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Thread: Back Pain

  1. #1

    Back Pain

    Can anyone recommend a good chiropractor in the Cardiff area. I've had lower back pain constantly for the last two months, physio hasn't helped. My GP has been no help at all.

  2. #2

    Re: Back Pain

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Gillis View Post
    Can anyone recommend a good chiropractor in the Cardiff area. I've had lower back pain constantly for the last two months, physio hasn't helped. My GP has been no help at all.

    Smoke, eat, or drink some cannabis

  3. #3

    Re: Back Pain

    I would avoid a Chiropractor at all costs!

    has your Physio advised a scan of the back if not ask him for a referral letter to your GP.

    It depends on how serious your problem is but if its a mild problem or sciatica keep working with the Physio.

    Do the exercises regularly, walk as often as you can and also swimming helps (not breaststroke) and avoid heavy lifting

    Think about your posture and take up either Yoga or Pilates.

    Eventually the problem will subside

  4. #4

    Re: Back Pain

    Quote Originally Posted by protex blue View Post
    I would avoid a Chiropractor at all costs!

    has your Physio advised a scan of the back if not ask him for a referral letter to your GP.

    It depends on how serious your problem is but if its a mild problem or sciatica keep working with the Physio.

    Do the exercises regularly, walk as often as you can and also swimming helps (not breaststroke) and avoid heavy lifting

    Think about your posture and take up either Yoga or Pilates.

    Eventually the problem will subside

    Unless it's a trapped nerve, at which point you will need surgery.

    I had keyhole surgery 21 years ago and in the last couple of months the problem has returned.

    Had a scan last week, seeing the Doc about the results on Monday.

    23 years ago, a chiropractor actually made mine worse.

    Get referred for a scan.

  5. #5

    Re: Back Pain

    Thanks for the advice boys, I'll give the chiro a miss then.
    Maybe back to physio. To be honest the thing that's bothering me (along with the back) is being on painkillers for any length of time.

  6. #6

    Re: Back Pain

    I've had problems with my back for about 15 years after an accident at work.

    As others have said, stick with the physio and avoid the chiropractor (worst thing I ever did)

    Also, avoid shovelling painkillers down your neck if you can - especially anything codeine based.

    One other thing, consider acupuncture if nothing else helps. After years of suffering I deicided it had to be worth a shot and it's probably the only thing that's ever really helped me. A couple of sessions every few months makes a big difference to me. It's not cheap (about £35 a time) but it's money well spent in my opinion, and you may well be able to get a referral from your Doctor to get it free.

    Either way, good luck with it.

  7. #7

    Re: Back Pain

    Magnesium chloride spray helps, spray it on and massage it in twice a day. Really helped me after falling from a roof and damaging my back.

  8. #8

    Re: Back Pain

    Coconut oil. It's all you need.

  9. #9

    Re: Back Pain

    Get IBUPROFEN GEL from Home Bargains, 99p a tube.

    Bloody great stuff nd does the same as this £5 shite from the chemists

  10. #10

    Re: Back Pain

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve R View Post
    Coconut oil. It's all you need.
    You silly boy, that's the one when you wanna hump.

  11. #11

    Re: Back Pain

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve R View Post
    Coconut oil. It's all you need.

  12. #12

    Re: Back Pain

    Can l recommend Tramadol,been on them for ten years and apart from paranoia,aggressive tendencies and mood swings they are fine still they have enabled me to carry on working into my sixties

  13. #13

    Re: Back Pain

    lower back pain is always caused by exessive drinking. go to aa.

  14. #14

    Re: Back Pain

    Quote Originally Posted by kingbillyboy View Post
    lower back pain is always caused by exessive drinking. go to aa.
    He's in Spain.

  15. #15

    Re: Back Pain

    Give turmeric a try...

    It's a natural spice that is a very potent anti-inflammatory agent. I've always tended to be a bit skeptical of home remedies, you know - the kind of things your grandma would swear by, however, just Google it and see what people have to say about it.

    It's important to take it with a few drops of olive oil and a pinch of black pepper ... these two added ingredients can increase the absorption rate by up to 2000%!

