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Thread: First Welsh Barometer

  1. #1

    First Welsh Barometer


    The Welsh have lost their soul...

  2. #2

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Quote Originally Posted by tommy31 View Post
    Has to be an outlier surely???

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Sadly I would not be shocked, Labour could be in danger in all its heartlands, if its not careful ,you would think the Scottish experience would have served as a warning .

  4. #4

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    I've actually quite liked a few of Corbyn's statements since the election was announced.
    Sadly too late for him, he's not a leader and it's going to be 1983 on election night

  5. #5

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    I've actually quite liked a few of Corbyn's statements since the election was announced.
    Sadly too late for him, he's not a leader and it's going to be 1983 on election night
    It could be worse than 83 because this time Labour won't get any seats in Scotland.

  6. #6
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Quote Originally Posted by tommy31 View Post
    I'd welcome a change in Wales but not a Conservative change.

  7. #7

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Labour must work harder in Wales, it's true, however Wales simply cannot suffer further cuts to vital services like education (or money to be deviated into completely unnecessary grammar schools not wanted by teachers or parents alike) and health (parents of disabled children are worse off under the Tory government, those with mental health issues are worse off under the Tory government - facts) while the government takes four years to say that energy prices need addressing and holds hands with Trump.

    There are many other parties out there if you wish to give Labour a kicking.

  8. #8

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Plaid's lack of popularity can't have been helped by the bullying ways of Neil McEvoy. Hopefully he will lose his council seat next Thursday and realise that he isn't the Messiah, he's just a very naughty boy.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2016

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Education like Health is a devolved power - therefor any policy decision, budget decision etc is that of the WAG. The WAG could decide to spend all their budget on teacher pay rises, or free car parking at hospitals if the WAG decides - it is up to them entirely.

    Labour have 18 years or so at the WAG - they have no competition, no incentive to succeed and it matters not if they fail or feck up - they will still get voted back in.

    Carwyn Jones could bat one up the @rse of DJ Trump and vice verse - and he'd still get voted back in as First Minister.

    You may or may not remember but the Labour manifesto budget proposals with along the line as Osbournes - any party that got into power in 2010 and 2015 would be facing the same massive financial issues - regardless of political party.

    This time Corbyn has said he wants to spend 500 billion more (will check that figure) - he will do this by taxing businesses on corporation tax (he forgets that under EU tax law he wont be able to do that until after we leave the EU - componies can domicile themselves wherever they want -eg Ireland) . And then says he will tax the high tax bracket earners - he seems to forget that high earners already contribute about 80% of the tax take.

    And he also forgets that now under the last govt (including the Lib Dems) you can earn up to 12k before you pay ANY income tax.

    We would all like to live in the land of jam today and jam tomorrow but it's not quite like that in 'reality land' - I wish it was
    Excellent post, it needs new thinking, not a return to old reasons for voting Labour, taxing the rich , and elite , whose success I presume creates jobs and business opportunities and growth in the private sector.

  10. #10

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    Plaid's lack of popularity can't have been helped by the bullying ways of Neil McEvoy. Hopefully he will lose his council seat next Thursday and realise that he isn't the Messiah, he's just a very naughty boy.
    Neil McEvoy is a big reason a lot of people in Cardiff are thinking of voting for Plaid in the upcoming elections

  11. #11

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    Neil McEvoy is a big reason a lot of people in Cardiff are thinking of voting for Plaid in the upcoming elections
    I'll be voting for him and his party in the local elections.

  12. #12

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Quote Originally Posted by surge View Post
    Labour must work harder in Wales, it's true, however Wales simply cannot suffer further cuts to vital services like education (or money to be deviated into completely unnecessary grammar schools not wanted by teachers or parents alike) and health (parents of disabled children are worse off under the Tory government, those with mental health issues are worse off under the Tory government - facts) while the government takes four years to say that energy prices need addressing and holds hands with Trump.

    There are many other parties out there if you wish to give Labour a kicking.

    One thing all forms of media seem to be united in is the opinion that there is a popular movement away from established, "elite", mainstream parties in the western world. Odd therefore that Britain and, shamefully given it's history, Wales seem to be favouring the party which, more than any I can think of in the so called civilised world, has represented the establishment, the elite and the mainstream over the last two hundred years and more.

    On the other hand, the what's in it for me party tends to prosper when society goes through one of it's more selfish and intolerant phases and that's certainly the case in Britain lately.

  13. #13

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Education may be from the WAG but you can compare the system in Wales to that in England (or the plans for that in England) and see that it would get much, much worse with less funding and funding pumped into unwanted projects. If a Tory government makes cuts at a UK level then this does impact on decisions made in Wales.

    12k tax related matters was a lib dem policy, the mental health policy May talks about as her proudest achievement was a Lib Dem policy, the energy freeze May now talks about was a Milliband policy. Cutting corporation tax was a Tory policy which has ripped money from the economy and wasn't needed to make us competitive.

    I agree it's important not to mistake WAG for Westminster but I think you can get indications of priorities from who sits in the two. Labour may need to be asked to work harder but voting Tory won't benefit Wales in the way it can do for middle England.

