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Thread: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

  1. #1

    Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    I think that this is one of the worst interviews I have ever heard with a politician where Diane Abbott cannot even provide answers to very basic questions about a flag ship Labour policy which is within her remit of Shadow Home Secretary.


    Leading up to the election, Theresa May needs to keep Boris away from interviews & I think Jeremy Corbyn would be wise to do the same with Diane Abbott.

  2. #2

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Think this was scripted by Armando Iannucci.

  3. #3

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Quote Originally Posted by Alfonso Perez View Post
    I think that this is one of the worst interviews I have ever heard with a politician where Diane Abbott cannot even provide answers to very basic questions about a flag ship Labour policy which is within her remit of Shadow Home Secretary.


    Leading up to the election, Theresa May needs to keep Boris away from interviews & I think Jeremy Corbyn would be wise to do the same with Diane Abbott.
    You're being pretty unfair, there. She does provide answers. She provides loads. Take your pick.

    Want it to be cheap or expensive? You choose. Two thousand new officers? A quarter of a million? Hey, whatever you fancy.

  4. #4

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Which part was the bit when she was "misspeaking" ? It's tragic that someone as inept as her is holding one of the three major jobs in the shadow cabinet below party leader, but hilarious at the same time - is anyone really surprised that she couldn't cope?

  5. #5

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Jesus wept that woman is a liability. Every time she goes on radio or tv she makes a complete tit of herself and the party. They can't really sack her middle of a election campaign but they have got to lock her in a cupboard for the next month.

  6. #6

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    She is a total liability. If I was a Tory voter I would find that interview hilarious. I was listening in my car to a snippet of the interview and was cringing and thinking oh my lord thats another 2% off the Labour polling.

  7. #7

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Other than the gaff , she portrays a very patronising person when she communicates,her accent appears forced .

    I struggle to understand why she is entrusted with such a high profile shadow position, and once in power would hold our home security in her hands.

    I would rather understand understand her views on stop and search , counter-terrorism, immigration and passports controls, the latter few being very critical to our safety .

    Numbers and funds as a general point doesn't really answer the deeper issues for me .

  8. #8

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Her "white people like to divide and conquer" interview was also hilarious. Especially when she tried to rope that Asian lad onto her side, only for him to also make a fool of her

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Shadow chancellor


  10. #10

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    2 left-wing comments which I think together does quite well to represent the situation:

    - the first from the Guardian who noted that you know it's a bad interview when other political parties send you the transcript, and that Abbot got the figures right.....on about the 6th/7th time of trying.
    - the second from one of my friends on facebook who noted that no one wanting a labour government will feel entirely confident hearing that Abbott is going to be the voice representing labour views on a panel

    She is an important figure in UK politics because she represents a section of people so otherwise poorly represented. However, don't let her do media so regularly or allow her to hold such a high position.

  11. #11

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    They should send her to empty factories owned by hardcore Labour supporters, and tell her to keep quiet and just point at things. It seems to work with the majority of the electorate

  12. #12

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    They should send her to empty factories owned by hardcore Labour supporters, and tell her to keep quiet and just point at things. It seems to work with the majority of the electorate
    May's been called out on that, along with her incessant sloganeering with her "strong and stable" "coalition of chaos" "in the national interest" mantra.

  13. #13

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    See people say labour spend money we don't have but they are going to get 10,000 new police for £300,000. Cracking value for the taxpayer.

  14. #14
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Shitpeas View Post
    May's been called out on that, along with her incessant sloganeering with her "strong and stable" "coalition of chaos" "in the national interest" mantra.
    Every single interview

  15. #15
    International Vimana.'s Avatar
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    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    It was awful, awkward listening.
    That's another nail in Labours coffin. Serves them right if they don't put forward, or don't have, people with adequate professionalism and ability.

    So it appears increasingly likely that we will be left with clueless, bullshitting, rabbit-in-the-headlights Teresa May's Barmy Army, who despite being bullshitting clowns, will apparently get the mandate they crave.
    What a choice...

    How did this happen people?

  16. #16

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Corbyn was democratically elected - you had a choice to vote
    Bullshitting clowns - how so Vim, the only one bullshittin here is dianne abbot & corbyn
    'Strong and stable' leadership for one, given that the Tories are presiding over the probable breakup of the UK

  17. #17

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    First time I've heard that interview - Oh My God.

    As much as I dislike the Tories, we surely can't have loons like Diane Abbot in any kind of position of responsibility.

  18. #18

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Corbyn was democratically elected - you had a choice to vote
    Bullshitting clowns - how so Vim, the only one bullshittin here is dianne abbot & corbyn
    Erm Boris Johnson ????
    But he will say a few more insults before the election that sound like characters from a Harry Potter book and people will still think he's a loveable eccentric.

