Last night there was a "leaders debate" featuring the leaders of the four main groups on Cardiff Council. The event was broadcast live on Facebook. If you want to watch what happened then click on the video at this link

It is likely that the Tories under David Walker have agreed to form a coalition with Neil McEvoy's "Cardiff Plaid"; the two men are on good terms and are united in their opposition to the Local Development Plan. Early on in the debate David Walker mentions that his group are considering a coalition with Plaid or the LibDems. There is a chance that all three will be in coalition, the devil will be in the details of the actual makeup of the council next Friday morning.

I recommend watching the debate if you plan to vote. Questions are ignored, deflected or go unanswered; unrealistic promises are thrown at the audience; one leader contradicts himself repeatedly and also seems to be willing to say anything at all to curry favour with those watching. The LibDem leader has the charisma of R2D2 and the non-verbals of Labour leader Phil Bale and McEvoy, sat next to him, make apparent the loathing they feel for each other.