  14. #14

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Bob - do you know Neil ?

    "On the other hand, the what's in it for me party tends to prosper when society goes through one of it's more selfish and intolerant phases and that's certainly the case in Britain lately." Neil is a very very opportunistic as a politician - and always will be.

    When I think of just about any Council I know in Wales, I think corruption, dodgy dealings, incompetence, as well as high salaries.

    All anyone wants in a Council is an administration that knows what it is doing, gets the best price for their council tax payers, does not over spend its budget and thinks of new and ingenious ways of raising money. Rather than relying on central Govt money, and simply just raising council tax as they cant think of ways of being more productive other than being a job creation club.

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-39076041 - this council cut council tax by about 2.5% - mainly by offering it's services and facilities to other councils, by renting land it owns for commercial etc. Admittedly not every council can do this, not every council has the demographic or resources to do this - but that should not stop every council from trying
    On an aside people have been calling you feedback.
    I'm not so sure as Feedback was more pre EU the yourself

    Here the test : The Stone Roses are over rated.


  15. #15

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    I'll be voting for him and his party in the local elections.
    I've been a member of Plaid for many years but I won't be voting for Mike Deem if he gets the candidacy in Cardiff West as he's McEvoy's puppet. I hope that John Rowlands gets the nod. I'm not in Cardiff till Thursday so I can't vote at the hustings. I don't want to libel McEvoy as he's a keen litigator but having known the guy since he joined Plaid I can honestly say that I don't like him. What has he achieved for Pentrebane, Fairwater or Cardiff West in the past twenty years?
    Answers on the back of a postage stamp please...

  16. #16

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    1. Im not feedback
    2. Ive never understood the popularity of the Stone Roses. Happy Mondays, The La's, Cast, Black Grape would be much more my cup of tea
    There we are end of debate 😃
    Good taste in music by the way 👍

  17. #17

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Say what you like about McEvoy but he's enthusiastic and actually gets out and speaks to people, he's the only politician to have knocked on my door in the past 5 years and its the same for a lot of people

    You shouldn't base your vote on who knocks your door the most, but it creates an impression in people's minds that these are people who are passionate about what they do and that can go a long way

  18. #18

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    I'm a Plaid member in Cardiff West and I know McEvoy very well. I used to think that, despite his narcissism, he was good for Wales. After certain events occurred, which I can't relate here due to legal constraints, I now believe that McEvoy is bad for Plaid, Cardiff and Wales. There is a reason he calls his party "Cardiff Plaid" ("Cardiff Party") - I wonder if you can work it out?


  19. #19

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    I'm a Plaid member in Cardiff West and I know McEvoy very well. I used to think that, despite his narcissism, he was good for Wales. After certain events occurred, which I can't relate here due to legal constraints, I now believe that McEvoy is bad for Plaid, Cardiff and Wales. There is a reason he calls his party "Cardiff Plaid" ("Cardiff Party") - I wonder if you can work it out?

    In the same way there's a Caerphilly Plaid, a Plaid Ceredigion and a Plaid Tonyrefail?

    I don't know McEvoy personally so I wouldn't comment on him as a person, but looking at Plaid's recent surge in Cardiff, surely he's been a good thing/necessary evil?

  20. #20

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Labour lost a shit load of people to UKIP over Brexit - the Tories have been smart and hoovered them all up.

    These idiots are willing to overlook all of the terrible things the Tories stand for to get out of Europe

  21. #21

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Quote Originally Posted by City123 View Post
    In the same way there's a Caerphilly Plaid, a Plaid Ceredigion and a Plaid Tonyrefail?

    I don't know McEvoy personally so I wouldn't comment on him as a person, but looking at Plaid's recent surge in Cardiff, surely he's been a good thing/necessary evil?
    There are no such entities. Just Plaid Cymru and Cardiff Plaid. Why does McEvoy criticise the salaries of public sector executives while taking home two public sector salaries himself?



    Could it be that he's a phoney and a hypocrite on the issue of pay, at the very least?

  22. #22

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    That poll's result, should it come to pass, would certainly be a surprise. A Tory majority of MPs in Wales is something I thought I'd never see, not that I'd give two hoots. Perhaps many others have also realised that in spite of the Punch and Judy stuff politicians of all descriptions are in it for themselves.

  23. #23

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    When I saw the title of this thread I was imagining a weather indicator hanging on the wall with an arrow pointing to one of the following on a dial:

    Tidy weather, innit?
    Sunny by there
    Sweating cobs
    Tamping rain
    Showers now in a minute

  24. #24

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    I welcome change - any change. Some of those tubs of lard with a red rosette on have no incentive to help at all. If anythng they want to keep you where you are, blame everyone else and try and convey the message only Labour can help - well how fecking long do they want ?

    Cardiff Council needs a change from the mess that Cardiff Labour are. Maybe it is time for Plaid to have a crack at it. They cant do any harm at council level (I hope)
    A Labour win on 8 June would represent change.

  25. #25

    Re: First Welsh Barometer

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    A Labour win on 8 June would represent change.
    Labour have won every general election here since they became a party. How would that constitute change??

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