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Thread: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

  1. #101

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    If there is conflict between the US and NK - then there are 2 outcomes, NK will fall apart and there will be millions of refugees on the Chinese border.

    NK will be like the wizard of Oz, have the courage to pull back the green curtain and you will find there was feck all to it anyway - just one big Chinese social engineering experiment. The Chinese get NK to do all their dirty work for them.

    Remember back about 10 years or so, NK was threatening to destroy the evil west etc etc -and in the end when it was offered some aid - it decided to take that instead of picking fights. It's a shame that this fecking moon faced moronic chinese puppet is taking away the real problem that is Syria / ISIS
    I'm old enough to remember back fifty years when America was "sorting out" another area of east Asian country that had a north and south part in the same way as Korea does - while I think you may be right about North Korea, the Americans paid heavily, particularly in psychological terms, for their under estimation of the North Vietnamese.

  2. #102
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    I saw the Daily Star article (deleting internet history is useless). I assume that, if NK can take out America's power grid, then

    A) So could anyone else
    B) It's equally likely our national grid is as susceptible
    C) I would be more concerned at a terrorist attack (of course ISIS couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery but, you never know)

    I would also guess that the American power grid has been this weak for a long time. Considering the numeracy of their enemies, I wonder why no one has hit America where they appear softest. In other words - this is a non story for me but America - expect higher energy bills soon :)
    I agree with your points and yes it has been weak for a long time which why I wonder why they keep banging on about it? if your back door didn't lock properly you wouldn't keep telling people about it would you? be like sending invitations to burglars.

    Like with every news story I read I ask myself why are they telling me this? and what do they want me to think? if you had to answer that what would you say?

  3. #103
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    I agree with your points and yes it has been weak for a long time which why I wonder why they keep banging on about it? if your back door didn't lock properly you wouldn't keep telling people about it would you? be like sending invitations to burglars.

    Like with every news story I read I ask myself why are they telling me this? and what do they want me to think? if you had to answer that what would you say?
    It doesn't make sense.

    It might not actually be very do-able.
    The USA may be butt-wiggling for someone (NK?) just to give it a go, so that they can 'catch them at it' and this have a public example to bank of being wronged, without actually entering conflict nor incurring casualty.
    For whatever use/outcome.

    Not sure that even makes sense either... ;)

  4. #104

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Attention has switched to North Korea when only days before Russia and Iran released a joint statement that included these words: 'What America waged in an aggression on Syria is a crossing of red lines. From now on we will respond with force to any aggressor or any breach of red lines from whoever it is and America knows our ability to respond well.'

    It seems there's a better than 50% chance North Korea will conduct another nuke test in the days ahead. That would put the USA on the spot because if they launch just one bomb at them there would be every chance they'd respond with blitzing South Korea's capital city within minutes.

    It may be time to avoid huge queues by getting an extra loaf in and withdrawing a large amount of cash.

  5. #105
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. View Post
    It doesn't make sense.

    It might not actually be very do-able.
    The USA may be butt-wiggling for someone (NK?) just to give it a go, so that they can 'catch them at it' and this have a public example to bank of being wronged, without actually entering conflict nor incurring casualty.
    For whatever use/outcome.

    Not sure that even makes sense either... ;)
    Or they are setting the stage for the mother of all false flags.

  6. #106

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Here's a fun read: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/...0040036_en.pdf It's the The Civil Contingencies Act 2004. It's been compared with the USA's Patriot Act, and gives the government of the day draconian powers in the event that it declares an emergency serious enough for them to invoke the Act without Parliament's approval. It would give them the legal authority to intern whomever they please, suspend rights to a trial, requisition any private property, compel any citizen and whole communities to relocate and lots more besides.

  7. #107

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    I agree with your points and yes it has been weak for a long time which why I wonder why they keep banging on about it? if your back door didn't lock properly you wouldn't keep telling people about it would you? be like sending invitations to burglars.

    Like with every news story I read I ask myself why are they telling me this? and what do they want me to think? if you had to answer that what would you say?
    If it's true then maybe it's facts that are being leaked out by disgruntled employees. If that's the case, then you have to question how much truth is in there at all.

    If it is a more official source then, I suggest, the news is geared more towards investors and stock market traders.

  8. #108
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Some of the posts in this thread could be deemed very patronising, especially if we don't choose to adopt the thoughts and writings of these professors, intellectual theroist, and liberal politicians, from buried references in the depths of libraries or the Internet.

    Views and theories (and that's all they are ) are easily found and formed you dont have to do a lot of digging to find an anti establishment conspiracy, what is tougher is find that viewpoint or position and balance that against an opposite view or even basic reality, it's way too easy to adopt it as some rebel shout.

    We are all due a free viewpoint, and if we dare to adopt an opposite view to that of others it does not make us gullible, wrong , or taken from some form of so calked ,evil media machinery, now that could be a aimed or beva soundbite from the Assad's, Putins and Kim's of this world.

    Thankfully this is my last post on this matter ,I'm sure newer topics will stimulate my comment ,if it is an opposite view I can only apologise and can assure you that it's a free thought.

