Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post

Alien Covenant

I don't mind deep films that make you think but this went too far. It begins with a discussion on humans finding their creator and the fact humans are the gods of machines. I was looking for closure on the big question involved and of course that isn't possible.

I thought before going to watch this it'd be back to just entertainment, guns and aliens. "Aliens" covenant - Got to be like the old Aliens surely?. Turns out this is Prometheus no.2. Some are going to be massively unimpressed with this.

It ambles along, I looked at my watch at it was close to finishing. A few shocks but no real scares. Then they cram in some Alien action near the end. It felt forced.

I think Mark Kermode sums it up perfectly:


It is worth watching but just don't get your hopes up.

Surely in the next one it'll be back to being after Alien 1. Because in Covenant you discover how the first Alien is created.

Was a good story in it but executed poorly , hated how the aliens were CGI ,looked better in the originals