Amazed that the Tories and more disappointingly Labour are not now talking about scrapping the 200 BILLION Trident renewal and instead looking to invest more in fighting terrorism - intelligence, internet and police work to combat terrorism.

Threats to our country are more immediate and not from nuclear weapons... and even scrapping trident doesn't mean we won't have any nuclear weapons.

No one can provide one single example where Trident has stopped a terrorist or other form of attack against us - yet still the main parties continue to back trident.

I say scrap Trident and invest the money into counter terrorism activities, better detention, better internet/web monitoring, better engagement with Muslim countries to combat terrorism in their own counties and putting more pressure on countries supporting terrorism to take better control through international bodies such as Nato - countries that by the way this hideous primeminster has been cosying up to to for economic reasons and this same primeminister who took 20000 police officers off the street.

Surely now the Trident investment must be redirected to combat our immediate threats.