Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
Whilst I understand what you are saying it feels dangerously close to 'lets ask the businesses what they would like to contribute'...

Railway nationalisation is actually an issue where right and left seem to meet around the back quite often. It doesn't make sense to pump public money into something that produces profit for private companies. Especially when you consider the levels of service and perception of most commuters that the cost of train tickets is absurdly high. I don't feel like we are getting a good deal as a country.

In terms of the cost, it is almost as though you haven't read it or even thought about it. There is absolutely no reason why nationalisation of the railways would cost a penny. Energy industry is a different kettle of fish but the approach in the manifesto appears to involve setting up publicly owned companies to effectively regulate the industry from within by providing competition.
I do agree rail effects so many lives, however that central control efficiency will it work ? does it bring with it old fashioned power struggles unions v government , it needs to be a protected service to the public as per policing, people should not be held to ransom . .