Quote Originally Posted by ninianclark View Post
Doesnt this just show exactly the bollox that is in manifestos. Labour promising everything to anyone , free tuition fees, nationalise railways, NHS massive spend etc etc - and they'll do it by taxing the businesses that are trying to create a profit in the first place.

You then have the Tories - that it seems are trying to be realistic and saying what needs to be done - and getting clobbered for it.

I think the truth as usual sits somewhere in between. Labour if elected - wont be able to achieve any of their manifesto, because businesses will made arrangements to switch assets somewhere else - or they'll do he starbucks 'loan' trick. Then we have the Tories who it seems have pretty much stated taxes will go up and now getting criticised (for having a normal Labour policy).

There is no way the country can afford any of the things on the Labour list in the present economic climate.
People wont accept Tory tax rises. Who is fooling who ?

Far better to grow businesses and then get the tax - rather than tax them beforehand. At least when we are out of the EU - we can close off the Starbucks off shore loan type arrangement as well as the domicile rule that Dublin uses.
I am not even sure I am in favour of fee free university as it might encourage people to go who aren't completely committed to the idea but to say 'the country can't afford to pay for it' is just rubbish.

The British people pay for it one way or another, there is no other source of money but us generating it. It either comes from students in the future if they earn more than the threshold or from taxpayers in the future if they don't.

Big business appear to set the agenda these days, to the point where everyday folk sit online and do their bidding for them, 'oh they will all leave if we don't give them what they want'. I am bored of this, I hope others are too. Businesses need their customers as much as employees need the businesses they work for, if everyone stuck together whilst expecting everyone (individuals and businesses) to follow fair and reasonable rules then this country would be a better place.

Some have a free pass to 'pull a starbucks' but the majority don't.