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Thread: Would you change your brexit vote?

  1. #1

    Would you change your brexit vote?

    Personally I think I would lean towards a remain vote, when I voted leave in the actual referendum.

    I am not afraid of admitting it.

    Well that is great the poll didn't work.

  2. #2

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Nope, voted Remain and would still be the same.
    It's proving what I thought it would be, an almighty diversionary pain in the arse from what's actually important ( the economy, security, NHS ) and although I was hardly some fanatical Europhile I just can't see that with all the hassle leaving that we are going to end up with some perfect Utopia.
    Who will we scapegoat then?

  3. #3

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Nope, voted Remain and would still be the same.
    It's proving what I thought it would be, an almighty diversionary pain in the arse from what's actually important ( the economy, security, NHS ) and although I was hardly some fanatical Europhile I just can't see that with all the hassle leaving that we are going to end up with some perfect Utopia.
    Who will we scapegoat then?
    That is it for me.

    I think the possible benefits of brexit are dwarfed by the possible negatives/hassle.

  4. #4

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    I voted Remain and would do so again.

  5. #5

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Voted Leave and while the doom and gloom'ers are still banging the doom drum, I would still vote Leave

    I mainly voted leave to take control of our own country and have MP's who WE vote in, that still stands

  6. #6

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    I voted to crash the currency, encourage companies in a range of industries to relocate overseas, create divisions in our communities, damage the NHS, split up families, and get back our sovereignty, so I'm happy with how things are going and would vote Leave again next time.

  7. #7

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    I voted to crash the currency, encourage companies in a range of industries to relocate overseas, create divisions in our communities, damage the NHS, split up families, and get back our sovereignty, so I'm happy with how things are going and would vote Leave again next time.
    Imagine the state of the pound if jeremy corbyn wins.

    It'll be the biggest plummet in history.

    Corbyns policies will directly lead to business leaving the UK.

    There is still very little factual evidence to claim Brexit has caused business to leave the UK as nothing is settled yet. As much as banks go on about closing branches due to brexit.....and jamie oliver blaming it for his failed restaurants.

    In my work a whole host of price rises came in as the currency dropped. Lets see if those prices are decreased when it rises. I DOUBT IT.

    A few contradictions are being made.

    Leave voters are doing it as well. Claiming certain things are vital, so dont vote labour or left wing. Then they voted to the detriment of those same things in the Ref.
    Last edited by LordKenwyne; 26-05-17 at 13:08.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    That is it for me.

    I think the possible benefits of brexit are dwarfed by the possible negatives/hassle.
    Think your right , if we could negotiate a different deal that dealt with border controls, stopped the inclusion of Turkey , agreed that immigrants are dealt with at the point of acceptance , stopped benefits paid to to non working entrants to the country , and took that to the electorate, it would see a massive remain vote.

    I wonder in retrospect if the European commission now regrets not listening in detail to Cameron demands , and the real deal he wanted to strike , he must have advised them to listen or suffer the consequences, which is now in play, as the deal he came back with was dreadful , and I think they put two fingers up to him and us , thinking this Brexit would ever happen , arrogant buggers .

    It will hurt us though , as they will never give us a good trade deal , it would only encourage other countries to exit , we will end up just walking away, and go it alone , hard Brexit I think the terminology is ,more like painful Brexit ,save your money,don't commit to anything new or big ,bunker down for a few years .

  9. #9
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    I would actually vote this time and vote to leave, project fear has been seen to be exactly what it was, and is still continuing, the haves desperately trying to cling on to their wealth at the expense of the have nots.

  10. #10

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    I would actually vote this time and vote to leave, project fear has been seen to be exactly what it was, and is still continuing, the haves desperately trying to cling on to their wealth at the expense of the have nots.
    Why is the term project fear always aimed at the Remain side? The leave side used plenty of scare tactics, hyperbole and downright bullshit too.

  11. #11

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Voted remain and still would

  12. #12

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by Barry Shitpeas View Post
    Why is the term project fear always aimed at the Remain side? The leave side used plenty of scare tactics, hyperbole and downright bullshit too.
    Farage standing in front of that huge picture of a line of refugees could definitely not be called Project Fear, nosirree.

  13. #13

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    Voted Leave and while the doom and gloom'ers are still banging the doom drum, I would still vote Leave

    I mainly voted leave to take control of our own country and have MP's who WE vote in, that still stands
    How were MPs elected when we were in the EU then?

  14. #14

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by LordKenwyne View Post
    Imagine the state of the pound if jeremy corbyn wins.

    It'll be the biggest plummet in history.

    Corbyns policies will directly lead to business leaving the UK.

    There is still very little factual evidence to claim Brexit has caused business to leave the UK as nothing is settled yet. As much as banks go on about closing branches due to brexit.....and jamie oliver blaming it for his failed restaurants.

