Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Pepper View Post
^^ Theresa May would have - yet again - bussed in another dozen docile old dears from the local retirement home, to stand wobbling behind her while she trotted out more feeble, pointless, empty soundbites.

I can scarcely imagine what will actually happen over the next few years, but the lid is, well and truly off - thanks mainly to one man (who the c***s mocked) - and, frankly it is a superb sight.
Not something I thought I would see again in my lifetime.

Great to see the young motivated and embracing hope.
Try to mock anyone with an ounce of common sense and a recollection of how financially fecked we were by the last labour government, by stating their all docile old dears.

For balance, surely you should equally say that Corbyn appeals to 5 year olds.

As you know, both are utter bullsh!t, so why come out with bullsh!t ? Because you are imbalanced ?

The thing is that Corbyn appeals to the younger people, because he think like a teenager. He's self centric and always been a campaigner. That is why he did well at the election ( still lost to the so called awful Teresa May by over 50 seats ).

Great campaigners don't always make great leaders though.

Those policies are appallingly thought out, probably written up on the back of a fag packet or on Dianne Abbott's back !!!

Labour under Corbyn would bankrupt this country quicker than Blair and Brown could ever manage.

Then it would be down to the next Tory government to pick up the detritus left by Corbyn.

Yo yo politics at it's worst !

It's a disaster waiting to happen and we thought the likes of the dangerous Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott and Ron Skinner were relics of a dim and unpleasant past.

Many other cultures respect their elders and respect their wisdom, based upon a lifetime's experiences.

Yet sadly, in this country many of the self centric young and clearly sad people like you despise, disrespect or have very little respect for older people.

Who would you want in probably the most responsible job in the country ?

Someone who thinks like a narrow minded teenager or someone with maturity and some wisdom (which isn't necessarily Teresa May) who can see the bigger picture.