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Thread: I am voting Labour

  1. #26

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    A sickening amount of money.
    Less than a couple of quid per head of population.....

  2. #27

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    We are going to get hammered but there you go , I wouldn't vote Tory if it was my last day on this planet
    well done Sluidge. I hate the feckers too.Lying bastards.

  3. #28

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    You would vote Labour even if Jeremy Corbyn had just killed your kids - nothing like a man so narrow minded that they will never change their mind.

    Jeremy Corbyn went to a grammar school.... and yet he is opposed to them. His son also went, but I think that was JC's wife over ruling him....
    I doubt that Corbyn had much choice at 11.

  4. #29

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    You would vote Labour even if Jeremy Corbyn had just killed your kids - nothing like a man so narrow minded that they will never change their mind.

    Jeremy Corbyn went to a grammar school.... and yet he is opposed to them. His son also went, but I think that was JC's wife over ruling him....
    Quote Originally Posted by jeremy corbyn View Post
    I doubt that Corbyn had much choice at 11.
    I went to grammar school, I also had a grant to do my degree.
    My daughters are saddled with £1000s of debt after their courses.

  5. #30
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    We are going to get hammered but there you go , I wouldn't vote Tory if it was my last day on this planet
    Labour for me too.

    The LibDems will win my constituency (Clegg), Labour will be hammered, the Kippers will implode, Theresa May will get her massively increased majority, Corbin may well walk the plank, but it will be all to fight for in 5 years time. It will be very grim times at the bottom and more incompetence at the top. But there will be cheap holidays abroad in Scotland - silver lining!

  6. #31

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    It was Labour (shock horror) that introduced tuition fees 1998 - in case you missed it.

    If there were fewer kids going to university - maybe the Govt could to help with finance. But we want more kids in universities dont we ? so what would you cut or tax raise in order to get your daughters fees paid ?

    Did you vote for Blair knowing he was going to introduce tuition fees ?
    Yes I agree with you on this. It was Blair's Government that brought in tuition fees in an attempt to make it possible for there to be a huge increase in under graduates without encumbering the state with all of the costs.

  7. #32

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    It was Labour (shock horror) that introduced tuition fees 1998 - in case you missed it.

    If there were fewer kids going to university - maybe the Govt could to help with finance. But we want more kids in universities dont we ? so what would you cut or tax raise in order to get your daughters fees paid ?

    Did you vote for Blair knowing he was going to introduce tuition fees ?
    Yes, I know studen loans came in under Blair's gov. But I believe the seeds were sown by Major (I could be wrong)

    Taxation is ridiculoisly low these days - when I started work a basic rate-payer lost about a third of his pay.

  8. #33

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Is there anyone worth voting for this time?

    A gormless vampire she-robot backed by a bunch of inbred posh dullards or a clueless boring beardy bloke and a motley collection of nobodies who are only there by default because everyone else has stabbed him in the back.

    I suppose we could always back an each way outsider? How about the liberal Sunday school teacher who looks like that kid in school who had to eat special food and stay indoors due to his allergies? Perhaps that bullshitting Eddie Hitler from UKIP? (who don't actually have a purpose any more).

    I guess that leaves Plaid and the Greens - so either a party that sees having S4C and Welsh road signs as the key to success or some bloke in an itchy jumper banging on about how my fridge is killing the planet.

    I think I'm going to vote for Sludge this time - I'll just add his name to the bottom of the list. I'm sure nobody will mind.

  9. #34

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Lecter View Post
    Is there anyone worth voting for this time?

    A gormless vampire she-robot backed by a bunch of inbred posh dullards or a clueless boring beardy bloke and a motley collection of nobodies who are only there by default because everyone else has stabbed him in the back.

    I suppose we could always back an each way outsider? How about the liberal Sunday school teacher who looks like that kid in school who had to eat special food and stay indoors due to his allergies? Perhaps that bullshitting Eddie Hitler from UKIP? (who don't actually have a purpose any more).

    I guess that leaves Plaid and the Greens - so either a party that sees having S4C and Welsh road signs as the key to success or some bloke in an itchy jumper banging on about how my fridge is killing the planet.

    I think I'm going to vote for Sludge this time - I'll just add his name to the bottom of the list. I'm sure nobody will mind.
    That's absolute quality.
    Summed it up perfectly.

    I'm a swing voter. I vote for which party I think will do the best job for the next 5 years .

    I think I know which way I'll go this time, but it's increasingly becoming the lesser of the evils which some of the parties in their current forms present

  10. #35

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    Yes I agree with you on this. It was Blair's Government that brought in tuition fees in an attempt to make it possible for there to be a huge increase in under graduates without encumbering the state with all of the costs.
    Only it completely capitalised the system and universities no longer value their courses, taking on any bum if they throw money at them.

  11. #36

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by SLUDGE FACTORY View Post
    We are going to get hammered but there you go , I wouldn't vote Tory if it was my last day on this planet
    I'm also going to vote for the party of the working class...

  12. #37

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    If the Tories had been in power in 2003 do you think they would have failed to back Bush? I don't think so.
    The likes of Murdoch and the hard right press need to be held to account too along with weak politicians on both sides of the house
    That isn't an argument.

    Blair didn't simply back bush they went hand in hand.

    In the coalition now you see the UK taking a back seat. Under Tory guidance they are not front line and centre.

    Labour took us to war costing hundreds of thousands of lives. & even after the beginning of the war they were voted back into power.

    Anti Tories always bring out the past, fundamentally evil. When you bring up Labour's past they claim it was outside influence poisoning the party.

    Labour voters grandstanding about morals died many moons ago.

    I suppose in 50-60 years time we can look back and thank the recent Labour party efforts for completely destroying our image abroad. Creating the scenario for the worst refugee crisis in 70 odd years. However many dead. Some of the oldest civilisations in existence decimated.

  13. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by bobh View Post
    Yes, I know studen loans came in under Blair's gov. But I believe the seeds were sown by Major (I could be wrong)

    Taxation is ridiculoisly low these days - when I started work a basic rate-payer lost about a third of his pay.
    Not according to Mcdonald

  14. #39

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    You would vote Labour even if Jeremy Corbyn had just killed your kids - nothing like a man so narrow minded that they will never change their mind.

    Jeremy Corbyn went to a grammar school.... and yet he is opposed to them. His son also went, but I think that was JC's wife over ruling him....
    What is the purpose of your hypothetical scenario in paragraph 1?

    Paragraph 2 - I doubt that JC had much say on the matter and, being 11, I doubt that his politics were formed then.

    His marriage broke up over his son's education. I find that tragic, you find it amusing. A bit like the vicar's daughter.

  15. #40

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    If the Tories had been in power in 2003 do you think they would have failed to back Bush? I don't think so.
    The likes of Murdoch and the hard right press need to be held to account too along with weak politicians on both sides of the house
    Theresa May voted WITH the Labour government in 2003. So, you are right, she would have backed Bush in 2003.

  16. #41

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by bobh View Post
    I'm a life-long Labour voter, would never vote Tory in a million years.
    But something worries me about Jeremy.
    Hopefully he'll resign after the result.
    How you vote is up to you, but I can't understand the logic of voting for one party in a lifetime.

  17. #42

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Shitpeas View Post
    I like his politics and he seems like a decent bloke, but Corbyn has got to go as he's simply not a leader. It seems almost a certainty that the tories will win a landslide and Corbyn will walk anyway and Labour can elect a new leader this summer to unify the party and build up the fight for the next election.

    But I hate the fact that Cardiff North is tory. It'll only take a swing of around 2,000 votes to get rid of Craig Williams, the condescending little Tory shitbag. So it's Labour for me.
    Corbyn is seen as unelectable mainly because Rupert Murdoch wants them to think that way.

    Corbyn is a decent bloke, but I haven't got a clue what he thinks of the main topic in this election - Brexit.

  18. #43

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by bobh View Post
    Yes, I know studen loans came in under Blair's gov. But I believe the seeds were sown by Major (I could be wrong)

    Taxation is ridiculoisly low these days - when I started work a basic rate-payer lost about a third of his pay.
    We still do. I take home 64% of my pay but that's not including Council Tax and Road Tax.

  19. #44

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by A Quiet Monkfish View Post
    I'm also going to vote for the party of the working class...
    Tory? Check Theresa Maybe's voting record.

  20. #45

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    That isn't an argument.

    Blair didn't simply back bush they went hand in hand.

    In the coalition now you see the UK taking a back seat. Under Tory guidance they are not front line and centre.

    Labour took us to war costing hundreds of thousands of lives. & even after the beginning of the war they were voted back into power.

    Anti Tories always bring out the past, fundamentally evil. When you bring up Labour's past they claim it was outside influence poisoning the party.

