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Thread: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

  1. #1

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Lock her up!

  2. #2

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    I think Theresa May said something similar a few months or was it liberal elites ??
    Either way I find if equally as cringe worthy on both their parts, they both earn far more then I could imagine and this corny ' we are anti establishment ' rhetoric leave me cold.
    I like that line in Gladiator ' I don't pretend to be a man of the people but I d like to think I am a man for the people'
    Pity they don't subscribe to this more.

  3. #3

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Railing against the establishment is hardly copying Donald Trump, its a tactic that's been used for years by various politicians

  4. #4

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    I just watched yesterdays speech by Corbyn where he said that the system is rigged, everyone is against him etc and how that he will things around etc. This all sounded very familiar - Trump said the exact same thing, the system is rigged, the establishment dont want him to win , the press are against him blah blah blah.

    Looks like Jezza is copying a 'winning' formula..... I guess his reckoning is that it worked for Trump so it may work for him - and it might do
    Will this work for him? It might but only to a limited extent. It may help secure Labour's heartlands in the north. It won't work in the Midlands swing seats and in middle England generally where an unshakeable and negative view of Corbyn is set in stone.

  5. #5

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    "The system is rigged" says Labour, but nowhere near as often as I heard and read the term "coalition of chaos" yesterday - it's just what you hear during election campaigns, all I hope is that this one is not as endlessly dreary and miserable as the referendum run up was.

  6. #6

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Oh City123 - I know that dear, it was the use of the exact same phrase, by saying the system is rigged - which makes it seem a direct lift. Add on top of that Emily Thornberry saying (in the Guardian) that Corbyn and Trump were similar in some respects - and it's pretty clear to see what their overall plan is.

    And just to even up for in case accuse me of bias - it's pretty obvious what May's is - work on the fact that to win - Labour will need a coalition of the the SNP and Labour, and as such the SNP has a say in what happens in Downing St - a pretty horrible thought unless you are the SNP

  7. #7
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    it seems that all Tory politicians and quite possibly the BBC have been briefed to utter the words 'chaos and confusion' every time they mention Jezza Corbyn ;)

    That, and to display undisguised 'incredulity' whenever the notion of 'opposition' is mentioned.

    I noticed that champion forelock-tugger Nick Servini apparently forgot that he was supposed to even appear in any way impartial on Wales Today last night.

    Still, who needs opposition eh? ;) So 20th Century in concept ...
    Don't like Corbyn? Hey, no problem, easy solution. Just wave though the Tories to do absolutely whatever the feck they like instead.

  8. #8

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    I know Vimana. On Newsnight the other night the first twenty minutes was spent conducting Tory politicians. Why not just make it a full blown Tory party political broadcast and dispense with all this impartiality nonsense.

  9. #9

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    A Professor Scully has a poll coming out on Monday which suggests Labour are set to lose at least ten seats to the Tories in Wales including Bridgend,Wrexham, Cardiff West and Cardiff South and Penarth.They are set to win the popular vote in Wales for the first time since 1922.
    Dear God.That is as dire as it gets.

  10. #10

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    I don't go with that Feedback. David Milliband would have been targetted by the press and the photos of eating bananas and other awkward photos would constantly have been in the papers.
    He was also an arch Blairite and would have struggled to control the lrft wing within his own party.

    Labour need to start afresh after the next election with a leader who commands respect from both sides of the party.

  11. #11

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    I don't go with that Feedback. David Milliband would have been targetted by the press and the photos of eating bananas and other awkward photos would constantly have been in the papers.
    He was also an arch Blairite and would have struggled to control the lrft wing within his own party.

    Labour need to start afresh after the next election with a leader who commands respect from both sides of the party.
    I disagree Pearcey, David Milliband would have won in 2015. If not won at least largest party. I thought he was a very good foreign secretary.
    Yvette Cooper would get my note as new Labour leader ( as in if I joined Labour I would vote for her as leader )

  12. #12

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    I disagree Pearcey, David Milliband would have won in 2015. If not won at least largest party. I thought he was a very good foreign secretary.
    Yvette Cooper would get my note as new Labour leader ( as in if I joined Labour I would vote for her as leader )
    Hmmm I'm not convinced by that mate.Scotland was lost whoever was leader so Labour would not have won a majority. He was also very closely associated to Blair so tainted by association.

  13. #13
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Politics of envy

  14. #14

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Any party that loses 58 odd MPs to another party will never win an election in my opinion. Which is why to be in Govt the Labour will have no option but to go into a 'lose' coalition with the SNP and possibly Plaid if it is that close. On top of that I think 15-20 Labour MPs have said they wont seek re-election.

    When it comes to a general election voters pick mainly on who is going to be the PM, that's why Michael Foot in a Donkey jacket would never win, or Kinnock putting on the fake American accent saying "Were alright" when they introduced as the next Prime Minister - a week before he lost.

    Winning a UK election is all about about 100 or key marginals - who are in their very nature slightly swinging left and right. Corbyn is nowhere near the middle ground.
    Er yes. Tell me something I don't already know. None of the above suggests David Millliband would have won a General Election. As I said he was too closely associated with a deeply unpopular ex Prime Minister and would also have struggled to control the left wing of his own party.

  15. #15
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    I dont buy the BBC corruption agenda at all. You should know that every MP will have been told to either say the the system is rigged or the chaos catchphrase.

    On the whole the bbc are aware of the rhetoric that will be trotted out by either side - that's why I like watching Andrew Neil tear all sides apart on the Daily Politics show.

    Having an effective opposition is the job of the 'opposition' it is no one else fault that Corbyn was elected.

