Quote Originally Posted by qccfc View Post
There is a clear history, they both knew each other. Some of the language coming out of the car was inflammatory. I imagine if i called someone a pedophile in my car they might hit me.

I personally think all people should be treated equally, in law and in practice. However if i was talking like that guy in the car to someone who is the same color and religion as me, id expect trouble.
The guy in the car said he "doesn't stand for pedophillic practices", which sounds more than reasonable to me and yet he got hit in the face for it.

This is the quandary of the politically correct these days, the PC have found themselves having to stick up for a group with pretty messed-up beliefs, but defending them has become just a knee-jerk reaction.

If they stopped for a moment to really scrutinise what they're defending they'd surprise themselves.