Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
Anyone know what the Tory policies are?
Not really. For the past number of years they have gotten away with dodging questions, avoiding debate over the merits of policy and replacing these key political pillar with buzzword filled slogans, and if that doesn't work then a cheap shot at the labour leader. At the end of this election people will be able to repeat the slogans in their sleep but asked what the Tory plan for Brexit or the UK is and won't be able to....."something something not labour".

Please when voting for "strong and stable" don't forget David Cameron's tweet (see below) and that following this David Cameron famously failed to ask for a plan to be drawn up for if there was a successful leave vote.

Please be aware that currently EEA citizens don't know if they will be asked to leave and are worried, thousands are applying for permanent residence in what the government has made a long and complicated form, that the Home Office didn't begin recruiting new staff until March 2017 to deal with this increased demand and that now they are struggling to cope they are saying people should rely on signing up to an email which will tell them if there is a change to the law. They are basically saying don't take action to secure your status, don't plan for this possibility because our department cannot cope with the workload.

If you are going to vote Tory then please vote because you agree with their policies (make them tell you what they are) rather than voting for them because you believe in the buzzwords and slogans.

David Cameron tweet:

Britain faces a simple and inescapable choice - stability and strong Government with me, or chaos with Ed Miliband: