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Thread: Satire?

  1. #1

  2. #2

    Re: Satire?

    He's probably still not entirely sure what he did wrong, nor why people find him and his ilk objectionable.

  3. #3

    Re: Satire?

    I wonder if Johnny Depp will be prosecuted for saying that Trump should be assassinated?

  4. #4
    International Mrs Steve R's Avatar
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    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    I wonder if Johnny Depp will be prosecuted for saying that Trump should be assassinated?
    Madonna wanted to blow the White House up with him in it.

  5. #5

    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
    Madonna wanted to blow the White House up with him in it.
    The silence from Bob, Barry, Lardy and Eric is deafening.

  6. #6

    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    The silence from Bob, Barry, Lardy and Eric is deafening.

  7. #7

    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    The silence from Bob, Barry and Eric is deafening. Do you think that Depp should be prosecuted for the remarks he made about Trump at Glastonbury, Lardy?

  8. #8

    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    The silence from Bob, Barry and Eric is deafening. Do you think that Depp should be prosecuted for the remarks he made about Trump at Glastonbury, Lardy?
    Your style is a little passive aggressive, but how lovely to be asked, thank you

    I don't really like Johnny Depp so it'd be quite funny I guess.

  9. #9

    Re: Satire?

    Why is it when one arsehole makes an idiot of himself and ends up in court and quite rightly gets convicted you hear the 'yeah but what about .....??? '
    On this car he's made a complete arse of himself and quite rightly prosecuted.
    His shite about immigrants encapsulates a deluded arsehole who thinks he's living in the 19th century along with that idiot of an MP who's talking like a Slave owning plantationist.

  10. #10

    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Why is it when one arsehole makes an idiot of himself and ends up in court and quite rightly gets convicted you hear the 'yeah but what about .....??? '
    On this car he's made a complete arse of himself and quite rightly prosecuted.
    His shite about immigrants encapsulates a deluded arsehole who thinks he's living in the 19th century along with that idiot of an MP who's talking like a Slave owning plantationist.
    I'm concerned about the double standards of so-called progressives. The fact that Depp was applauded at Glastonbury for advocating murder is deeply troubling. Surely all leftists and liberals must acknowledge that if there is one rule for progressives and another rule for conservatives then our legal system and our cherished freedoms are under threat.

  11. #11

    Re: Satire?

    Remember that Young Conservatives Rally in 1983 when Kenny Everett appeared on stage saying let's bomb Russia? As a double standards "leftist and liberal" I should have been foaming at the mouth about this advocacy of genocide, but the trouble was the event was televised and there was Everett wearing those huge hands making remarks which were obviously in jest - I was annoyed watching those pictures, but only because somebody who I thought was very funny had shown he was a Tory.

    As for Johnny Depp, I wasn't aware of what he said until I looked it up just now and I think there are similarities with the Everett situation. In saying that, what Depp says is obviously worse, but what he said was convoluted and began with him saying "I'm not insinuating anything". It was crass and it wasn't at all funny, but he apologised soon after for what he said, so I can understand why he wasn't prosecuted.

    What Everett and Depp said was filmed and this put them at an advantage over Viscount whatever his name is, because his comments appeared on a printed page and so there wasn't any chance of putting them into a more sympathetic context as you could definitely do with Everett and less so with Depp. There were also some distinctly dubious comments about immigrants and a similar threat against a second person from the Viscount who defended himself and claimed what he said was satire - this was deemed to be worthy of a prosecution and the fact that he was found guilty proves that this was a correct decision.

    What you said comes across as an argument that the convicted toff should not have been taken to court because a celebrity perceived as being on the left wasn't after remarks made at a concert - it's a pretty feeble argument really.

    Far better from your perspective surely would have been to ask us "progressives" if the people responsible for what Conservative MPs Sheryll Murray and Sarah Wollaston went through during the election campaign should be prosecuted if they are caught, my answer would be a definite yes.

  12. #12

    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    I'm concerned about the double standards of so-called progressives. The fact that Depp was applauded at Glastonbury for advocating murder is deeply troubling. Surely all leftists and liberals must acknowledge that if there is one rule for progressives and another rule for conservatives then our legal system and our cherished freedoms are under threat.
    Not really double standards, because the two things are not really the same.

    People have always had a pop at those who stand for high office and attain power.
    I'm not advocating murder or violence, but I doubt Depp nor Madonna were truly advocating violence. Just some kind of rebellious narrative. Daft ? I'd say so. If they were serious, or their words actually had any consequence - the then cart 'em off i say.
    They are both rather bizarre characters to my eye.
    People are very divided and angry about Trump, - why? because he and his team have set out to make the people divided and angry.

    Anyway, do you remember Donald - the man who is now bloody President himself - suggesting during an election rally that maybe the NRA members could work out what to do with Hillary ? (i.e bang bang .. )

    Nice. How does that sit with you? Good with that one?

    Back to the git in question - a person in a position of influence / office being a c*** towards a refugee, immigrant or immigrants in general is exactly what it looks like, and why he had his butt kicked for it.

    if he had been outspoken about Trump, it likely wouldn't have been taken any more seriously than Depp or Madonna or anybody else.

  13. #13

    Re: Satire?

    Am I Eric?

    If so it feels a bit weird to be called out for having double standards when I haven't said a word about either story. I don't even know why I would be compelled to stand up for Johnny Depp.

    If I am not Eric then carry on.

  14. #14

    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    The silence from Bob, Barry, Lardy and Eric is deafening.
    If I'm the Barry you refer too then no, I doubt Depp will be prosecuted. I wasn't even aware he'd said what he did, but having just read it I would say that what Depp said wasn't really comparable to the viscount. Depps comment and the context in which it was made was clearly a half arsed attempt at humour for which he's since apologised. The aristocrats words were from an altogether darker place, and he's even tried to justify them with a truly pathetic defence. My attempt at a thread was commenting on the typical arrogance he's shown.