  9. #109
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    If it's true then maybe it's facts that are being leaked out by disgruntled employees. If that's the case, then you have to question how much truth is in there at all.

    If it is a more official source then, I suggest, the news is geared more towards investors and stock market traders.
    Not really sure what you mean tbh

  10. #110

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    You seem to be placing a lot of reliance on professors and experts there - nothing wrong with that at all in my book. However, when 97% of them say that there is clear evidence of global warming existing, you, and others on here, claim that all but 3% of them are Liberal elite, globalist, Israeli, Fabian Society stooges .
    The 97% percentage figure is made up but I will grant you that most of the climate scientists believe in global warming, but then you would expect that wouldn't you? When you are getting paid to make long term predictions about the climate you are not going to admit that it can't be done. Anyway, there are scientists and scientists. Theodore Postol's academic and professional background puts him way ahead of the average climate scientist. He's got nothing to gain but a lot to lose by standing up to his government. The climate scientists are just following the government line.

    That 3% list is a bit of a coincidence because I have spent some time today trying to work out if someone wrongfully accused of being a sexual predator was set up because of his views on global warming. I could find links to globalists and a very powerful group of police and legal people with surnames originating from a certain Middle Eastern country, but in the end I thought it was just too far fetched to be true. So you see, even cranks like me draw the line somewhere. Not everything is a conspiracy.

  11. #111

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    It took how many years to get the Paris Agreement, and yet climate change is the 'government line'

  12. #112

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    It took how many years to get the Paris Agreement, and yet climate change is the 'government line'
    Climate change science was nothing until politicians realised they could make money from it. Just look at Tim Yeo and Chris Huhne.

  13. #113

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    They dreamed the climate change hoax up in the 1960s. The author of the book the Report from Iron Mountain later claimed it was tongue-in-cheek but everything in it came true.

    Assad has made remarks that some have maintained for ages by stating Trump is merely a tailor's dummy and that the Yanks et al are in reality on ISIS's side. http://yournewswire.com/assad-deep-s...ntrol-america/

    President Assad: Deep State Control America, Not Trump

    April 17, 2017 Sean Adl-Tabatabai

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad claims that Trump has been duped by the Deep State, who he says have complete control of America.

    In his first interview following the Tomahawk missile attack last week, Assad claims that the neocons have taken control of the Trump administration, and that its “business as usual” for the American Deep State when it comes to dictating foreign policy.

    According to the interview:

    “Actually, what has been proven recently, as I said earlier, that they are hand in glove with those terrorists, the United States and the West, they’re not serious in fighting the terrorists, and yesterday some of their statesmen were defending ISIS. They were saying that ISIS doesn’t have chemical weapons.

    They are defending ISIS against the Syrian government and the Syrian Army.

    So, actually, you cannot talk about partnership between us who work against the terrorists and who fight the terrorism and the others who are supporting explicitly the terrorists.

    …I was very cautious in saying any opinion regarding him before he became President and after.

    I always say let’s see what he’s going to do, we wouldn’t comment on statements.

    So, actually, this is the first proof that it’s not about the President in the United State; it’s about the regime and the deep state or the deep regime in the United States is still the same, it doesn’t change.

    The President is only one of the performers on their theatre, if he wants to be a leader, he cannot, because as some say he wanted to be a leader, Trump wanted to be a leader, but every President there, if he wants to be a real leader, later he’s going to eat his words, swallow his pride if he has pride at all, and make a 180 degree U-turn, otherwise he would pay the price politically”.

  14. #114

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    Climate change science was nothing until politicians realised they could make money from it. Just look at Tim Yeo and Chris Huhne.
    When do you think that started happening? Tim Yeo and Chris Huhne are quite recent examples.

  15. #115

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    i believe apple are paying the amrican government to do this. america bombs north korea then north korea wipes out south korea. who is based in south korea? samsung thats who. win win for the evil apple empire.

  16. #116

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by kingbillyboy View Post
    i believe apple are paying the amrican government to do this. america bombs north korea then north korea wipes out south korea. who is based in south korea? samsung thats who. win win for the evil apple empire.
    Stick to the apples you know about - fermented ones.

  17. #117
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    Stick to the apples you know about - fermented ones.
    Fermented foods are good for you too, bonus

  18. #118

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by David Vincent View Post
    Stick to the apples you know about - fermented ones.
    i know what i am talking about. why do you think steve jobs was murdered? to keep him quiet thats why.

  19. #119

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by kingbillyboy View Post
    i know what i am talking about. why do you think steve jobs was murdered? to keep him quiet thats why.
    This thread is getting rather good

  20. #120
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    This thread is getting rather good
    It's not as full as your inbox.

  21. #121
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by kingbillyboy View Post
    i believe apple are paying the amrican government to do this. america bombs north korea then north korea wipes out south korea. who is based in south korea? samsung thats who. win win for the evil apple empire.

    Samsung make a lot of stuff for Apple. Such as iPhones etc etc..

  22. #122

    Re: Trump bombs Syrian air fields

    Quote Originally Posted by Vimana. View Post

    Samsung make a lot of stuff for Apple. Such as iPhones etc etc..
    no they dont they are at a war they hate each other. fanny

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