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Thread: Space aliens

  1. #1

    Space aliens

    We've only been here about a million years. Modern type human about 100thousand years, sending radio waves, tv waves into space about 150years, so people who believe aliens have visited us, how would they know we are here? A radio wave travels at the speed of light, so our signals have only reached about 150light years. The nearest habitable planet is thousands of light years away. So how would they know first of all, our blue planet existed (a tiny dot even only a few 100thousand miles away) and secondly, that life even existed on our planet? And thirdly, wasting the time to cross the vast expanseses to check if there is life on our dot. I believe the universe is teaming with life, but no way has any of that life found its way to earth. Right or wrong alien hunters?

  2. #2

    Re: Space aliens

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    We've only been here about a million years. Modern type human about 100thousand years, sending radio waves, tv waves into space about 150years, so people who believe aliens have visited us, how would they know we are here? A radio wave travels at the speed of light, so our signals have only reached about 150light years. The nearest habitable planet is thousands of light years away. So how would they know first of all, our blue planet existed (a tiny dot even only a few 100thousand miles away) and secondly, that life even existed on our planet? And thirdly, wasting the time to cross the vast expanseses to check if there is life on our dot. I believe the universe is teaming with life, but no way has any of that life found its way to earth. Right or wrong alien hunters?
    Who's to say they'd be able to decipher our radio waves? Who's to say we've got the technology to discover any messages sent from afar? Life on different planets might be so totally different from what anyone could ever predict. We say water is essential for life. Really? How do we know there are other lifeforms and systems that live on, say, rock dust, or some unknown substance or compound that we could never discover?

  3. #3

    Re: Space aliens

    Your comments may seem mathematically sound but wrong in ways that are too complicated to go into on this forum. Aliens are already here. George Soros is in fact a cadaver controlled by millions of space cockroaches who live inside him and who are using him as a base to conquer the world.

  4. #4
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Space aliens

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    We've only been here about a million years. Modern type human about 100thousand years, sending radio waves, tv waves into space about 150years, so people who believe aliens have visited us, how would they know we are here? A radio wave travels at the speed of light, so our signals have only reached about 150light years. The nearest habitable planet is thousands of light years away. So how would they know first of all, our blue planet existed (a tiny dot even only a few 100thousand miles away) and secondly, that life even existed on our planet? And thirdly, wasting the time to cross the vast expanseses to check if there is life on our dot. I believe the universe is teaming with life, but no way has any of that life found its way to earth. Right or wrong alien hunters?
    What makes you think they would be looking for life?

  5. #5

    Re: Space aliens

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    What makes you think they would be looking for life?
    I didn't know I was looking for life until I found you.....

  6. #6

    Re: Space aliens

    Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
    We've only been here about a million years. Modern type human about 100thousand years, sending radio waves, tv waves into space about 150years, so people who believe aliens have visited us, how would they know we are here? A radio wave travels at the speed of light, so our signals have only reached about 150light years. The nearest habitable planet is thousands of light years away. So how would they know first of all, our blue planet existed (a tiny dot even only a few 100thousand miles away) and secondly, that life even existed on our planet? And thirdly, wasting the time to cross the vast expanseses to check if there is life on our dot. I believe the universe is teaming with life, but no way has any of that life found its way to earth. Right or wrong alien hunters?

    Sure about that?
    Scientists are finding planets around a multitude of stars, but only by inference of dimming as the planet moves in front of the star (from our viewpoint) The vast majority of these planets are assumed to be gas giants, as a planet such as Earth would be too small to notice.
    There could be rocky planets orbiting loads of stars, much closer than those planets already discovered.

    As you say, we've only been around for a tiny fraction of the age of the Universe,and we've already started to explore space.
    Other races could have evolved millions of years ago and made technological advances that make us seem primitive. They could still be around, or could have become extinct, replaced by another race, or races.

    It is a statistical certainy that life in some form exists elsewhere in the Universe, level of intelligence and technology, is pure speculation.

    But there are enough "suggestions" in ancient beliefs folklore to imply we have been visited at some time.

    Have you seen the Australian aborigine cave drawings of the Bunyip - a figure from their mythology? It looks very much like a man in a spacesuit.

    The cyclops of Greek myth could be the same - a suited figure with a visor mistaken for an eye.

    Angels coming down from the heavens in "chariots of fire" - aircraft with a vapour trail, maybe?

  7. #7

    Re: Space aliens

    In a parallel universe, beings are typing away on another CCMB...

  8. #8

    Re: Space aliens

    Quote Originally Posted by Taunton Blue Genie View Post
    In a parallel universe, beings are typing away on another CCMB...
    And Croesy's probably banned from there too.

  9. #9

    Re: Space aliens

    The universe hosts planets that are highly likely habitable in thousands of star systems. Whether life has formed there is another matter, just because there are habitable regions does not mean life will form.

