Quote Originally Posted by Eric Cartman View Post
Well you haven't but I am just not sure what you are so afraid of. What are Corbyn, McDonnell and Abbott going to do (putting aside that she is already being sidelined) that will endanger us?

A primary role of any government is to keep it's citizens as safe as possible & Corbyn's track record of continually opposing terrorist legislation since 1983 (his words not mine) are a cause for concern. Also having credibility on the world stage is vital so his links to terrorist organisations do absolutely nothing to support this. In addition he has stated that the only spending cut he would not reverse relates to the armed forces so he immediately places himself on an dangerous collision course with NATO who are key allies of ours.

Where has Corbyn said that Abbott will not be Home Secretary if he is elected as my understanding is that he has suggested that his top team will stay in place?

You began the thread by saying that Corbyn 'doesn't have our best interests at heart', whose then??

Corbyn's track record of continually voting against his own party suggests that all he cares about is what he believes in & sod the rest.

Politicians go on the news and say 'the terrorists hate our way of life', well guess what so do our allies. In Saudi Arabia you couldn't find a country whose beliefs and values are are more polar opposite to our own. Successive governments have clung to them no matter what they did to people yet you act like Corbyn talking to some people from Sinn Fein is the crime of the century.

I don't know what the relevance of this is as we are talking about direct actions & quotes from Jeremy Corbyn, John McDonnell & Diane Abbott highlighting their support for terrorist organisations. If anyone said 20/30 years ago that people harbouring such views could be running our country one day, they would have been the subject of ridicule.

Corbyn was talking to the IRA so why try to dress it up any differently? Inviting them into parliament 5 days after the Brighton bombing sums up his beliefs & lack of judgement very succinctly.

I think the world is probably a more complicated place than you are accepting it to be.

That comes across as more than a little patronising although in fairness you do seem to be describing yourself there. Your inability to consider this logically & objectively is blindingly obvious to me.

A few basic questions:

Do you think that it is acceptable for a potential UK PM to describe terrorist organisations as his friends?

Do you think that it is acceptable for a potential UK PM to observe a minutes silence for dead IRA terrorists?

Do you think that it is acceptable that a potential Chancellor wants to honour dead IRA terrorists?

Do you think that it is acceptable for a potential Home Secretary to want to see the British State defeated in any conflict?