    Diane Abbot though ...sigh what a disaster she is, how the hell she got anywhere near that position I will never know

  19. #19

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Apart from this latest stuff, am I the only one to find her to be quite an obnoxious person? Can't imagine her as a cabinet minister.

  20. #20

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    Corbyn was democratically elected - you had a choice to vote
    Bullshitting clowns - how so Vim, the only one bullshittin here is dianne abbot & corbyn
    You are the most one eyed poster on here. At least those of us on the left are willing to criticise Labour.
    The Tories are the biggest bullshitters of the lot.
    Osborne boasted about getting the defecit wiped out by 2015. What a joke that was.
    May bullshitted about not going for an election until 2020.
    Tory MP's about to be charged with election fraud.
    A whole host of Tories on both sides bullshitting and outright lying during the EU Referendum campaign.

    Most on here will get that but not it seems you.

  21. #21

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
    I get it mate - I get it all, Ive aloso lived through the boom - bust and CRASH of Brown, the war mongering lies of Blair, I remember Labour in 70's, the strikes, the 3 day weeks, and Govts being dominated by unions. I remember the Student tuition fees of Blair - you probably loved all that ?

    I remember the uselessness of Major, and the divisiveness of Thatcher to, the 3 million unemployed and inflation at 8%.

    BUT the irony here is You and Eric are THE most one eyed posters on here mate. Corbyn could sh@g your Mrs and you would blame it on someone putting viagra in his tea.

    Ive voted for all the parties mate over the years (including Plaid - and will vote Plaid again on thursday in the local elections).

    The Tories (at present) are a much better option than Corbyn and Farron - that's your options come June - or UKIP / Greens. I voted for Kinnock in 1992 (why I dont know) Blair in 1997, Plaid before that, Tories in 2003.

    Unlike you I vote for the party that I think is most capable of doing the job. Right now that isnt Corbyn and his gang, it wasnt Ed Milliband either.

    Im listening to Radio5 right now - and it seems the Labour spokesperson has no fecking idea on the how money in / money out works, The Tories are floundering a bit on the triple lock on pensions.

    The Tories - will roll back on NICs in some way (that directly affects me the worse of all to about £600 a year) - Im happy with that. The rest we will have to wait and see.

    The fact that you now want to have a personal pop at me - you lost the argument, so you will have to get used someone pushing back - rather than someone licking your @rse.

    If May had not called the election you would be shouting she has NO MANDATE, she calls an election to GET A MANDATE - and you call her a liar - enlighten us all which one is it ?
    Dear God. Where do I start with your response.For a start I am no Corbyn fan. He is doing well on the stump but he is no leader and needs to resign once the inevitable election result occurs.

    You say I lost the argument. What are you banging on about? You say that unlike me you vote for the party most capable of getting the job done. How arrogant. I very much believe the Tories are the last party on earth to get the job done with our NHS,state education,EU exit, homeless,the poorest in our society etc etc. I too have voted for other parties and turned by back on Blair and voted Lib Dem. I have also voted Green. I cannot ever see myself voting Con because I believe in the importance of the state over privatisation.

    As for your comment regarding May do you seriously believe the reasons why she has now decided to go to the polls rather than wait until 2020? Seriously?

  22. #22

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    In answer to your question she does not have a mandate but is clearly a liar having done an about turn. Artic!e 50 has just been revoked yet she says she has to go the country all of a sudden. Meanwhile the Scots are not allowed another indepence referendum at such a difficult time. No logic in that at all. Perhaps you can now answer my question as to why she has U turned.

    You have also failed to acknowledge the lies snd bullshitting mentioned in my previous post ranging from the EU Referendum campaign to election fraud.

    Ss for who I will vote for it will be Labour. Their policies best represent my views. I would consider voting Lib Dem if they had half a chance but where I live its solid Tory. However Labour have let their supporters down with their infighting leading to the likes of Abbott ending up in senior shadow cabinet roles. Having said that the Tory cabinet is hopeless. Rudd,Truss,Leadsom,Johnson etc etc.

  23. #23

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Yes she needed a mandate but lets not pretend she has done this in the national interest. If Labour were unified do you really think she would be going to the polls? I think not.

    I note what you say about Brexit and sure she is in a difficult position BUT she does have s small majority and with Labour divided over how best to deal in opposition in regard brexit she has a comfortable majority. I really don't think she is very worried about a handful of LibDems.

  24. #24

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    "Corbyn could sh@g your Mrs and you would blame it on someone putting viagra in his tea."

    You can't blame viagra for Corbyn shagging Abbot. I think it was LSD. Even if you took enough viagra to shag her from another room no one in their right mind would do it.

  25. #25

    Re: Diane Abbott Car Crash Interview

    Quote Originally Posted by Gofer Blue View Post
    Apart from this latest stuff, am I the only one to find her to be quite an obnoxious person? Can't imagine her as a cabinet minister.
    no your not the only one

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