everything and anything anybody tips me off to.

    Some of the sources that you have quoted, and some of the opinions you apparently hold have led me to form a different opinion about you. ;)
    As we are advised that the papers and TV are not to be trusted and we should seek independent sources, I'm keen to be educated, should I fly to Syria and ask them how cuddly Assad is or I could look on the Internet and listen to equally one dimensional and self interested theories that mirrors the alleged opposite agenda that our free democratic press delivers.

  16. #91

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    It is that old conundrum of deciding when to strike to save the most amount of lives.

    War with North Korea is inevitable really isn't it?.

    NK get more and more powerful by the day. At what point do you nip it in the bud?.

    Whatever happens, America will win. That is without doubt. They will obliterate North Korea.

    Maybe we will look back in 50 years and laugh about how paranoid we were of that 1 country holding the world to ransom.

    Or maybe not. Scary stuff.
    Last edited by LordKenwyne; 15-04-17 at 18:58.

  17. #92

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    It is that old conundrum of deciding when to strike to save the most amount of lives.

    War with North Korea is inevitable really isn't it?.

    NK get more and more powerful by the day. At what point do you nip it in the bud?.

    Whatever happens, America will win. That is without doubt. They will obliterate North Korea.

    Maybe we will look back in 50 years and laugh about how paranoid we were of that 1 country holding the world to ransom.

    Or maybe not. Scary stuff.
    i read elsewhere ( from a American ) we should just pull the bandaid and get it over with

    as its been discussed, both Russia and China have been pushing as much as they can with Obama just watching, people will say they need to be shown they cannot do what they like

  18. #93

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    As we are advised that the papers and TV are not to be trusted and we should seek independent sources, I'm keen to be educated, should I fly to Syria and ask them how cuddly Assad is or I could look on the Internet and listen to equally one dimensional and self interested theories that mirrors the alleged opposite agenda that our free democratic press delivers.
    It is not a question of who to trust. Don't trust anyone. The right question is who is most likely to be telling the truth. I posted a link to an MIT professor who said the American report about Assad's so-called gas attack could not be true. He supported his case with photos and science. On the other side you have newspaper journalists who say the American report is true because that is what they have been told by their sources. These sources are mainly politicians. No Western journalist has been any near the site because they would be kidnapped by the rebels.

    You must agree that the professor is more likely to be telling the truth than the reporters. As long as a journalist can fill a column with something someone will read they are not bothered about whether it is true or not. If you ever read a story about someone you know then you will find that the journalist has usually got half his facts wrong. Some well-known journalists like Johann Hari have got away with making up stories for years. The newspaper owners are not bothered as long as they can find advertisers and readers.

    Find out what the experts are saying. You can do a lot of research yourself by searching newspaper libraries. For example, I wanted to know where the "weapons of mass destruction" phrase came from and I found out that its modern use was started by Menachem Begin and then popularized by US and UK journalists with links to Israel. It was a deliberate black propaganda operation by Israel. If a silly old fool like me can find this out with a bit of research then almost anyone on here could do the same.

  19. #94

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    It is that old conundrum of deciding when to strike to save the most amount of lives.

    War with North Korea is inevitable really isn't it?.

    NK get more and more powerful by the day. At what point do you nip it in the bud?.

    Whatever happens, America will win. That is without doubt. They will obliterate North Korea.

    Maybe we will look back in 50 years and laugh about how paranoid we were of that 1 country holding the world to ransom.

    Or maybe not. Scary stuff.
    I don't believe North Korea is the boogeyman that is portrayed. It relies on China for most of its energy needs, food and consumables. Without their support most of their population would have long since died of famine. I'd be less than amazed to learn the country is and has been used for decades as a social experiment by those who want to bring to the whole world that very same brand of extreme totalitarianism. Take a look sometime at the street scenes of weeping mourners lining the streets during the funerals of their last two presidents to gauge how successful they've been at subjugating its population.

  20. #95
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    It is not a question of who to trust. Don't trust anyone. The right question is who is most likely to be telling the truth. I posted a link to an MIT professor who said the American report about Assad's so-called gas attack could not be true. He supported his case with photos and science. On the other side you have newspaper journalists who say the American report is true because that is what they have been told by their sources. These sources are mainly politicians. No Western journalist has been any near the site because they would be kidnapped by the rebels.

