This exact article is dragged up all the time.

It is pointless really. The economy is never a level playing field. It is never the same.

A comment under it:

In your analysis you acknowledge that whoever was in power post 2008 was going to have to borrow more. You also acknowledge that this would distort the results of your analysis and adjust the data to make for a fairer comparison.

However the conservatives were in power for most of the post WWII (1951-1964) rebuilding period. Another period when whoever was in power would also have had to borrow lots. How come you have made no attempt to adjust for this? The impact of rebuilding the country post WWII will have had an impact on government borrowing that was very similar in magnitude to the Global Financial Crisis.

Doesn’t this possibly lead to the classic mistake of assuming correlation = causation. The Tories happened to have been in power when the economy required massive amounts of government borrowing, rather than the Tories being a party of higher government borrowing.