    Buy it from the supermarket in powder form and use the following preparation guideline:

    • 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric
    • 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil
    • 1 pinch of freshly ground pepper

    Take once a day, just before a meal.

  16. #16

    Re: Back Pain

    The chances are that your back muscles have gone into spasm and that is the source of the pain. What happens is that the muscles contract to protect your back and they fail to release when the danger has passed. It's a very common complaint. Painkillers won't help; they simply mask the pain.

    The usual treatment is a course of anti inflammatories such as Naproxin or Celebrex taken alongside Ranititine Hydrochloride sice as Zantac or Omerprozole to protect the stomach. If that fails to work a muscle relaxant/anti depressant should help as that simply relaxes the body and thereby releases the muscles. Oddly the canabis suggestion at the beginning of the thread could have the same affect but I couldn't possibly advise you to take it.

    My advice would be to go back to the doctor.

  17. #17

  18. #18

    Re: Back Pain

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    The chances are that your back muscles have gone into spasm and that is the source of the pain. What happens is that the muscles contract to protect your back and they fail to release when the danger has passed. It's a very common complaint. Painkillers won't help; they simply mask the pain.

    The usual treatment is a course of anti inflammatories such as Naproxin or Celebrex taken alongside Ranititine Hydrochloride sice as Zantac or Omerprozole to protect the stomach. If that fails to work a muscle relaxant/anti depressant should help as that simply relaxes the body and thereby releases the muscles. Oddly the canabis suggestion at the beginning of the thread could have the same affect but I couldn't possibly advise you to take it.

    My advice would be to go back to the doctor.
    I've sometimes been grounded by the back muscles going into spasm. I couldn't bend or lift anything. The only solution is to rest. It normally goes away in a week or two.

  19. #19

    Re: Back Pain

    Change your diet. Give up meat, eat healthy, lose wait, exercise, do some basic yoga, back exercises. Will change your life

  20. #20

    Re: Back Pain

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    Change your diet. Give up meat, eat healthy, lose wait, exercise, do some basic yoga, back exercises. Will change your life

    How long should he wait for.

  21. #21

    Re: Back Pain

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    DTR clinic on cathays terrace - see Steve Cannon, they will do an initial consultation, I think they can refer to get a scan as well. Once you have that done, you will know what the problem is.

    At this stage I would then look at a chiropracter if needed.

    I used to get terrible lower back pain - which always happened if I hadnt exercise for about 2 weeks. The chirogave me the best advice - make sure you exercise aerobically at least once a week and make sure it involves things like lunges, reverse sit ups, dorsal raises etc. I havent had any back issues for over 8 years now.
    What are these?

    Sit downs?

  22. #22

    Re: Back Pain

    So much good advice/recommendations.
    Thanks all

  23. #23
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    Re: Back Pain

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve R View Post
    Coconut oil. It's all you need.
    It is.

    "Coconut oil is a balanced fat that contains lauric acid. This acid has a variety of effective treatment benefits, one of which is relieving pain. Massaged into your back at the pain site can help relieve back pain almost instantly." (great for your skin too)

    It also reduces inflammation and arthritis..

    "In a study in India, the high levels of antioxidants present in virgin coconut oil reduced inflammation and healing arthritis more effectively than leading medications. (4)
    In another recent study, coconut oil that was harvested with only medium heat was found to suppress inflammatory cells. It worked as both an analgesic and anti-inflammatory."
    https://draxe.com/coconut-oil-benefits/ and many other things listed on there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rock_Flock_of_Five View Post
    It's a natural spice that is a very potent anti-inflammatory agent. I've always tended to be a bit skeptical of home remedies, you know - the kind of things your grandma would swear by, however, just Google it and see what people have to say about it.
    Lots of people knock natural and home remedies for some reason, I think people should be encouraged to treat themselves more instead of ringing the doctors every five mins.

    I feel so much healthier and have changed my thinking about my health since finding Dr Bergman and the owners guide to humans, I love this guy, he talks so much sense imo.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vindec View Post
    Oddly the canabis suggestion at the beginning of the thread could have the same affect but I couldn't possibly advise you to take it.
    Quite sad really not you, just that whole situation.

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