    You must agree that the professor is more likely to be telling the truth than the reporters. As long as a journalist can fill a column with something someone will read they are not bothered about whether it is true or not. If you ever read a story about someone you know then you will find that the journalist has usually got half his facts wrong. Some well-known journalists like Johann Hari have got away with making up stories for years. The newspaper owners are not bothered as long as they can find advertisers and readers.

    Find out what the experts are saying. You can do a lot of research yourself by searching newspaper libraries. For example, I wanted to know where the "weapons of mass destruction" phrase came from and I found out that its modern use was started by Menachem Begin and then popularized by US and UK journalists with links to Israel. It was a deliberate black propaganda operation by Israel. If a silly old fool like me can find this out with a bit of research then almost anyone on here could do the same.
    I admire your tenacity on the subject, unfortunately I cannot agree with your philopspy .

  21. #96
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Organ Morgan. View Post
    I don't believe North Korea is the boogeyman that is portrayed. It relies on China for most of its energy needs, food and consumables. Without their support most of their population would have long since died of famine. I'd be less than amazed to learn the country is and has been used for decades as a social experiment by those who want to bring to the whole world that very same brand of extreme totalitarianism. Take a look sometime at the street scenes of weeping mourners lining the streets during the funerals of their last two presidents to gauge how successful they've been at subjugating its population.
    I was thinking about that last night, the only view of North Korea I have has been from our media so I'm not sure if it's correct.

    You seen any of the power grid stories? don't like where that's going..

  22. #97

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    I was thinking about that last night, the only view of North Korea I have has been from our media so I'm not sure if it's correct.

    You seen any of the power grid stories? don't like where that's going..
    Which stories are these (assuming this is not a private conversation).

    BTW, NK's missile launch failed.

  23. #98
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    Which stories are these (assuming this is not a private conversation).

    BTW, NK's missile launch failed.
    I heard about it elsewhere but I found a couple of mainstream links on it for you, it's the express and the daily star but you can't have it all it will give you an idea of what I'm on about, I'm just wondering why they have not been worried about it before?

    "Pentagon scrambles for solution amid fears North Korea could BLOW UP American power grid"

    "North Korea capable of 'BLOWING UP' American power grid as US blackout fears loom"

  24. #99

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    I heard about it elsewhere but I found a couple of mainstream links on it for you, it's the express and the daily star but you can't have it all it will give you an idea of what I'm on about, I'm just wondering why they have not been worried about it before?

    "Pentagon scrambles for solution amid fears North Korea could BLOW UP American power grid"

    "North Korea capable of 'BLOWING UP' American power grid as US blackout fears loom"
    I saw the Daily Star article (deleting internet history is useless). I assume that, if NK can take out America's power grid, then

    A) So could anyone else
    B) It's equally likely our national grid is as susceptible
    C) I would be more concerned at a terrorist attack (of course ISIS couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery but, you never know)

    I would also guess that the American power grid has been this weak for a long time. Considering the numeracy of their enemies, I wonder why no one has hit America where they appear softest. In other words - this is a non story for me but America - expect higher energy bills soon :)

  25. #100

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    It is not a question of who to trust. Don't trust anyone. The right question is who is most likely to be telling the truth. I posted a link to an MIT professor who said the American report about Assad's so-called gas attack could not be true. He supported his case with photos and science. On the other side you have newspaper journalists who say the American report is true because that is what they have been told by their sources. These sources are mainly politicians. No Western journalist has been any near the site because they would be kidnapped by the rebels.

    You must agree that the professor is more likely to be telling the truth than the reporters. As long as a journalist can fill a column with something someone will read they are not bothered about whether it is true or not. If you ever read a story about someone you know then you will find that the journalist has usually got half his facts wrong. Some well-known journalists like Johann Hari have got away with making up stories for years. The newspaper owners are not bothered as long as they can find advertisers and readers.

    Find out what the experts are saying. You can do a lot of research yourself by searching newspaper libraries. For example, I wanted to know where the "weapons of mass destruction" phrase came from and I found out that its modern use was started by Menachem Begin and then popularized by US and UK journalists with links to Israel. It was a deliberate black propaganda operation by Israel. If a silly old fool like me can find this out with a bit of research then almost anyone on here could do the same.
    You seem to be placing a lot of reliance on professors and experts there - nothing wrong with that at all in my book. However, when 97% of them say that there is clear evidence of global warming existing, you, and others on here, claim that all but 3% of them are Liberal elite, globalist, Israeli, Fabian Society stooges .

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