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Thread: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

  1. #1

    Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

    Granted, Chris Patten was always on the left of the party, but this is pretty damning stuff;-


  2. #2

    Re: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

    Whilst I didn't vote for them give me the likes of Hesletine, Clarke, Major Hurd and Patten any day compared to this lot.
    David Davis has been quoted as saying ibrexit is as complicated as the moon landings.
    Now maybe I'm being perceptive but that doesn't strike me as a man who's enjoying his job ? Maybe it's a '**** what have I signed up for ?'

  3. #3

    Re: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Whilst I didn't vote for them give me the likes of Hesletine, Clarke, Major Hurd and Patten any day compared to this lot.
    David Davis has been quoted as saying ibrexit is as complicated as the moon landings.
    Now maybe I'm being perceptive but that doesn't strike me as a man who's enjoying his job ? Maybe it's a '**** what have I signed up for ?'
    The moon landings never happened, maybe Brexit won't either

  4. #4

    Re: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

    I wouldn't tell Buzz the landings didn't happen.....

  5. #5
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

    Quote Originally Posted by the other bob wilson View Post
    Granted, Chris Patten was always on the left of the party, but this is pretty damning stuff;-

    Believe it or not insiders of the Tory considered George Osborne was very left leaning and that can be backed up by his triple lock deal ,no tax rises decisions.

  6. #6

    Re: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Whilst I didn't vote for them give me the likes of Hesletine, Clarke, Major Hurd and Patten any day compared to this lot.
    David Davis has been quoted as saying ibrexit is as complicated as the moon landings.
    Now maybe I'm being perceptive but that doesn't strike me as a man who's enjoying his job ? Maybe it's a '**** what have I signed up for ?'
    All Bilderbergers.

  7. #7

    Re: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Believe it or not insiders of the Tory considered George Osborne was very left leaning and that can be backed up by his triple lock deal ,no tax rises decisions.
    No tax rises is left wing?

  8. #8
    International jon1959's Avatar
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    Re: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Believe it or not insiders of the Tory considered George Osborne was very left leaning and that can be backed up by his triple lock deal ,no tax rises decisions.
    And his mission to shrink the state and pursue an aggressive and ideological austerity agenda? He was socially liberal (like Cameron) but 'left leaning'? I don't think so.

  9. #9

    Re: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wales-Bales View Post
    The moon landings never happened, maybe Brexit won't either
    it was on the telly ffs.

  10. #10
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    Mar 2016

    Re: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

    Quote Originally Posted by kingbillyboy View Post
    it was on the telly ffs.

    I could see em through my homemade telescope , bounding about on the moon's surface, they looked so happy as they waved back at me,and I waved at them,argh blissful times ,we were then off and running into the wheat fields, with such glee ,with Buster our dog yapping at our heels,trying to grab our homemade jam sandwiches .

  11. #11

    Re: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

    Quote Originally Posted by life on mars View Post
    Believe it or not insiders of the Tory considered George Osborne was very left leaning and that can be backed up by his triple lock deal ,no tax rises decisions.
    No tax rises is what you expect from the Tories. Low tax meaning less money being pumped into the public sector.
    Osborne was hardly left leaning. As for the triple lock that was all about firming up the grey vote without which the Tories would be stuffed.

  12. #12

    Re: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearcey3 View Post
    No tax rises is what you expect from the Tories. Low tax meaning less money being pumped into the public sector.
    Osborne was hardly left leaning. As for the triple lock that was all about firming up the grey vote without which the Tories would be stuffed.
    Without which , the Tories - as they currently are/have been - are stuffed.

    Lord Heseltine recently admitted that the Tory traditional voter base is dwindling (dying off basically) by about 2% a year.
    Add in the amount of oldies that Theresa 'political genius' May managed to thoroughly piss right off and I think the Tories have awoken to find themselves staring at a bit of a mountain to climb.

    We can expect a chameleon act while they attempt to make themselves more popular again, no doubt after which they will further attempt to revert to form.
    In the meantime, it's no bad thing in itself perhaps.

  13. #13

    Re: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sgt. Pepper View Post
    Without which , the Tories - as they currently are/have been - are stuffed.

    Lord Heseltine recently admitted that the Tory traditional voter base is dwindling (dying off basically) by about 2% a year.
    Add in the amount of oldies that Theresa 'political genius' May managed to thoroughly piss right off and I think the Tories have awoken to find themselves staring at a bit of a mountain to climb.