    Earth may have been a vastly different place had a meteor not wiped the dinosaurs out. They may have become an advanced intelligent species - perhaps way more advanced than we currently are as they have a good few million years on us, but we will never know the answer to that. The dinosaurs were the only species on Earth who could naturally fly and birds are the only living relatives of the dinosaurs. There will be other "senses" and "abilities" developed in other life forms that we couldn't possibly imagine/believe.

    There is no way homo sapiens are the most intelligent life form in the universe, in fact I'll go out on a limb and say we are probably one of the more primitive "intelligent forms" simply because we haven't really been here very long. The last 100 years have seen the quickest technological improvements we've ever known. I can't even imagine the world in 20 years, never mind another 100.

    One thing that does make me think though - is life destined to destroy one another on all planets? Does a life form only become intelligent when it knows better than to wipe out their own kind?

  10. #10

    Re: Space aliens

    I've just googled bunyip and it looks nothing like a man in a spacesuit?

    Wanna know my theory? No? I'll tel you anyway.. I believe there are many other life forms in the universe, but none will be in contact due to the distance apart we all are. I hope I'm wrong though because the possibility of it fascinates me, and hoping NASA make a major breakthrough in my lifetime.

  11. #11

    Re: Space aliens

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueArmy 86 View Post
    I've just googled bunyip and it looks nothing like a man in a spacesuit?

    Wanna know my theory? No? I'll tel you anyway.. I believe there are many other life forms in the universe, but none will be in contact due to the distance apart we all are. I hope I'm wrong though because the possibility of it fascinates me, and hoping NASA make a major breakthrough in my lifetime.

  12. #12

    Re: Space aliens

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Who's to say they'd be able to decipher our radio waves? Who's to say we've got the technology to discover any messages sent from afar? Life on different planets might be so totally different from what anyone could ever predict. We say water is essential for life. Really? How do we know there are other lifeforms and systems that live on, say, rock dust, or some unknown substance or compound that we could never discover?
    This is it I think.

    People disbelieve other life outside of earth with certainty, when they can't even master basic mathematics. The human brain is pretty pathetic isn't it?. Animals are more in tune with this earth than us.

    "The universe has to have an end" Not necessarily.

    We have evolved and improved as a species through the collective contributions of billions upon billions of people down the years.

    Then you've Dave from accounts thinking alien life is just a bit silly. So I guess he can comprehend the universe in his one dust sized brain eh?. No one can.

    It is more enjoyable to be an optimist than a pessimist on this. It is why we are given imaginations. Not to think of the next dead girl storyline in a danish drama, but something bigger!.

  13. #13

    Re: Space aliens

    Maybe, just maybe planet earth is another planets hell.

  14. #14

    Re: Space aliens

    Quote Originally Posted by The Alien View Post
    Maybe, just maybe planet earth is another planets hell.

  15. #15

    Re: Space aliens

    Dinosaurs with feathers proving any sort of life is possible http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-39857696

  16. #16

    Re: Space aliens

    There are a few ancient figures that look a bit space like..

  17. #17

    Re: Space aliens

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    Who's to say they'd be able to decipher our radio waves? Who's to say we've got the technology to discover any messages sent from afar? Life on different planets might be so totally different from what anyone could ever predict. We say water is essential for life. Really? How do we know there are other lifeforms and systems that live on, say, rock dust, or some unknown substance or compound that we could never discover?
    Or even oxygen,maybe they do not require it

  18. #18

    Re: Space aliens

    There is life out there, with so many planets being found in their solar systems respective Goldilocks zones, it seems likely that many will be teeming with life - and a small percentage will have hosted (or currently host) intelligent life.

    I think we will find life in our own solar system eventually, possibly on Ganymede or Europa.

    If we are visited, there is a strong chance we would be like Neanderthal men in comparison to beings of superior intelligence.

    Will humans travel to Mars? I think yes, maybe by 2030. Will humans travel beyond this solar system, not for centuries and we'll probably become extinct before we get anywhere near planning.

    I think we could see human settlements elsewhere in the system - not in our lifetimes though.

    I think we may find some radio waves from a civilization elsewhere, but we will be too far away from each other to make direct contact or to have a conversation.

    I hope we can discover intelligent life forms elsewhere, it would challenge the fairy stories that have caused too many issues.

  19. #19

    Re: Space aliens

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    There is life out there, with so many planets being found in their solar systems respective Goldilocks zones, it seems likely that many will be teeming with life - and a small percentage will have hosted (or currently host) intelligent life.

    I think we will find life in our own solar system eventually, possibly on Ganymede or Europa.

    If we are visited, there is a strong chance we would be like Neanderthal men in comparison to beings of superior intelligence.

    Will humans travel to Mars? I think yes, maybe by 2030. Will humans travel beyond this solar system, not for centuries and we'll probably become extinct before we get anywhere near planning.

