Quote Originally Posted by Loramski View Post
No worries, sorry for the late reply.

The general consensus seems to be that it was the right time for Whitts to go, even you agree with that, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Warnock gave him plenty of chances last season, if he'd just wanted energy in the midfield then he could have gone with O'Keefe but he obviously wanted to try and integrate Whitts' quality in there but it didn't work out. Even then he was prepared to have him as a squad player, on a salary that no other Championship side seemed prepared to better, but Whitts decided to move down a division to get regular football. His choice.

I didn't feel he was scapegoated by the fans, far from it, his name was being sung right to the end. I don't remember him being given a hard time since the Norwich game in 2014, maybe I've been missing something. Surely you don't think he should be immune from any criticism on here? If you're not happy with it, put forward a case for him rather than resorting to mockery and abuse all the time. Plenty of big Whitts fans on here but they don't seem too keen to jump to your defence in this thread.
I don't need anyone to jump to my defence I'm capable of defending myself. Besides it's a football forum not a popularity contest of who backs who. You could say Whitts is a six foot black man and still have more people agreeing with you than me, that's just the way the cookie crumbles on here.

I didn't say he was a exempt from criticism just having my opinion on you blaming him for that goal which to me is typical of the scapegoating of Whitts in the last few years. There's at least 3 players more at fault for that goal than Whitts but as per usual Whitts gets the blame.

He gets more shit for the things he cant do than any other player in the squad. Gunnarson and Ralls cannot pass water but people don't go on like that they go on about Whitts mobility or tackling ability. Whitts misplaces the odd pass there are groans whereas Ralls gives away the ball far more than Whitts but doesn't get half the negativity.

As for him dropping a division as Ive already said unless you are his agent or a close friend (or Annie as he knows everything about players contracts) you don't know what offers he had, or his reasons for dropping down other than guessing.

We are not going to change each other's minds so I'll just agree to disagree. I'm out.