    We can expect a chameleon act while they attempt to make themselves more popular again, no doubt after which they will further attempt to revert to form.
    In the meantime, it's no bad thing in itself perhaps.
    I'd love to think the Tories are stuffed, but they are the great survivors of British politics and history says they'll find a way of coping even if their situation is as daunting as you say it is.

    On the day after the election, I said Labour were it's moral winners and I still believe that, but what success they enjoyed rather came at the expense of the smaller parties than the Tories, who managed to attract their largest number of voters since 1992 despite running a campaign that is now widely described as being shambolic.

    When I try to figure out why so many decided to vote for the Conservatives, I come up with the usual reasons for voting for the what's in it for me party, but that doesn't explain why their vote went up - there were definitely some stop Corbyn at all costs voters, but the result might well have been different if older voters had supported the Conservatives at the level they'd been backed by that age group before.

    The "grey vote" swung to the right even if you factor in that very many people go on a left to right political journey over the course of their three score years and ten and, after getting in a bit of trouble on here last week for calling many older voters selfish and bigoted, I've been trying to be a bit more understanding in my outlook.

    I had another conversation about immigration with one of my older neighbours on the weekend and was told that it's all very well people saying that we need to be more tolerant, but they don't have to live with what others do. This took me aback a bit, because apart from one or two Afro Caribbean families around by us, there are no potential candidates to be immigrants I can think of - I cannot think of any Asian families (Muslim or non Muslim) and I'm pretty sure there is no one from EU or non EU mainland Europe countries here either.

    So, this neighbour doesn't have immigrants living close by and yet appears to believe they are living in some sort of front line. I can only think, that as a member of the generation that still relies on newspapers (the biggest selling two of which follow an increasingly shrill right wing agenda) and the one most likely to watch crap like the Jeremy Kyle show, they are subjected to a never ending diet of tales of how society is breaking down that younger voters do not get to see as much of as them.

    My neighbour may not live among immigrants, but there has to be a good chance that the mainstream media they read, watch and listen to feeds their notion that they aren't far away and they're getting closer - if someone, who has a fairly isolated lifestyle, begins to believe that, then maybe the rightward turn older voters are taking becomes a bit more understandable.

  14. #14

    Re: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.


    Indeed, people vote based on things that they have convinced themselves of (or been convinced) - things that they have apparently been personally affected by, or are somehow in the thick of it. Whatever 'it' may be.

    When in fact they are clearly not, but are repeating the supposedly associated stock phrases in parrot fashion.

  15. #15

    Re: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

    Great article on Cameron here which also touches on the claims from Tory hardline Brexiteers about the BBC in particular not doing their patriotic best when it comes to us leaving the EU.


    Anyway, in reverse order, here's my top five worst Prime Ministers of my lifetime;-

    Close misses Edward Heath and James Callaghan - hated Thatcher, but she was effective I suppose.

    5. John Major - bit unfair this one because I think he was a generally decent man who was dealt a shit hand.
    4. Gordon Brown - not up to the job in my book, but might have been judged differently if he had been in charge in 1997 instead of being stabbed in back by the man at number three
    3. Should have stuck to my first impression of Tony Blair. I thought he was a smug tosser when I first saw him interviewed in the mid eighties, but, like so many others, I was completely under his spell when he became PM twenty years ago. I'm using general competence as my criteria for these rankings, but if I were using others (e.g. greed and disregard for human life), Blair'd be my number one.
    2. David Cameron - arrogant, cowardly, selfish, easily rattled and, allegedly, does interesting things to pigs and yet he wasn't as bad as our winner.
    1, Theresa May - things are returning to a hint of normality in Parliament and, with the long summer recess ahead, the strong and stable one may be convincing herself that she can carry on as if those three awful months starting on the day she called the election that was supposed to see her installed as some sort of modern day Boudica had never happened. However, I hope and trust the country will never forget the mixture of cold hearted, wooden, stilted and cowardly incompetence that put her right at the forefront of a laughably bad election campaign.

  16. #16

    Re: Our last two Prime Ministers - even Torys are saying it now.

    Yep three dud PM's in a row.

    Oh for the good old days when Tony Blair ruled with a firm but
    tolerant hand.

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