Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
Maybe he doesn't posses an institutionalised mind that is easily triggered by the establishment media
The people control the media now, not rich oligarchs. Gone are the days when meetings like this could be kept off the front pages:-


has been shared and retweeted numerous times. That single video has been viewed 71000 times, and there are other versions out there.

By the way, I have never been disenfranchised - I've always had an interest in politics. However, there is little doubt that the major parties have (until the last 6 weeks) been eager to keep younger people from the voting booths. The result is we are heading for a disastrous Brexit to appease some Tory MPs who are now out of work. All to keep out "terrorism" and "foreigners".

The balance of power is swinging. The silver vote will still be important, as will the opinions of those of us who can still chase "birds".