Quote Originally Posted by Alfonso Perez View Post
Fair play that's an incredibly narrow minded attitude towards normal people who have led sensible lives & done the right thing. I know of people who are making great sacrifices to save for their future & am firmly of the opinion that working hard & paying your fair share of taxes should go hand in hand with being treated fairly in your old age.

If normal people choose to save & build assets for their retirement & to pass onto their children then surely this should be encouraged, not discouraged via the threat of having most of it taken away if they need help in their old age.
The whole reason we are having this discussion is because it has become apparent that successive governments haven't managed to appropriately plan for the future - Social care is a problem simply because people haven't paid enough tax to pay for their care in old age. The baby boomer generation are the first (and only) to have taken out more than they will put in and therefore something drastic must be done.

Forget the emotional rhetoric for one second and try to remember that I am only expecting people to pay for their own existence (if they can afford to and if not the taxpayer will foot the bill), you are expected to do that for the rest of the time you are an adult. You make it sound like I am proposing stealing off them.

My gran went into a care home and died within 9 months. I will be keeping my parents out of it for as long as possible and by then I hope they have spent all the money that they have earned on doing things they enjoy. I would love a flat in a ski resort but not if it will cripple society and make the next generation poorer than the previous one.