Quote Originally Posted by jon1959 View Post
This is an interesting and revealing thread.

I wonder if there are any lazy caricatures, cliches or sneering put-downs we have missed? Surely scope to do a bit more around white vans, travellers and 'closed curtains'?

Of course some 'social tenants' are an anti-social nightmare. So are some owner occupiers, and private landlords and their (often transient) tenants. Of course there are more likely to be lifestyles associated with low incomes amongst social tenants. But as a former council tenant myself and someone who has known thousands of council tenants through my work over decades, I have also come across some of the hardest working and house proud people ever in council homes.

After the trauma and terror of the Grenfell fire I wish every tenant (maybe some Right To Buy owners too?) the best in their new social home. All the best as well to Donna if she decides to move to some other bubble of expensive exclusivity.
Great post.