    Labour voters grandstanding about morals died many moons ago.

    I suppose in 50-60 years time we can look back and thank the recent Labour party efforts for completely destroying our image abroad. Creating the scenario for the worst refugee crisis in 70 odd years. However many dead. Some of the oldest civilisations in existence decimated.
    The Toryparty (including Theresa May) backed Blair. More so than the voters - we didn't have a chance to vote on the Iraq war having elected Blair a second time in 2001 prior to 9/11.

  21. #46

    Re: I am voting Labour

    I have decided on my MP as opposed to the party this time. Jo Stephens left the front bench due to Corbyn's support of article 50 sonshes getting my vote.

    Jeremy Corbyn nice man or not is not up to job, he never wanted it. Hopefully next leader is someone far more tenacious in holding TM to account.

  22. #47

    Re: I am voting Labour

    With Labour and UKIP imploding, Plaid (in Wales) and the Lib Dems could be the best tactical votes to ensure the Tory's don't get a 100+ majority

  23. #48

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Back to the matter in hand, people in Wales voted in favour of Brexit. If you did that then you should vote Conservative on June 8th , as Labour wont deliver Brexit neither will the Lib Dems or Plaid

    Why would you vote for something in one election - to vote for another party that wont deliver what you voted for in the last election. Maybe it's time for 'traditional Welsh Labour' voters to 'think outside the shed' for a change - personally I doubt they will.
    People in Wales voted in favour for Brexit - yes. But, many Brexitters that I know rarely, if ever, vote in General Elections.

    I voted to remain, and for that reason I will vote Lib Dems.

    In the meantime, the Tories are planning to bypass Parliament in their attempts to re-write the EU laws. This will be done by a PM who hates scrutiny, and votes against the worker on every occasion. They also want the right to look at people's e-mails, texts and internet history - to fight "terrorism" of which there has only been one terrorist attack in the UK since 9/11.

    Under the cloak of Brexit, Theresa May will get her grimy little claws in many facets of our lives (both private and professional). I would say that, even if you voted for Brexit there is a chance you DIDN'T vote for Theresa May's version of it. Theresa May will deliver Brexit, of that there is no doubt. But, it's a murkier Brexit than the one some of the "moderates" voted for. Some people have even claimed they would now vote to remain given the opportunity, because they were sold a vision where we would retain access to the Single Market.

    Theresa May has gone from being a reluctant remainer to becoming a full blown extreme Brexitter.

    She'll get a huge majority, and the sick, unemployed, and unskilled will be the major losers. All for control of our borders which, even the old hag admits, cannot be achieved before 2024.

    If Labour had David Miliband, or even Ed Miliband (why do leaders step down after one defeat?) then May would struggle because she is even less decisive than Gordon Brown.

  24. #49

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Back to the matter in hand, people in Wales voted in favour of Brexit. If you did that then you should vote Conservative on June 8th , as Labour wont deliver Brexit neither will the Lib Dems or Plaid

    Why would you vote for something in one election - to vote for another party that wont deliver what you voted for in the last election. Maybe it's time for 'traditional Welsh Labour' voters to 'think outside the shed' for a change - personally I doubt they will.
    If you like the NHS, the police force, the prison service, education and the welfare state, do not vote Conservative

    Brexit will happen regardless, but voting Conservative in overwhelming numbers will give them a mandate to destroy and sell off the NHS, the schools, the prison service, the police etc

  25. #50

    Re: I am voting Labour

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    You seem to have missed the fact that Blair deliberately misled the country and Parliament by inventing or rather believing a story in the dodgy dossier that there were WMD and the '45 minutes' etc.

    If you are an MP of any party - and the PM stands up in the house of Commons to not only address the house but the whole country and tells everyone he has seen the evidence , that it is real and exists and that we must act etc. Most people will believe the PM - why would he lie or be very very economical with the truth.

    That's why people believed him , people of all political parties. As it turns out - we now know it was ALL BS, he lied and it cost hundreds of THOUSANDS of innocent lives of men women and children.

    That power vacuum led to the spawning of ISIS, Blair should be in prison for war crimes.
    That is a valid point. However, many members of the public poured scorn on the claims that Iraq could attack the UK within 45 minutes. Theresa May was among those who had access to more evidence than the public did, and she believed it. Now we will give her a huge mandate to spend 5 years with an already poor record of voting based on a lack of critical fact finding.

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