    In my work a whole host of price rises came in as the currency dropped. Lets see if those prices are decreased when it rises. I DOUBT IT.

    A few contradictions are being made.

    Leave voters are doing it as well. Claiming certain things are vital, so dont vote labour or left wing. Then they voted to the detriment of those same things in the Ref.

    It'll take some doing for the pound to plummet faster than it did last June.

  15. #15

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    How were MPs elected when we were in the EU then?
    Surely you are not that daft ? ?

  16. #16

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    I would actually vote this time and vote to leave, project fear has been seen to be exactly what it was, and is still continuing, the haves desperately trying to cling on to their wealth at the expense of the have nots.
    How would leaving the EU reverse that? Surely this is a British thing and, by being out of the EU, this will only get worse?

  17. #17

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    I mainly voted leave to [...] have MP's who WE vote in, that still stands
    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    How were MPs elected when we were in the EU then?
    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    Surely you are not that daft ? ?
    I thought we always voted in MPs. I am obviously daft and mistaken. So, I need help - how were MPs elected when we were in the EU?

  18. #18

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eric the Half a Bee View Post
    How would leaving the EU reverse that? Surely this is a British thing and, by being out of the EU, this will only get worse?
    My thoughts exactly. Can't see workers rights protected as much under the glorious benevlance of Boris, Dave Davies Theresa etc...

  19. #19

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    It's difficult to vote for the unknown.

  20. #20

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kris View Post
    I thought we always voted in MPs. I am obviously daft and mistaken. So, I need help - how were MPs elected when we were in the EU?
    you never heard of MEP's ??

    google it

    you might find they set the EU rules / regulations and laws

    do we in the UK vote them all in ? ?

  21. #21
    First Team Heathblue's Avatar
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    Mar 2016
    Melmac, Aldente Nebula, Andromeda Galaxy

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    My thoughts exactly. Can't see workers rights protected as much under the glorious benevlance of Boris, Dave Davies Theresa etc...
    I was thinking about those who are not fortunate to have a job, and they see those with a job just pull further away in the financial stakes, I don't think it was any coincidence that the poorer communities voted leave, they never seemed to be included in the "good times of the EU" i'm sure a Welsh coal face worker is just as good as a German coal face worker. in or out of the EU for me isn't about being Tory or Labour its about the have and have nots, the have nots won the vote and i'm glad for them, they had their chance to say i'm fed up with the system that ignored them for generations, the in voters are just a little sore that their gravy train maybe a little uncertain for a bit, it wouldn't have really bothered me either way but, i resent the unwillingness of the losing voters to accept the result and their attempts to introduce concepts like hard and soft brexit, Regarding the forthcoming election, I will be delighted to see TM and her Tories removed but if it doesn't happen (and i don't think it will, as the greed in the people that have will prevail), i'll just get on with it. I do think it will be a close vote, enough for her to stand down. People however, have the perfect opportunity at this election regarding Brexit by voting Lib Dem, lets see how many empty vessels take the LIB Dem opportunity.

  22. #22

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    you never heard of MEP's ??

    google it

    you might find they set the EU rules / regulations and laws

    do we in the UK vote them all in ? ?
    The UK was on the losing side of votes for new laws about 2% of the time in the last 20 years. We abstained 3% which means 95% of the time we were happy with the laws.

    We were also a very powerful voice in shaping the laws, hence 'winning' so often.

  23. #23

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    The UK was on the losing side of votes for new laws about 2% of the time in the last 20 years. We abstained 3% which means 95% of the time we were happy with the laws.

    We were also a very powerful voice in shaping the laws, hence 'winning' so often.
    does that include all the other regulations ? ? ? and agreements ? ? ?

  24. #24

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by blue matt View Post
    does that include all the other regulations ? ? ? and agreements ? ? ?
    EU regulation is a law, so yes. I don't know what you mean by agreement. A trade agreement?

  25. #25

    Re: Would you change your brexit vote?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nelsonca61 View Post
    I was thinking about those who are not fortunate to have a job, and they see those with a job just pull further away in the financial stakes, I don't think it was any coincidence that the poorer communities voted leave, they never seemed to be included in the "good times of the EU" i'm sure a Welsh coal face worker is just as good as a German coal face worker. in or out of the EU for me isn't about being Tory or Labour its about the have and have nots
    Again, this is something I did not understand whatsoever. Most of these poorer areas have been traditionally Labour voters and, maybe more so, anti-Tory, yet they were happy to give more power to a party these areas have traditionally detested and blamed for their circumstances. I couldn't work out the logic in that at the time and, the more I've thought about it, the less it makes sense. I saw people that hate Thatcher, Cameron etc with a vengeance suddenly proclaiming the likes of Boris and Theresa May as heroes. To coin a phrase, there's nowt as strange as folk.

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