    Vim - If I can change what you said around a little "Just wave though Labour (rather than the Tories) to do absolutely whatever the feck they like instead."

    That very sentence would some up Welsh politics since I can remember - which is at least 45 years ago - you cant have it both ways mate, can you ?

    If they had not fecked around and voted in David Milliband - we wouldnt be having this conversation
    Don't get me wrong. I just want to see 'democracy', if 'democracy' is what we purport to hold dear.
    And that kinda needs a valid, credible opposition.
    I'm no Labourite ;) I voted Labour once - in '97.
    I do think that Corbyn deserves to be taken a little more seriously.

    Currently it seems to have become as taken as read that there is no opposition - or opposition is ridiculed - by the current Gov't (of course, we wouldn't really expect otherwise) but also by most of the Media.

    A Gov't with effectively no opposition is a surely a dangerous beast.

  16. #16

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    sorry couldn't help it - I had a Graham Norton moment ......
    We all have those moments dear

  17. #17

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    A Professor Scully has a poll coming out on Monday which suggests Labour are set to lose at least ten seats to the Tories in Wales including Bridgend,Wrexham, Cardiff West and Cardiff South and Penarth.They are set to win the popular vote in Wales for the first time since 1922.
    Dear God.That is as dire as it gets.
    I find that hard to believe

  18. #18

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    I find that hard to believe
    So do I. My understanding is this Professor had extrapolated the latest nationwide polling and from that established the likely swings frim Labour to Tory.

  19. #19

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    So do I. My understanding is this Professor had extrapolated the latest nationwide polling and from that established the likely swings frim Labour to Tory.
    The tories won Cardiff West in 1983 when ex City Chairman Stefan Terlezki was elected. That was the one where the Labour Manifesto was called the longest suicide note in history - I reckon they are a lot more of a shambles than Michael Foot's party was back then.

  20. #20

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    I agree Vim - But - it is Labour MPs that refuse to work with him, they resigned en-mass a few months ago, there are lots who wont and have refused to serve on his front bench, and there are lots more who are standing down at the June 8th election. This is Labour doing this to themselves.

    The old adage applies re the opposition - if you cant do a wee - get off the potty and let someone else have a go.

    I just read Corbyns 10 pledges document - he is some how managing to 'promise' Jam today and Jam tomorrow. Spend more on this - spend more on that, he doesnt realise that a very large majority of the tax in the UK is paid by the 50% bracket . I had to laugh when he says he wants full employment - we dont want full employment - that is not good at all - but that idiot doesnt realise that.

    Hence new labour / old labour / current labour are repeating the same mistakes they always make (in my opinion)

    I wonder if he would be better just making 1 Pledge - to hold another referendum if people vote for him - he would probably get more votes.
    Nope, that "old adage" is a new one on me .

  21. #21

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    The tories won Cardiff West in 1983 when ex City Chairman Stefan Terlezki was elected. That was the one where the Labour Manifesto was called the longest suicide note in history - I reckon they are a lot more of a shambles than Michael Foot's party was back then.
    I'd say Paid are more likely to win Cardiff West than anybody else (other than Labour)

  22. #22

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    I just watched yesterdays speech by Corbyn where he said that the system is rigged, everyone is against him etc and how that he will things around etc. This all sounded very familiar - Trump said the exact same thing, the system is rigged, the establishment dont want him to win , the press are against him blah blah blah.

    Looks like Jezza is copying a 'winning' formula..... I guess his reckoning is that it worked for Trump so it may work for him - and it might do
    The system IS rigged. UKIP can get 4 million votes and win 0 seats. The Lib Dems could get 20% of the vote and get 50 seats. Labour can get 160 seats with 24% of the vote.

  23. #23

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Quote Originally Posted by CCFCPhil View Post
    The system IS rigged. UKIP can get 4 million votes and win 0 seats. The Lib Dems could get 20% of the vote and get 50 seats. Labour can get 160 seats with 24% of the vote.
    ...........................the Tories can form a majority Government with 24% of the eligible vote.

  24. #24

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    In that case so could Labour, the way the UK system works is that you need to both heartland areas plus the swing seat marginals. If you are popular - but not that popular in constituencies then coming second or third counts for nothing (as UKIP found out). Which is why we nearly always have a Labour or Conservative Govt - so for Corbyn or May to call the system rigged like he did is BS - he is just copying Trump in order to give the under dog appeal etc.

    Dont blame him really - I would do the same - it worked for Trump
    Its not rigged, its just a poor voting system, the British public voted against changing it in 2011

  25. #25

    Re: Corbyn 'borrowing' Trumps Speeches

    On The Last Leg Friday there was one mention of Tim Farron's voting record on LBGTQ+ rights, a number of jokes about "sin" and no mention on any other party leader's voting records.

    This is on a fairly left leaning and progressive programme let alone one of the many, many outlets which has a centre-right bias. I saw a video on facebook earlier in the week about a Labour MP asking Adam Bolton why he wasn't pressing the Conservative MP further on a failed election pledge and just accepting that it hadn't happened; in the clip the Sky News presenter had no answer and looked slightly bemused to be drawn up on the idea that if this was a Labour MP the grilling would go on for a lot longer. Or you can look further to the unbiased BBC and the Cardiff Uni study that showed an over reliance on stats coming from the Conservative party....

    There is a clear difference between Trump stating that the media are against him in his disgraceful campaign and Corbyn suggesting that the media are largely centre-right, that the biggest donors are largely centre-right and that a centre-left candidate is fighting an uphill battle before they start.

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