Quote Originally Posted by Silures View Post
We've only been here about a million years. Modern type human about 100thousand years, sending radio waves, tv waves into space about 150years, so people who believe aliens have visited us, how would they know we are here? A radio wave travels at the speed of light, so our signals have only reached about 150light years. The nearest habitable planet is thousands of light years away. So how would they know first of all, our blue planet existed (a tiny dot even only a few 100thousand miles away) and secondly, that life even existed on our planet? And thirdly, wasting the time to cross the vast expanseses to check if there is life on our dot. I believe the universe is teaming with life, but no way has any of that life found its way to earth. Right or wrong alien hunters?

Sure about that?
Scientists are finding planets around a multitude of stars, but only by inference of dimming as the planet moves in front of the star (from our viewpoint) The vast majority of these planets are assumed to be gas giants, as a planet such as Earth would be too small to notice.
There could be rocky planets orbiting loads of stars, much closer than those planets already discovered.

As you say, we've only been around for a tiny fraction of the age of the Universe,and we've already started to explore space.
Other races could have evolved millions of years ago and made technological advances that make us seem primitive. They could still be around, or could have become extinct, replaced by another race, or races.

It is a statistical certainy that life in some form exists elsewhere in the Universe, level of intelligence and technology, is pure speculation.

But there are enough "suggestions" in ancient beliefs folklore to imply we have been visited at some time.

Have you seen the Australian aborigine cave drawings of the Bunyip - a figure from their mythology? It looks very much like a man in a spacesuit.

The cyclops of Greek myth could be the same - a suited figure with a visor mistaken for an eye.

Angels coming down from the heavens in "chariots of fire" - aircraft with a vapour trail, maybe?