    I think we could see human settlements elsewhere in the system - not in our lifetimes though.

    I think we may find some radio waves from a civilization elsewhere, but we will be too far away from each other to make direct contact or to have a conversation.

    I hope we can discover intelligent life forms elsewhere, it would challenge the fairy stories that have caused too many issues.
    Europa, Enceladus, Ganymede, Titan - any of these might have simple forms of life.

    If we are to find life on any of these by 2050 then I imagine everyone will go crazy to send a probe outside of the solar system towards Proxima Centauri, possibly a laser shot hopefully travelling at least 5% of the speed of light. Though it's laughable that we aren't doing everything that we can now, if money wasn't an object we might have had 5-10 trials of it by today. We will certainly not be alive when the space agencies get the pictures back, but what an amazing time that will be for civilisation. As far as humans flying outside of the system, even beyond Saturn isn't comprehensible at this stage. Who knows, we may have one of the biggest scientific breakthroughs ever in the next 15-20 years that makes maybe 10% of speed of light possible.

    There will be human settlements on Mars by 2040, and if that happens and continues to grow our species will be around for a little while longer. I have no doubt we will blow ourselves up on Earth before achieving anything on the scale of travelling as far as say, Sirius. We really aren't that intelligent and there is something really not right with homo sapiens, the gorilla temper comes out from inside of us way too often. If there is incredibly advanced life out there somewhere, I wonder if they are laughing at us right now.

  20. #20
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Space aliens

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenith View Post
    Dinosaurs with feathers proving any sort of life is possible http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-39857696
    When Rudy is happy she's a cute little birdy but when I wrap a towel around her and try to file her claws down she turns in to what she really is... a mini dinosaur with feathers, the noise she makes is horrendous hard to imagine a 1,000kg version of her, Jesus Christ.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thoth View Post
    There are a few ancient figures that look a bit space like..

    He reminds me of the robot from Lost in space with those hands

  21. #21

    Re: Space aliens

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenith View Post
    We really aren't that intelligent and there is something really not right with homo sapiens, the gorilla temper comes out from inside of us way too often. If there is incredibly advanced life out there somewhere, I wonder if they are laughing at us right now.
    Something badly went wrong with the human make up around the time of the very first 'empire', when it suddenly became necessary to expand and aquire other people's wealth and land, when otherwise everybody had plenty for a full and wholesome lifespan (albeit shorter than today).

    This wanton lust for more items than we actually need to sustain life was the result of this faulty gene, but which has now been passed on via evolution as it was unfortunately successful. This I believe, now manifests itself in modern day capitalism, with it's speculators / profit chasing / derivatives etc, and to an extent, far right politics. This is all a completely false situation, propped up by fiat currency, fractional reserve banking, quantitive easing and usury.

    Jon Ronson studies this in his book 'The Psychopath Test', showing that a high percentage of the CEOs of today's biggest companies display this corrupt mental configuration. Their lack of empathy towards others mean that their ruthlessness works well in business. He shows that had it gone slightly differently for these guys, they'd be in prison long term for serial offences against humanity such as mass murder.

    David Icke's theory along the same lines, is that this same non human instinct is similar to cold blooded animals, hence his talk of 'lizards', and the phrase 'cold blooded murderer' being in everyday use.

    So yes, I would say that truly intelligent life out there in the universe could be laughing at us, but I'd suspect they'd actually pity us.

    I quite like the idea shown in the classic film 'The Abyss' and more recently 'Arrival' where intelligent alien life shows us how wrong we really are, and sets us all on a better path.

    Looking at current world events, my optimistic view is that we're due one of these visits in the not too distant future!
    Last edited by Arfur Europe; 12-05-17 at 07:00.

  22. #22

    Re: Space aliens

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    When Rudy is happy she's a cute little birdy but when I wrap a towel around her and try to file her claws down she turns in to what she really is... a mini dinosaur with feathers, the noise she makes is horrendous hard to imagine a 1,000kg version of her, Jesus Christ.

    He reminds me of the robot from Lost in space with those hands
    "Danger! Will Robinson - danger!"

  23. #23

    Re: Space aliens

    Quote Originally Posted by bobh View Post
    "Danger! Will Robinson - danger!"
    A couple of surprising facts :

    Jonathan Harris (Dr Smith) was not gay.

    Jonathan Harris used to bully Chuck Norris. He was Norris's acting coach.

  24. #24

    Re: Space aliens

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    When Rudy is happy she's a cute little birdy but when I wrap a towel around her and try to file her claws down she turns in to what she really is... a mini dinosaur with feathers, the noise she makes is horrendous hard to imagine a 1,000kg version of her, Jesus Christ.

    He reminds me of the robot from Lost in space with those hands
    Those are Trump hands.

  25. #25
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Space aliens

    Would we get fake alien news transmitted to us form afar ??

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