Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Steve R View Post
Nail in the coffin more like, the last thing we need anywhere over anything is civil unrest, there are consequences every time, like Organ said these groups are funded, the more trouble they cause the more they help tighten the noose on all of us.

Also, lots of them were uploading pics from their iphones, #hypocrites
They hand picked one of the most left wing cities in Europe, draft in rent a mob police from all over Europe who spend weeks provoking people. They then send in their agent provocateurs to kick it off and hey presto they can them push through legislation with the blame at somebody else feet (Divide and concur). Those doing nothing or marching peacefully are every way responsible if not more so. As mentioned above, peaceful protest and petitions will not see any significant change, history show us this.

Not sure how iphone or electrically equipment is hypocritical, there were 1000's of different groups there. Who knows maybe they had looted them. Why did you say hypocrites?