  15. #15

    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    I'm concerned about the double standards of so-called progressives. The fact that Depp was applauded at Glastonbury for advocating murder is deeply troubling. Surely all leftists and liberals must acknowledge that if there is one rule for progressives and another rule for conservatives then our legal system and our cherished freedoms are under threat.
    Glastonbury is not what it like 20 years ago maybe there was a diff kind of "political agenda"
    20 years ago he would of been booed off the stage for advocating murder
    I agree with what you to say if a conservative made a comment like that he would be labelled a fascist

  16. #16

    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    I wonder if Johnny Depp will be prosecuted for saying that Trump should be assassinated?
    Talk about a straw man!

  17. #17

    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by CardiffIrish2 View Post
    Why is it when one arsehole makes an idiot of himself and ends up in court and quite rightly gets convicted you hear the 'yeah but what about .....??? '
    On this car he's made a complete arse of himself and quite rightly prosecuted.
    His shite about immigrants encapsulates a deluded arsehole who thinks he's living in the 19th century along with that idiot of an MP who's talking like a Slave owning plantationist.
    But enough about Dennis Skinner.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Satire?

    I think a lot of these on line posts from celebrities, politicians, and other luminaries are done in a haze of alcohol or some other mind warping state , humans have always rant without thinking , and lets be fair we probably would all like to offer our unguarded expletive views towards a lot of folk , however the PC world now constraints that .

    I think the odd rant is neither good or bad but ill judged ,sometimes very funny, I judge folk on their actions in an eye to eye situation , not their brave gob behind a keyboard .

  19. #19

    Re: Satire?

    The toff has got 12 weeks inside for it... hope he manages to smuggle in plenty of baccy.


  20. #20

    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by itkman View Post
    The toff has got 12 weeks inside for it... hope he manages to smuggle in plenty of baccy.

    just been beaten up in jail, such a shame

  21. #21

    Re: Satire?

    is he in prison for his racist views or is he in prison for making a threat of violence?

    He is perfectly entitled to hold his racist views and to make them known publicly - that is freedom of speech. In that respect his views cannot and should not be brought into the equation when considering whether his comments were equal to or worse than Jonny Depp.

    If you strip away the bigoted element of his comments then there is stark similarity between what has happened here and what Depp said at Glastonbury. This in itself is a worrying because it manifest itself as a society that allows threats of violence to go unpunished if there exists a given context or situation whereby those advocating such methods or threats can use the rational person argument to hide behind.

  22. #22

    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
    is he in prison for his racist views or is he in prison for making a threat of violence?

    He is perfectly entitled to hold his racist views and to make them known publicly - that is freedom of speech. In that respect his views cannot and should not be brought into the equation when considering whether his comments were equal to or worse than Jonny Depp.

    If you strip away the bigoted element of his comments then there is stark similarity between what has happened here and what Depp said at Glastonbury. This in itself is a worrying because it manifest itself as a society that allows threats of violence to go unpunished if there exists a given context or situation whereby those advocating such methods or threats can use the rational person argument to hide behind.
    Judging by the, err, judge's comments, it was his extreme racist views to Miller and the threat of violence to another person. But he also made other comments that he wasn't punished for. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say anything and it's fine, otherwise no one would go before the beak for libel.

  23. #23

    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by lardy View Post
    Judging by the, err, judge's comments, it was his extreme racist views to Miller and the threat of violence to another person. But he also made other comments that he wasn't punished for. Freedom of speech doesn't mean you can say anything and it's fine, otherwise no one would go before the beak for libel.
    Libel isn't a criminal offence. Tiss's comment was well made and you didn't really address what was written.

  24. #24

    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by severncity View Post
    Libel isn't a criminal offence. Tiss's comment was well made and you didn't really address what was written.
    I answered his question and then made another comment. I apologise if you are upset that I didn't acknowledge everything but I didn't feel the need to. I wasn't arguing against him or disputing much of it.

    I didn't know libel isn't a criminal offence. Why do libel cases go to court?

  25. #25

    Re: Satire?

    Quote Originally Posted by TISS View Post
    is he in prison for his racist views or is he in prison for making a threat of violence?

    He is perfectly entitled to hold his racist views and to make them known publicly - that is freedom of speech. In that respect his views cannot and should not be brought into the equation when considering whether his comments were equal to or worse than Jonny Depp.

    If you strip away the bigoted element of his comments then there is stark similarity between what has happened here and what Depp said at Glastonbury. This in itself is a worrying because it manifest itself as a society that allows threats of violence to go unpunished if there exists a given context or situation whereby those advocating such methods or threats can use the rational person argument to hide behind.
    "Extreme racial abuse", as defined by the Judge who sentenced him, points towards character though and I would say that it would be normal to factor such abuse in when considering a sentence for the sending malicious communications charges he was convicted of - whether it was appropriate to do so by the letter of the law or not.

    The fact of the matter is that Depp's rambling and unfunny "joke" about killing Trump, with it's oblique references to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, was deemed to be unworthy of prosecution by the same legal system that decided the Viscount should be prosecuted and the fact he is serving a custodial sentence proves that decision was a correct one - if the Viscount's "extreme racial abuse" was a factor in arriving at the decision then I've no problem with that.

    As I mentioned on this thread last week, the Toff's cause was probably not helped by the fact that, unlike Depp, his words could only be read - although I think it is a slight one, there is a possibility that, if what he said could have been viewed on, say, You Tube, then it may have given what he said a context that it lacked when it was presented in written form.

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